Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Samuel thought that HE was rejected.

Tom's Journal.http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/tschuckman@aol.com

My friend, Joe B., asked me to work up a post that integrates/ parallels modern day obozo-times with ancient day Israel.. Go to the Book of 1st Samuel, the 8th Chapter.
Verse 1 says: "And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons Judges over Israel."[KJV]. His 2 sons, Joel and Abiah grew to be wicked Judges [ a form of ruler in the land].... and they turned aside after illegal money, bribes, and perverted judgment. So the Elders of Israel came to Samuel and told him to "make us a king to judge us like the [heathen] Nations.' Samuel took that news hard, but Jehovah God told him that the people were not rejecting Samuel -- but God Himself! God told Samuel to give the stubborn, myopic people of Israel what they wanted. But be careful what you wish for-- you may just get it!

So Samuel did the bidding of the Lord but God had him tell the people of Israel exactly what the Lord said would happen IF and WHEN they got their king. The new king [who would be King Saul-- who started out as a good man, meek and mild, kind and 'goodly'] would latter demand all the men and daughters of the people-- ALL whom he wanted; the fields, vineyards, land, property, 10% of the goodies, taxes, cattle, asses, flocks, etc..... JUST LIKE THE KINGS OF THE NATIONS! Oh, the Israelites got their king alright... and then some... LOL. They rejected their good and holy God, broke their Covenant with Him, and replaced Him with a sinful, human ruler-- and we know that 'Absolute power corrupts-- Absolutely!" How many times have we endeavored to send a "good, honest"man to D.C. and in a few years he/ she got involved with immorality, cheated on their spouse, took bribes and got corrupt...?

Now... even as we humans were, and are imperfect sinful creatures, making mistakes every day of our lives, America ONCE had a good start with a well thought out U.S. Constitution in the late 1700's. It was not perfect, but most biblical Christians, IMHO, believed that we had a Covenant [promise/ contract] with the God of the Bible. And for the first 100 years things seemed to work fairly well and our once great nation prospered and we believe that 'God shed His Grace on America-- the USA!' We were protected, blessed with bounty and we also sent missionaries out to bless other nations, etc., even as we made some mistakes along the way.

But as different kinds of Socialism swept through most of Europe in the early 1900's, some of it infiltrated/ infected our own beautiful nation and took root with presidents like Wilson and FDR-- but I don't want to get political today, please, and both parties have hurt the working class, both grew corrupt, believe it or not. And the PEOPLE were swayed to desire a "free lunch", free benefits even if they did NOT choose to work, the influx of so many illegal aliens, greed from all angles and now the money/ debt, currency Melt Down. Friends, THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH! And now Europe is sinking fast and everyone knows it, and the smart folks know that what they are doing right now is only a temporary BAND AID, that will NOT STOP THE MELT DOWN FROM COMING TO OUR AMERICAN SHORES! Yes, our days are numbered as far as being a torch of Liberty as a 'Free Republic', God-fearing Society. Sorry folks-- this is NOT the time to do the 'ostrich act' and bury our heads in the sand, and pretend the hungry wolf will somehow move on. Our God-fearing life style in a free society has been HIGH-JACKED by the godless, hell bound Progressives-- another name for SOCIALISTS. Reject the godly way of life which includes hard, honest work -- for the Socialist god of the New World Order! Yes, be careful what you wish for, my fellow Americans!

When America scrapped it's 'Contract with God' and went rogue about 50 years ago with Roe v: Wade, murdering the innocent, gross practice of immorality/ Sodomy- the Gay agenda, common fleecing of the public, lying and theft, etc. Break a deal-- Face the Wheel.

Now... some folks THINK that they can help America to repent and somehow turn things around. Although God is a kind, merciful God and Just, He has got to be true to His own Word and Promises. He has promised to send back His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to take up/ Rapture all His elect, Believers and Servants! Enough warnings and Signs have been given to mankind in these "End Times" and God will keep His word and promises. A complete knowledge of the Bible is vital to understand why, how and approximately when these things will happen. I have actually posted messages like this HUNDREDS OF TIMES-- over 700 times, to date! Other biblical Christians have done the same and the InterNet has been a great 'tool' that we use, and we believe that God must have planned things this way. Before I used the computer-- I witnessed all the time, at work, on the street, with personal letters, etc. I have been blessed by God to have used me as a 'tool' to do His work. Thank you, Lord.

Socialism by it's very nature is Anti-Bible and Anti-God, and Anti- US CONSTITUTION! But the majority of Americans and the rest of the world have CHOSEN to elect a "king of Socialism" with too much power to ruin the USA [and I don't really care about his or her color or stripe, or political party!].

If you go to a quiet place right now and pray for the Holy Spirit to help you understand the Word of God-- the Bible, and you really mean it, your eyes are bound to be open. Read the whole Chapter of 1 Samuel, chapter 8, and compare for yourselves, please. It might take you about 3 whole minutes.
If you need more help and are humble enough to ask for it, you know my email address. Many of us mature Christians firmly believe that there will be more attacks upon Christians in the USA, and their truthful teachings... and our Freedom of Speech, on the computer/ Inter Net will be lost soon! What on earth are you waiting for??

Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman


Anonymous said...

Tom, God knew what has to happen the USA before before anything else can happen.
If one turns their back on Isreal it is the complete and utter distruction of the people and or country will be destroyed because Israel is the chosen people.

I find it very easy to post on Tom's blog.
All you have to do is click on the comment button after the post.
This will bring you to a different page with a box labeled "Leave Your Comment.
After you leave your comments then you [color=PURPLE] Chosen An Identity [/color]

I hope this will help.

Tom's Wife Sharon L. Schuckman

Carolyn said...

Hey Tom- what an excellent post! America sure has fallen far and will keep on sliding. It's sad, as this is NOT the country I moved to- but as sad as it is to see the mess, we knew it would be coming. And as your first comment said, our treatment of Israel has a lot to do with the state of things too. Yea, we can hear the Lord getting ready. God Bless and keep them coming! Thank you Tom!

Carolyn said...

Sorry Tom and Sharon, I just noticed it was Sharon who posted the first comment :-) Hi Sharon!