Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ignorance is no excuse.

Tom's Journal.http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/tschuckman@aol.com

Hats off and many thanks to my friend, Mike Hernandez, who posted this fine article on his own Blog! Thank you, Mike! Folks like Mike and Carolyn do tons of hard, exhaustive work and research to the benefit of US. His series on "modified, bungled, false 'Christian', apostate Bible verses, by incompetent or Satanic spirited men and women, ought to be VERY interesting. But the only way a person can figure this out is to READ/ STUDY the authentic, most accurate, true version of God's Word, the KING JAMES VERSION Bible..... but KEEP your old versions so you can see and compare. And there is no more guess work or excuses with the DEFINED KJV !
See: biblefortoday.org --- where you can get an inexpensive, hard back, medium print Bible for $15. And I am NOT selling them.

Tom Schuckman

Now that we have marked most of the verses we have found that have been modified from the different version, we are now starting to share them with you.

This article it one of many to come.

Also make sure you check back later today for more information on the Ground Zero Mosque.

Is Ignorance an excuse in your Modern Bible?

Does not work with God - Ignorance is no excuse!

The answer really depends

On which Bible you are reading.

Or should I say -

The English Standard Version ( ESV )

Mistranslations Take #1678

By Mike Hernandez

As you spend time deep inside the Word of God, yearning to know how one should live righteously before your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it can be frustrating and downright disheartening when you come across a passage that has been mistranslated either on purpose ( Westcott and Hort ), or through sheer ignorance.

Yet, we will see that according to the Word of God ignorance is not an excuse one can claim – even if the sin committed was not realized at the time of the transgression.

What exactly do I mean?

Click here to read the entire article...

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