Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wild Past Week.

Tom's Journal.

I sure had a wild week with all the "excitement", adventure, almost got myself killed again, etc.  Makes me want to step back and count my blessings, and also check out my body and mind... duh!!  Probably the LAST 'wake-up call' I will be getting...  
 The friends at church were happy to see me today, and walking on just my two canes --with my truck and scooter in the shop, and I think I am getting a bit better-- with Sept 14th being the 3rd month mark of knee surgery.  At my age of 62, I am seeing too many of my close friends struggling with their own challenges of poor health,  heart disease, poor lungs, cancer, arthritis, surgery, and having a decent job -- or not, etc.   Actually, do you even know anyone now days who is just bursting with joy and happiness lately???
     Personally,  I am fearful of seeing any more of my close friends die, but will know well how to treat it next time, and their families.  
     After turning my house upside down looking for the other truck key and not finding it, a friend said he would take me to Kenosha, WI., in the morning to pick up my truck while the shop is waiting 3 weeks for the parts to repair it [from Lansing, MI]--- to do my business, and I am thinking that IF they can't get me into my truck I might just break the rear side glass window and then have them repair it!   Any suggestions quick??  At the end of this Blog post, you need to hunt around at the bottom for the word: COMMENTS, and click on that to bring up a dialogue box with which to type in your comment, and then just 'send it.' --please.  This also a nice way of making friends with the Blogger-- ME!  I LIKE PEOPLE, and love to help them, if I can!  
    I was fasting the past 3 days after having the runs so bad all last week, and even the Imodium AD pills were not working so well-- so I just took away the "fuel from the fire" after having too many 'close calls.'  Had to quit my fresh fruit and water diet for a while-- 'too much of one good thing' -- Ha!  I started getting too dizzy for lack of real nutrition, IMHO, and ordered a small pizza, meat ball bomber and an Italian Beef sandwich, but after I took one bite the food was SO SALTY that I put it down-- but also seemed to feel full !  I hardly EVER even touch the salt when I go out or eat, or at home, since my youngest, nicest  daughter, Sarah, who at least leans toward the Christian teachings of the Bible -- got me on a natural diet that worked.   PTL.  I guess I will have to start cooking again for myself... 'Old Soldier Tom.'  But then you need to be more careful of taking your meds on an empty stomach and the side effects-- and that is why I was moving into the morning toast with honey and cinnamon on it to help 'cushion' the pills/ meds.
    Well, readers, I think that Irene has spent herself pretty much except for more rain and floods, so now what??   How about another earthquake in D.C...LOL ?  I am done seeing that Liberal meat market for ever, having been there 4 times.  I am excited about September and October with more BIG 'surprises...' especially from the Middle East and Israel... and I expect our economy  [USA]to get much worse here too.

Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman

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