Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving. 2011.

Tom's Journal.
  God bless Bob Hope

A great tribute for a great man!
Everyone should see this one; it's our heritage!! This is REAL history!!

I have just enough time to write this simple, humble post, and wish all my friends and readers a good, safe holiday!  I know that I am truly blessed -- even if I cry in  my beer too much and get depressed in being alone... but I have a cool dog to act the fool for me... lol.  There are definite things that are going to happen right after this holiday and people to meet.  And I hope to get stronger so I can pump iron better and more frequent at the Kenosha, WI  YMCA and enjoy the facilities and people there.

I was encouraged to read the 2 items down below, the one about real, effective prayer, etc.  I hope that you all get the most out of reading these items as I do, and they are usually very short and wholesome.   

I just opened a letter from Jan Markell's Understanding the Times-- Olive Tree Ministries, and "The Prophecy Clock Races in 2011."  Wow !!  It makes me want to really get MY act together instead of pursuing my quest for a LTR with some Christian lady-- if there is one for me.. lol.  I am NOT in any relationship at present.   I went to bed last night at about 6:30PM !  And Deuce the Rotty, woke me up about 4:30 so he could 'go outside' -- but then I just went back to bed trying to get warm under my 2 OD Army blankets--[security blankets.. lol], but ended up turning the heat higher, to 73.  Hey!  I'm not going to live uncomfortable in my own house and have the $$$ resources to pay all my bills on time every single month, and more, PTL.  
     Anyway, it's Thanksgiving, but the whole world is visibly sliding down that slippery slope, heading toward a ONE WORLD GOV'T, that the Vatican truly supports!!  The real Christian church [the good guys] are under attacks, along with the Jews in Israel, and something's got to give!  But today we will think about our blessings and be NICE to our families, and I will bring a cake and pies, and soda [maybe] to mom's house to share with the others.   My fondest wish is that all my friends and readers have a great day-- and STAY SAFE ON THE HIGHWAYS WITH ALL THE DRUNK DRIVERS ON THE ROAD, ETC.  

Big Bear Hugs, and Love,
Tom Schuckman
This pic was taken about 8 years ago... and I hope to get back to this weight in the next 3 months or less !!

Q.  I’d like to ask for your advice on how to pray the most effectively for a person’s salvation.  The Rapture seems to be breathtakingly close even if it’s in the next year.  People who are very important to me (members of my family and my best friend for example) aren’t saved yet. To tell [...]
Q.  You recently commented that there may be nuclear weapons fired at Russia and the coastal areas of Europe in the Ezekiel 38/39 event. You alluded to this by quoting Ezekiel 39:6 which reads : “I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coast lands, and they will [...]

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