Sunday, February 26, 2012

UN Treaty Gun Confiscation Vote Soon!

Tom's Journal.

From Eric Hovind:

Obama Backup Gun Grab: UN Treaty Confiscation Vote Soon! (Video)
Saturday, February 2, 2013 18:00
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(Before It's News) Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.
Mission Creep: Will the UN
On November 7, the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted 157-0 (with 18 abstentions) in favor of Resolution L.11 that will finalize the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in March 2013.
China, the United Kingdom, and Germany all voted to move the historic measure toward passage.
As we have reported, when the treaty was being deliberated in July, the United States was the only obstacle preventing the global arms control regulations from being imposed on the world.
Miraculously, however, all the points of the agreement Secretary Clinton found so distasteful in the summer were made so much more palatable after President Obama’s reelection, and every single attack on the right to bear arms remains in the version of the treaty approved on November 7.
Within hours of his securing his reelection, President Obama placed a late night call to the U.S. United Nations delegation ordering them to vote in favor of a passage of L.11.
As soon as news of the U.S. policy 180 was confirmed, a new round of negotiations on the treaty was scheduled for March 18-28 at the UN headquarters in New York City.

That was immediately followed by a press release sent out early the next morning from the United Nations General Assembly’s First Committee proclaiming the good news of President Obama’s go-ahead for the gun grab and setting the agenda for the next gun control conference.
Also kindling discussion among delegations was a draft resolution aimed at building on the progress made toward the adoption of a strong, balanced and effective arms trade treaty. That text would decide to convene the “Final United Nations Conference” for the creation of such a treaty in March 2013.
Also by that resolution, the draft text of the treaty submitted by the conference’s president on July 26 would be the basis for future work, without prejudice to the right of delegations to put forward additional proposals on that text.
The U.S. government was now placing its full weight behind convening a “Final United Nations Conference” for the proposal of a treaty imposing worldwide gun control regulations.
In July, 51 senators sent a letter to President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton encouraging them to “not only to uphold our country’s constitutional protections of civilian firearms ownership, but to ensure — if necessary, by breaking consensus at the July conference — that the treaty will explicitly recognize the legitimacy of lawful activities associated with firearms, including but not limited to the right of self-defense.”
The failure to pass an acceptable version of the treaty in July is in the president’s rearview mirror, however, as Reuters reports that “adoption of a strong, balanced and effective Arms Trade Treaty” could be imminent.
Reuters quotes Brian Wood of Amnesty International:
After today's resounding vote, if the larger arms trading countries show real political will in the negotiations, we're only months away from securing a new global deal that has the potential to stop weapons reaching those who seriously abuse human rights.
The definition of an “abuse” of “human rights” will be left up to a coterie of internationalist bureaucrats who will be neither accountable to nor elected by citizens of the United States.
With good reason, then, gun rights advocates oppose approval of this treaty.
After all, it does seem more than a little incongruous that a nation that places such a high value on gun ownership that it enshrined it in its Bill of Rights participates in an organization that opposes gun ownership so staunchly that it has an Office for Disarmament Affairs. An office, by the way, that the U.S. Deputy Director, Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Steven Costner, proudly announced would be moving from Geneva to New York City.
Lest anyone believe the U.S. delegation official’s promise to Reuters that “we will not accept any treaty that infringes on the constitutional rights of our citizens to bear arms,” consider the fact that a report issued after the conclusion of the last Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) conference in July listed the goal of the agreement to be UN control of the “manufacture, control, trafficking, circulation, brokering and trade, as well as tracing, finance, collection and destruction of small arms and light weapons.”
That is a very comprehensive attack on “all aspects” of gun trade and ownership. Notably, the phrase “in all aspects” occurs 38 times in the draft of the ATT. The United Nations will control the purchase of guns and ammo, the possession of guns and ammo, and any guns and ammo not willingly surrendered to the UN will be tracked, seized, and destroyed.
A question that must be considered is what the UN will consider “adequate laws.” Will the globalists at the UN consider the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms without infringement to be a sufficient control on gun ownership?
The effort at eradication of private gun ownership is more insidious than it appears, however. On page 25 of the 1997 UN Secretary General’s Report on Criminal Justice Reform and Strengthening Legal Institutions Measure to Regulate Firearms (of which the United States was a signatory), a part of the regulations agreed to by the United States is the administering of a psychological test before a person is cleared to buy ammunition.
Apparently, the UN recognizes that without ammunition a gun is no more than a club, so in order to effectively disarm a population, the UN does not need to seize all the weapons; it merely has to prevent purchase of ammunition.
How does the ATT (and the Programme of Action that undergirds it) propose to enforce this anti-gun agenda?
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Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.
This provision includes the deployment of UN peacekeeping forces in a member state to seize and destroy “weapons stockpiles.”
Again, no definition of stockpile, but by that time it will be too late to make that argument.
In order to assist these blue-helmets and their disarmament overlords in their search and seizure of this ammunition, Section III, Paragraph 10 mandates that member states develop technology to improve the UN’s ability to detect stockpiles of ammo and arms.
This will be made much easier when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) gets its hands on the portable invisible lasers developed by Genia Laboratories (a company created by CIA offshoot In-Q-Tel) that can detect even trace amounts of gun powder from over 50 yards away. The laser reportedly can penetrate walls, glass, and metal. DHS is scheduled to take possession of the devices before the end of the year, according to testimony presented on Capitol Hill late last year.
The UN’s effort to collect ammo from those they wish to oppress (a disarmed society is a slave society) is nothing new. The “shot heard 'round the world” on Lexington Green in 1775 was fired because British troops planned to seize the ammunition stockpile stored outside of Lexington.
Perhaps our reporting on the president’s late-night call putting the wheels of global gun control in motion will awaken modern Americans to the threat to our sacred Second Amendment rights. After all, it was a late night call that roused sleepy colonists in defense of their right to bear arms, as well. This time, however, it is not the British who are coming for our guns and ammunition, but it is the United Nations and agents of our own federal government.
Critical Reads: More Stories Mainstream Media Ignores By Josey Wales, Click Here!

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Total 28 comments
  • Holes look good in them there blue hats
  • Well he is king of the UN isn’t he? You all say,,null and void to executive orders from federal means,,he just wants to jump ahead to when a world council will decide matters, he believes it is your future, because very powerful men have told him it is your future, don’t blame him, just because he believes people who could kill whomever and however many people they want, and dummie amurikans would believe ohreally if he said green munchkins did it,,they control alot of what YOU think and believe too,,only you don’t realize they control it,,he’s been shown how they manipulate you pee ons,,so he believes they will eventually make the US under UN rule.
  • We need to kick the U.N. off our shores and tear down that old building. They have been more a pain in back side then they are worth. In my opinion.
  • I have been hearing of hundreds of armoured personel carriers and tanks and heavy artillary cars and trucks with U.N. logos being transported on railway cars all over the U.S. They mean business, unfortunatelly its gonna get bloody. BTW i have a great idea, and please pass this along. It is still easy too get shotgun shells and i can get them cheap, roughlly 6 dollars a box. carefully cut the shell in half and separate the powder into a container and the bbs in another. Then melt the lead from the bbs too make bullets and use the powder for the bullets. If you know anyone who has Re-Loader kits please pass this info along. ty and GL and God bless :)
    • You could get water pistols or water rifles and fill them up with pure nicotine. A single drop of pure nicotine on your skin will result in death within 15 seconds. Is that bulletproof vest also water proof?
      I guess they will now need to ban water pistols/rifles!
      • Interesting.
  • :mad:
    Within hours of his securing his reelection, President Obama placed a late night call to the U.S. United Nations delegation ordering them to vote in favor of a passage of L.11.
    As soon as news of the U.S. policy 180 was confirmed, a new round of negotiations on the treaty was scheduled for March 18-28 at the UN headquarters in New York City.
    If these statements are true, it is incumbent upon every American elected representative to introduce articles of impeachment to remove individuals who participate as signatories of these documents, UN actions, or proceedings for the United States.
    This crosses the line, and each individual who participates in UN actions which infringe the rights to Keep and Bear Arms per 2nd Article of Amendment of the U.S. Constitution must be prosecuted for Treason without delay.
  • I get such a laugh out of all of you paranoid idiots. Bwahahahahaha!! The boogie man is going to take away your guns!! BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
  • Passage would be an act of treason and any enforcement would be a tyranical act by the Federal government. And that is why The Second Amendment is in place!! Foreign and Domestic!!
  • Poor blue headed dummies don’t know what they’re getting themselves into…coffins…
    • Anonymous loves the false apostle Paul/Saul of Tarsus who is a Pharisee. Chill bonehead because your beloved Master says all in government are of God. So if you find yourself about to be killed by those of God, just know that those in government are not a terror to good works. :lol:
      Besides man your Master Paul/Saul of Tarsus says Gentiles belong where the bodies of sacrificed beasts are burned. You got it pretty good compared to where the Pharisee would like to have you be, assuming you are Gentile.
  • The Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution renders any treaty that does not comply with the US Constitution moot, null and void, and unenforceable. PERIOD!
  • On Dec 17, 2009 Obama’s EO 12425 and 13524 granted the UN Interpol full immunity for search and seizure on our soil along with placing our civil jurisdiction and legal defense subservient to the UN.
    So, after passing the UN Gun Treaty and without touching the constitution, I believe the UN can order your home bulldozed to seize weapons and even if they find nothing your complaint can only be addressed by the UN courts in Brussels.
    And some of you call these crooks dumb!
    Do the research before responding
    • One major problem with your analysis obama has been incontrovertibly proven a usurper, illegal alien, Indonesian citizen, british subject an emanate national security threat infiltrating enemy foreigner aiding his new world order banker handlers is “against the law” so all of obama’s appointments and EO’s are null and void, period. china elites want to control the American peoples land and are complicit in debt raping America to enslave and conquer us with help from the u.n communist banker group of circle jerks. They our enemy want completion of one world communist government. It’s all been a blatant in our face enemy conquering tyranny takeover looking directly down their noses at the American people.
  • If so I’m going to start me a nice little blue helmet collection.
  • Get gun powder and oil and spills it around your garden and around your house, so the dogs/pigs/devices dont know where to look/smell. Get non gun owners to do it to (or just deposit a little powder/oil somewhere in their house/toilet when they dont know. Rub it in under a sink or the roof of a cubboard.
    Perhaps cut out metal shapes that look like guns and put them randomly in your walls roof floor etc around your house. Give them many ghost signals to contend with. Then demand compensation when they smash walls etc to get them. :lol:
  • I dont know where else to comment to this web site, but this website has been blocked by Face Book. Not just me but others are saying also. I use Google Crome, and just signed in with Explorer to see what is going on. Its warns of Malware, and my Avast keeps going on blocking risky connection, hope to see you back on FB soon, or I’ll have to find a new server. Sorry this is off topic. Cheryl
  • The resolution explicitly states that it is “the exclusive right of States to regulate internal transfers of arms and national ownership, including through constitutional protections on private ownership.”
    Relax dude, the only people that have to sweat is those that trade on the black market…… The Obama regime might liberally interpret what the UN voted on but the letter of what the law is going after drug cartels and international black market arms dealers….
    Next time you think its a fart make sure it really is that way ya don’t have to change your panties.
    If Obama fool succeeds in banning AR15s or other firearms then we may effected. Our real fight is taking care of the protection of the Second. As long as we succeed in doing so NATO stays out of our bees wax.
  • “Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.”
    The author did not bother to read the document for himself:
    SECTION III, p. 7 and 8 “7. States should, as appropriate, enhance cooperation, the exchange of experience and training among competent officials, including customs, police, intelligence and arms control officials, at the national, regional and global levels in order to combat the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects.
    8. Regional and international programmes for specialist training on small arms stockpile management and security should be developed. Upon request, States and appropriate international or regional organizations in a position to do so should support these programmes. The United Nations, within existing resources, and other appropriate international or regional organizations should consider developing capacity for training in this area.”
    I am not for arms confiscation in contradiction to the Second Amendment. The ban on automatics should be repealed.
  • It’ll be a cold day in the underworld before that will be allowed by the American Patriots!
  • They must be really scared if their attacking BIN, hardly anyone on here. Imagine the crimes they have committed to be scared of the few people cracking wise on BIN, I almost feel sorry for them, with so many crimes the politicians and cops are committing their consciences are going to be keeping them very busy, like a puppy chasing its own tail. The cops have a problem with their little ‘cop helper’ people, most of these kids in their 20′s are already brain damaged by something, and will probably turn on their ‘cop buddies’ in the near future, especially when the cop helpers start seeing their compatriots turning up dead, killed by cops, as soon as it occurs to one or two to open their mouths, but with average IQ’s of 70 that might take awhile.
  • I wonder why politicians and cops want or wanted to be criminals so badly? What’s the lure?
    • dj
      Money, power, and threats

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Snow on Sunday!  Get used to it, Old Soldier Tom...  LOL!  Personally, I think that Iron Mountain, MI., is having a "mild Winter" this year...  but I don't mind the snow so much -- it's the ice that gives me pause.  As I've already said before,  this modest town close to the WI border has it's own VA hospital, YMCA, and KFC Chicken, so.... what's not to like??  After I get my Oxygen set up again [been without it for almost two months-- not good], for my nightly sleep, and a few more amenities, plus some warmer weather, I should be even MORE HAPPY!

Attached is a picture of the 'love of my life'-- hope to get married soon,   my dear, Terri.  We already picked out an engagement ring a week ago,  and put money down on it, etc., are very much in love and want to solidify it legally.  I have never met any other woman with so many good, spiritual attributes, and it seems-- all nine "Fruits of the Spirit" mentioned in Galatians, Chapter 5, verse 22!!   Terri dwarfs me in intellect, common sense, IQ, and everything good and noble!  Kind of like that song.... 'You've got to go thru hell-- before  you get to heaven...'   I just hope I didn't let the "cat out of the bag too prematurely-- too soon" by posting a picture of us together, but we are more than friends and want to do the 'right thing' and we are old enough to do what we think is best for US!  My people, friends and family, worry about me getting burned again, as I am very sure Terri's relatives worry about her too.  Those who KNOW ME, understand that we are both so very happy, and we both deserve each  We both ask for your prayers and well wishes for a very blessed, happy, union and life together, as we study God's Word daily, and seek to do His will.

So, we have 3 dogs now, and think that we might want to give the youngest Boxer female  to a GOOD HOME only, although not in any oparticular hurry... but all 3 dogs get along well and play in the back yard with glee.  My Deuce, the Rottwieler,  has a limp, but we think that it will cure and heal come warm weather, we hope and pray.  Deuce the Rotty, has been a loyal, faithful friend of mine when I had two hard to swallow deaths in my personal life last year-- losing my dear wife, Sharon,  on April 9th,  and my only, dearly beloved son, Andy, in the month of May 10th...  sorry to repeat that history, but it seems like not that long ago.   Some of my smart friends have told me that, "God had to close one door-- before He could open another door" for me, and many people believe that Terri was/ is a 'gift from Heaven', when I needed her most.  And how could I really appreciate her-- if I didn't have a few 'failures'  before I met her, with greedy, gold digging, women who came and went out of my life, these past few months...??  Most we in the skin game for the hot, tasty meals, dinners, and a few ripped me off -- in goods and money--  but I don't care all that much, except that I have learned much from the "School of Hard Knocks."  And the good Lord will judge us all-- soon enough, IMHO.

The woman I do really love is now reaping all the good, honorable benefits, and future Chrysler Humana Health Insurance as soon as we tie the knot, which is so important now days, when Health Care coverage is very important for folks over 50 years old.  I have been doubly blessed to have FULL Health Care  COVERAGE from  both the VA [being a  disabled  Combat Vietnam Veteran: 68-70], but also FULL COVERAGE thru Chrysler-- having worked hard for 30.5 years on the line, in the hot, poisonous, dirty auto Terri,  as it should be.  And please don't use the term:  "LUCKY"!  It was NOT luck that I labored all those years, working with perverts, murderers, child molesters, jail birds,  people who smoked right on the assembly line, most of the years I had to work there,   nasty people, yet with some great friends too,   for over 30 years at AMC/ Chrysler, to get the 'bag of silver' at the time of my retirement, October of 2002, at the age of 54!!  It was NOT luck!  Also my tenure in the U.S. Army, in the States, Germany and then 2 tours of Vietnam, flying in helicopters 7 days a week-- and it was the hand of God that  protected me while serving in aerial combat, dodging bullets,  rockets,  RPG's, etc.: 68-70  -- not luck!    Indeed, I was a worthless, vile, selfish,  sinner man-- but God knew my heart as I searched for the 'Truth that sets men free' -- that God would "use me" --AFTER HE CLEANED UP AND REFINED ME, ACCORDING TO HIS  OWN  STANDARDS...   for something good and profitable,  in the future!   I now see that there is an open, full, fertile field here up North in the U.P. -- the 'Frozen Tundra !!"  sharing the Word/ Bible, etc.,  Salvation from the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ!   --and not just fun and games with my dear Terri, altbough  God has allowed her to change me into a better, nicer, joyful, happy man, and save me from being a sorry, hurt, damaged,  recluse of a broken man.   Hey!  I have warm clothes, and we don't have blizzards all year long... lol.  Life is good!  Even if the price of gas goes up and up.  The people in the USA just might see the light --- for a change,  and understand what evil politics are working behind the scenes.    And more people will see and learn the Truth of the Bible, and that is where I come into the picture, I hope and pray.   I can figure that out  -- and if I pray before I go to bed-- God WILL answer my prayers and show me the way, the next morning, if I am humble, clean, have a pure heart, and Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.

I wish you all well, even some of you who have forsaken me because of my blunt, forward, direct, "No-Baloney" ideas,  and belonging to the camp of educated Christians who believe that the Rapture "COULD COME ANY TIME NOW -- THAT ISRAEL CAN AND MUST DEFEND ITSELF AGAINST ALL HER ENEMIES THAT SURROUND HER NOW WITH SO MANY TANKS, WEAPONS AND ROCKETS!!!  Fact:  It will be by the Hand of God and God's protection, that Irael will not only survive -- but prosper in the future !!  I am betting all my money on that idea--- and the Bible tells me so.  Friends,  I have never wanted nor tried to offend anyone -- but speak the truth as I see it.  I am a very imperfect, human, sinner, who constantly prays and begs for God's peace, mercy, understanding and forgiveness.

Have a great sunny day, my friends.

Tom Schuckman

1 comment:

Helen said...

Sorry Tom I must not be doing something right because I can't find a picture. I am glad that you are taking Duece with you and that he loves it. May God send his blessings upon you and your Terri and give you both a beautiful life. Helen