Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To Prepare-- Or Not to Prepare.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/ tschuckman@aol.com

Hi Folks,
I have my own ideas and opinions, and can quote favorite scriptures too on this subject.   Of course, 2 Corinthians 5:7 has much merit as we MUST trust in the Lord's promises, and not so much by our own hands, mind and skills, money, etc.  On the other hand the book of Proverbs tells us to 'look to the any-- who toils/ works hard all Summer, to put away food for the Winter, etc.'  But on the other hand, we do well to put all of our Faith and Trust in the Lord, and ought to read/ study His Word DAILY!! 
   And then,  2nd Corinthians 3:10 says,  "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."  HA!!  In America today, that would apply to 50 % of our lazy nation!!!  It's not that they cannot work -- but they choose not to work to sustain themselves with 4 th Generation Welfare Queens who have more than me-- who worked most of my life for Chrysler Motors in Kenosha, WI.  I remember one time about 1973 the the Lakefront Plant down near Lake Michigan wanted to add a 2nd shift that required an additional 350 people -- and us older guys with more seniority witnessed dozens of guys that never returned from lunch break -- because the "work was too hard...."  -Ha!  We got paid a good working wage - but they worked us like dogs!  Many we jealous of our pay and great medical benefits -- but not all could keep up with that unforgiving assembly line.  I worked for over 30.5 years and retired at age 54 --with full benefits, and never looked back -- except that I made a few good friends for live over the years. 
      I owe much of my 'hard work ethic' to my parents who also worked hard all their lives.  My father owned and worked a small 80 acre beef and grain farm in South Eastern Wisconsin [the best years of my life--high school years...] and also was a foreman at the 2nd largest Crane Company in the world, Harnishphaeger Corp, in Milwaukee, WI.   My brother Albert and I were the only boys in the family so we did the lion's share of working the land, crops, beef cattle, hogs, etc., every single day.  I had 3 sisters too.  And the ONLY REASON I LEFT THE FARM to join the U.S. ARMY, was because I wanted to go to college so bad but just didn't have the money for books and tuition, so I figured that the Gov't would teach me some skills to better myself -- and they did. 
   I always encouraged my 3 kids to further their education, and two of them did, and did well!  But the Bible says, 'What profit a man if he gain the whole world --yet lose his soul.. ever lasting life?'   I was blessed enough, even though I was a wild one when I was younger-- to find the Lord [or He found me], and now finally totally understand the 'whole picture' of God's Love and Kindness...  See: John 3:16, etc.   I read and pray every single day, and have given myself to the Lord as a servant for whatever He wants me to do -- what ever mission is in store for me.  "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."  ~Philippians 1:21.  ALL real, bible loving Christians know that this life on earth is only temporary at best, and we have the firm hope and promise of living in heaven after our Resurrection, or RAPTURE !!  Wow!  And yet most lazy Americans and countless other heathen nations actually make fun of the Bible and Jesus, and also shun and curse the "APPLE OF GOD'S EYE --ISRAEL!  See: Genesis 12:3, please. 

Folks,   sorry if I sound like a broken record -- but our time is short and so is the devil's time to do his damage.  My main thrust on earth now, even being moderately disabled with arthritis, and many fractured bones, etc.... is to reach as many curious, ignorant but interested good people in what ever time the Lord has allowed me to live/ and serve.    I know that heart disease runs in my German-American family, and I am over weight -- but I quit smoking in 1973, and quit drinking all hard liquor too.  I might only have an occasional glass of table wine with my meal... sometimes, maybe.   I really need to just drink water!   I know that anything could happen to me at any time, and them my wife would get every treasure that I have -- IF for some reason she is 'Left Behind.'   I am training, and studying  the Bible with her daily, if she can afford the time to sit down and participate... 
   Sorry to say that most people don't have that hot, deep interest and desire to put som many hours into Bible study....  but I worked hard all my life -- and this is part of my retirement.    Even so, I have many other hobbies, like wood carving scriptures into wood, plaques, figurines, etc., playing guitar, writing my humble Blog and email, etc., to name a few. 

More later,
Bear Hugs,
... Me is D.C. @ the Vietnam Wall Monument >>> in about 1997.

To Prepare Or Not To Prepare

Q. This evening a friend of mine related what a pastor and his wife said to them over dinner. He told them that, as Christians, they need to start preparing for the worst as things are going to get real bad, real fast after the election. He said believers should store up food and hoard what they have, and pull all their money out of the bank and hide it. This is nothing less than frightening. How does he know this? Is he right–should we all be doing this?

A. A growing number of religious and secular observers are predicting that things are going to get much worse soon. They’ve come to this conclusion because current trends are not showing any improvement and since they don’t think anyone has any real solutions to the world’s problems, they believe things will get worse, not better.
In my opinion, the real question in not whether we should prepare for this. The real question is how we prepare, and that’s determined by our world view. A secular world view is based on self reliance and argues for stocking up and hunkering down. A Biblical worldview favors reliance on the Lord and following His instructions. In Matt. 6:19-34 the Lord told us not to store up treasure on Earth and not to worry about tomorrow. He said to seek His kingdom and His righteousness and all our needs would be supplied. Paul said believers are to live by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7) In other words, we shouldn’t react to the conditions we see or fear, but should trust in the Lord to keep His promises.
Sad to say, a great majority of Christians, and even many pastors, have a secular world view. But if things get as bad as some experts are predicting, no amount of preparation and storage will see them through. Only faith in the Lord will suffice, and the sooner we get used to living by faith the better prepared we’ll be no matter what happens.
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