Thursday, December 20, 2012

Time on Earth is Short.

Tom's Journal.

I 'procured' this cool picture from FB just now and it struck a chord in my heart.  So you can guess what I will carve in wood next...ahem... James 4:14.   I just love the King James version Bible's translation here as it just has that correct, pure ring to it!!   I am so very thankful to be where I am right now in the main stream of time, and in my physical location, and with the soul mate I am with.   I can dredge up so many sorry stories of places I was years ago, too many times in my life [and even homeless for a few days in the Winter of 94- in Cold Milwaukee--what a shame no body gave a  hoot weather I lived or died].   And then shortly after that I got recalled back to Chrysler Motors Corp., in Kenosha, WI. remarried, and lived better than ever before!  But I still had too much pride to swallow as the Lord was putting my feet to the fire and refining me -- and still is.   God most certainly loved/ and loves  me a lot, to forgive, take me back, correct me, straighten me out and then BLESS ME with all kinds of riches that will not rust or blow away!   A real Spirit anointed Christian KNOWS that he / she will go to heaven, for a fact!  If  you don't know that truth for sure, or a little hazy, please get the correct info or check out a real Bible teaching church, like the one we attend U.P. in the great Northern Woods-- upper Michigan.  Or email:   -- or I can put you in touch with my good pastor too...  Kevin Sullivan.   -- Even though our TV needs repair and my 4 WD is somehow messed up or frozen again, RIGHT WHEN I NEED IT THE MOST!!  And we got a ton of snow and cold U.P. here @ Iron Mountain, MI 49801 !

Well, we won't starve... in fact I really need to go on a Fast, and then a strong diet... again,  stop eating for a week and pump iron at the Gym in town!   Terri is working steady now and her feet hurt and ache, yet she is so busy doing her chores here and there.  I sorely wish I could do more, and will try harder tomorrow. 

You know, just like the modern Shakespear movie a few years ago that catapulted a few young stars to fame -- the KJV Bible is the same "Old English" written/ translated in the same year that William Shakespear was walking on earth, performing for the Queen of England!  It has a special lilt and flow, beautifully poetic way to it, and is most charming -- but perfectly pure and accurate to!  If it's hard for some to understand, that means they will have to 'learn a new language' to get the pure rendition of God's Word, but isn't it worth it ???

Don't  you just love that picture and caption?  "Time on earth is short -- Eternity is Forever."   And then,  'Life is a Vapour'  ~James 4:14.

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 

  -  James 4:14
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

- James 4:14
· 22 minutes ago

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