Sunday, July 28, 2013

Obama Wants War in America!

Tom's Journal.

Hi Folks,
I'm afraid that our whole situation in America, the land that I love and fought for -- has come down to THIS !  Even if you are an optimist it is ever so apparent that Obama wants and is working/  pushing toward a WAR IN AMERICA !!   He is supposed to be an American president-- and not a racist!  And the Congress IS COMPLICIT ! ! !  I feel that after you've read this article, you will agree with me that WAR is going to come, eventually, and Obama would like that to happen right now!  Sorry.
    It's the age old story about 'gun control.'  IF, IF we honestly trusted the Gov't to be God-fearing, Bible loving Patriots, we would all turn in our guns -- in the theory that everyone who stop the violence, robbing, rapping, aggressive, UN-Christian behavior !  But the criminals and thugs WOULD NEVER TURN THEIR GUNS IN !!  So there can never be any sort of guarantee of total 'PEACE AND SECURITY.'  ONLY GOD IN HEAVEN CAN DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT, and He will, soon enough!  But our Lord in Heaven knows that there can never be a  Paradise on Earth with violent, angry, sin-laden punks on it....  so He has promised to "REMOVE" the lawless, sinful, punks and criminals FIRST.   Simple enough??   Before that God wants to make sure that we all understand His concept and reason for a BIG 'Cleaning Up Program.'  It's all written, easy to read, in the KJV Bible, good friends.... and usually written on a 5th grade reading level.   Thank You, Lord !   Yes!  And our gracious Lord ALWAYS gives ample time with many warnings before He let's His Mighty Hammer down.  He gave me, sorry, old Tommy Schuckman, MANY CHANCES, and thank God, I finally got my act straight-- but still working on it, bless my soul.....

How can I [WE] repay God for His kind and gentle mercies and Grace ? ?  By learning, reading, studying His own Word, the KJV Bible  [see: ], and SHARING IT WITH OTHERS.   If you had the cure for cancer or diabetes,  would you not want to share it ??  Well.... Ever lasting life in Heaven is worth sharing, right ?  Salvation through Jesus' blood Sacrifice is FREE, so how could we ever ask for money or pay?  Our reward will be great in the end -- and what about the nasty alternative..  hell... NO THANKS, I'M DRIVING THAT DAY.   

Please share this humble Blog with others if you see merit.  "You received Free  -- So give Free."   

Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman   

I am also skilled in throwing tomahawks and knives -- as a hobby.

Barack Obama Wants His War & Won’t Give Up Until He Gets It

barack-obama-b-wI have never desired anything in my lifetime nearly so much as to never have to speak or write these words. Events in our nation remove any choice but to speak the unspeakable and write them.
Wars and battles throughout history have been fought by those who would have chosen peace if that choice was available to them. When war is waged against a people, their only option are death, subjugation or victory. The war may not be of your choosing, but the consequences of either submission or defeat will surely become both your destiny and your history.
John McCain has declared the U. S. a battlefield, and Hussein Obama has signed ‘Battlefield Legislation’. Although in the public’s perception, this and similar statements are about terrorist, reality is far different. The U.S. is to be a battlefield for a coming war between Americans and simultaneously a faction of Americans against Muslims. The seeds of the coming war have been sown in the rich soil of racial distrust and enmity, fertilized by high unemployment, and soaring inflation affecting a majority of poor black Americans, and tended by money-seeking race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
The publicity around Trayvon Martin’s death and the intentional misrepresentation of the facts surrounding it by the mainstream media was not accidental. Ever the willing tool of the Obama administration, the mainstream media offered up a catalyst to bring Hussein Obama’s efforts toward total racial division to fruition. Did you think that preaching of race hatred by the bigoted racist Jeremiah Wright an anomaly? Wright and others of his ilk put to shame the best efforts of robe-wearing Ku Klux Klansmen in fomenting racial hatred in preparation for this war.
Obama’s self-insertion into the Zimmerman/Martin incident was carefully calculated and goal oriented. The desired result was achieved as woefully ignorant people were swayed to believe that Zimmerman was a racist who ‘profiled’ Martin and marked him for death. Post-verdict racial harmony is absolutely the very last thing that Obama wants because it does not serve his ultimate goal – the destruction of America.
Hussein Obama’s quest for gun control/gun confiscation is concurrent and compatible to racial division designed to equalize a numerically inferior force. The mounting effort to end ‘stand your ground’ laws is meant to bring about a state of armament superiority to the numerically inferior force. Law-abiding white Americans are expected to surrender their weapons and flee assaults and invasions by blacks who will not give up their weapons.
The war is fast approaching. There will be no non-combatants, and even the naïve, politically uninvolved will participate. You have already been assigned to side. Your uniform was issued to you at birth by your parents; it is simply the color of your skin.
It does not matter to Hussein Obama which side wins or loses this war, he cares nothing for either side. For Obama, it serves the greater cause of Islam and the preeminent goal of the destruction of America. The stupidly liberal people who voted for ‘hope’ and ‘change’ will finally experience both: the ‘hope’ of surviving this war and the ‘change’ of the face of America forever.
The Marquis de LaFayette said of America, “Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country.” Obama has set the stage to take both your liberty and your country, if not your life.
I offer you these words by M. Scott Peek, “The whole course of human history may depend on a change of heart in one solitary and even humble individual – for it is in the solitary mind and soul of the individual that the battle between good and evil is waged and ultimately won or lost.”
Prepare yourself for the coming battle, for come it will, and it will leave no American untouched.
This article first appeared on Lady Patriots. Larry Fontenot is a staff writer for Lady Patriots and a guest contributor of The D.C. Clothesline.
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One Response to Barack Obama Wants His War & Won’t Give Up Until He Gets It

  1. ihatelibs says:
    I agree one hundred percent. Theres hundreds of folks that say Im nuts. That’s ok. Im STILL buyin Ammo, Stockin Food, and anything else I can think of when, not If it comes. Problem is, how do we get All of us Patriots to Act and assemble in groups when the time comes. That is what OBOGUS is Banking on. I for one, am Bankin on NOT running out of Anything we will need to Survive the Coming Revolution, which Im sure of 99%

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