Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hero Ranger Lieutenant in Jail !

Tom's Journal.

There were many fine, accurate, comments, on the TPP [Tea Party Patriots] web site today and yesterday, concerning the Army Lieutenant, Michael Behenna, who was sentenced to 25 years for "killing a known terrorist in Self-Defense !"  
    We have many honorable Veterans, and other Patriot Americans who have joined the TPP's org., who like to contribute, and 'stay in the know.'   I joined just to 'stay in the loop' of current information and to contribute and help with advice, if I can.   Please look into this situation and help, if you can.

I will have a struggle today, getting dressed for church and just walking, today!   I don't know how I messed up my back, but it hurts big time today and yesterday!!   And, WOW, the weather has turned very cold U.P. here,  too!   Otherwise, things are going well in our household, PTL,  Thank You,  Lord! 

I started keeping a written Journal in my later high school days, on and off, on my study Note Books, but really got into it after I [and 6000 other people] got laid off from Chrysler, back in 1989.   I wish I would have kept a Diary while over in Vietnam, that could have been the basis for a book!  I had a good buddy,  Walter E. Weber,  a fellow door gunner, from the 240th AHC, who kept a good diary,  but he passed away a year or two ago, after a bad stroke and heart problems....  what a loss...   We got together several times after the war, including a vacation in D.C., etc., and had a ball !!  He had a sweet wife named Mary, and we all enjoyed out food and drink, in the old days.   It kind of scares me, how many good friendships I had in the "old days" and those  young Veterans are dead already!!  I will be age 65 on Feb. 20th, 2014, and with all my past travels and super active life, I do feel every year --- I feel very old, and full of hurts and discomfort.  The good part is that I have Jesus Christ in my heart and being, and He is my personal, Lord and Savior !!   There is no way a person can "earn" being Saved !!  It's FREE!!   My mother still thinks that a person 'has to earn, by special works, with a holy, flawless past life, to go to heaven....   but, of course, she is wrong, and has never read, nor studied the Bible.....  even if she is legally blind, now days a person can listen to the Bible on tapes, CD's, and other ways of communication...  or just listen to others who KNOW !  Still, I love her dearly, as she has been very good to me, over the years, and I call her several times a week to visit her. 

And I know that I have a bad habit of digressing in my blog, jumping too much from one subject to another.  Yet, I get many kind, nice letters and posts of thanks, and interests,  but wish people could figure out the simple way of "leaving a comment" ON THIS HUMBLE BLOG, at the end of the post.   I know how to do it, and also comment on other peoples' blogs, etc....

As for Army Ranger 1st Lieutenant Michael Behenna,  all of my learned friends think that he got a raw deal, and we are determined to see that he gets his due justice !!  Please share this, as I doubt we will ever see or hear of this matter on the Lame Media 'News' channels.

Tom Schuckman

Army Ranger 1st Lieutenant Michael Behenna Sentenced to 25 Years for Killing Known Terrorist in Self-Defense

8 hours ago by Pamela Geller

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While GITMO enemy combatants are freed only to go back to the killing fields of jihad, our boys rot in prison for fighting these savages.
On March 20th, 2009, Army Ranger 1st Lieutenant Michael Behenna was sentenced to 25 years in prison for killing Ali Mansur, a known Al Qaeda operative while serving in Iraq. Mansur was known to be a member of an Al Qaeda cell operating in the lieutenant’s area of operation and Army intelligence believed he organized an attack on Lt. Behenna’s platoon in April 2008 which killed two U.S. soldiers and injured two more. Army intelligence ordered the release of Mansur and Lt. Behenna was ordered to return the terrorist to his home.
During the return of Mansur, Lt. Behenna again questioned the Al Qaeda member for information about other members of the terrorist cell, and financial supporters. During this interrogation, Mansur attacked Lt. Behenna, who killed the terrorist in self-defense. The government subsequently prosecuted Lt. Behenna for premeditated murder.
Not only is this a miscarriage of justice on the behalf of Lt. Behenna, who was acting to prevent further loss of life in his platoon, it is demoralizing to the U.S. troops who continue to fight on behalf of the freedom and security of our nation. Whether it is U.S. border patrol agents, members of the armed forces, or FBI agents, no individual who is serving on the frontlines in the War on Terror should be so blatantly mistreated.
A note from Michael Behanna's parents -
Please consider sending Michael a card, a letter, or even a money order (for snacks and phone calls) during this upcoming holiday season.  We promise you it will make Michael’s day!  Michael’s address is:
Michael Behenna  87503
1300 N. Warehouse Road
Ft. Leavenworth, KS   66027-2304

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