Monday, March 24, 2014

April 24th, 2014.

Tom's Journal.

A very long read...  but I am not willing to gamble with my family's future.   I have been wrong many times in my life, but this stuff makes good sense to me.   See if this long article has merit enough for you to share it with others.   For many people, circumstances are just so harsh, that they are already caught in a deep trap of bad debt,  with no hope of getting out, and they are just barely surviving NOW !!   Not to worry --- left to themselves,  things WILL get worse...  sorry.   The God of the KJV Bible is actually the only way to salvation, in the long term, and things happen for a reason.   

I do not get any pleasure from seeing other people suffer,  and I need to tell all of you folks that I have suffered, big time, too, with times and happenings too embarrassing to tell, or post on this humble Blog.   I and my wife are doing well right this minute, but who really knows what will happen on the morrow??   The book of James has much to say about that stuff.   God will not leave all of His servants in the lurch,  but most of us will experience some hardship, before we are Raptured up.    I have to also work on putting ALL OF MY COMPLETE FAITH AND TRUST IN THE LORD,  100%, ALL THE TIME !!   For many of us, that will prove to be hard and difficult.  Prayer and the Holy Spirit, can and will help us.   For some folks [and I know a few], just being Saved leads them to believe that they have everything all sewed up and in the bag.   That is dangerous thinking, friends!!    Constant Bible study and memorization ought to be more practical.  
     PLEASE, pray for me too, because I was born worried and anxious !    I have my own fears and phobias too.     None of us has it made in the shade---  but true Believers do have God's promises ! 
     If this business doesn't come true,  I intend to celebrate BIG TIME, by inviting my friends over for a cook out !!



On April 24th, 2014, China
will unveil a secret new
financial weapon, built to
bankrupt millions of

A decade in the works, this unique weapon will disrupt nearly every aspect of normal American life, with potentially devastating results. Learn what you absolutely must do now to prepare and protect your family…

Hi, my name is Matt Badiali.

I'm a Senior Analyst at Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, the largest independent financial research firm in America.

I've put together this presentation today because I want to show you a startling development, out of China.

In short: I have found an overwhelming amount of evidence that China is putting the final touches on a brand new type of secret financial "weapon," with the capability of upending the world's monetary system.

How and why is this happening?

Well, it's no secret that the United States is stuck with an enormous debt we can never realistically repay...

…and that China (by far our largest creditor, now holding nearly $1.5 TRILLION worth of loans to our federal government) is stuck with an outstanding loan they can neither get rid of, nor collect.

The Chinese realize we are both trapped.

So the Chinese government is now taking a secretive and somewhat radical approach. And that's exactly what I want to tell you about today.

We believe that they have recently put into place a covert plan to get back as much of their money as possible. This plan will extract enormous sums from both the United States government, and ordinary citizens like you and me.
How do I know this?

Well, over the past five years, my firm has sent more than two dozen of our analysts and researchers all over Asia… from mainland China to Hong Kong... Vietnam… Korea… the Philippines… and most recently Singapore, gathering bits of information along the way.

And now, I believe we have figured out exactly what the Chinese are going to do, and when they're going to do it.
That's the purpose of this presentation.

Now maybe you don't care about international debt, currency wars, or battles between the world's most powerful and egotistical central bankers.

I don't blame you if that's the case.

But there's one very important reason for you to be concerned about what China is planning next…

Because it is going to directly affect you, you money, your family, your retirement, your home, and your future.

Now, some people think China will simply dump their mountain of $1.5 trillion in U.S. debt, in an attempt to destroy the U.S. dollar.

But that will never happen.

Because that would hurt the U.S… sure… but it would hurt China almost as much as it would us.

So instead, the Chinese are taking a radically different approach...

They are finalizing the plans on a radical new type of secret financial weapon.

And this new type of secret weapon is very different from anything we've seen before.

I believe this weapon will possibly be unveiled in April, and it could destabilize the United States in various ways.

It could cause markets to crash, at least temporarily.

The U.S. government will suffer a major embarrassment as Americans – and the rest of the world – see that China has been playing the U.S. like a fiddle.

Most importantly, regular Americans will start to lose faith in our currency.

Even if you don't listen to the rest of this presentation, I hope you will remember that part – because, long-term, it will affect your investments, the value of your home, and your ability to have a secure retirement.

I realize this might sound a little hard to believe.

After all, how could the Chinese government actually keep something as big and potentially game-changing as this a secret?

Well, the truth is, they haven't.

For more than a decade, the Chinese government has published reports about the existence of this secret program in official, state-controlled newspapers and wire services. Officials have even publicly demanded more money for its development.

In fact…
* In early 1990s, the Chinese government began quietly laying the groundwork for their new financial weapon, making a series of dramatic changes to their financial system. The moves were announced in China's official newspaper, but were barely noticed in the West. I reviewed hundreds of articles in a historical database, and the only mention was a 148-word item published in the Wall Street Journal on October 1st, 1993.

* In 2000, they made its development official as part of China's "five-year plan," the country's most important policy document. China's CCTV called it a "pivotal year" and industry hailed the acceleration of the weapon program.

A top private sector official with close ties to the government program called the developments from 2000-2008 "staggering."

Then came the biggest announcement

* In April 2009, Chinese officials shocked the world with their announcement of the advancement of this new type of financial weapon, which had essentially doubled its capabilities in six years, taking its place as one of the most powerful weapons of its kind in the world.

* In 2011, the People's Daily – an official propaganda mouthpiece for the Communist Government – reported plans for the program to accelerate even further.

* In January 2013, a senior Chinese official was quoted by Bloomberg as saying the already powerful financial weapon was "too small" and should be built up further. And…

*In October 2013, the Chinese government made its most shocking statement yet. The government used an editorial in its state-run news agency, Xinhua, to call for a "de-Americanised world" – a barely concealed message about its intent to use this new and radical weapon against the United States.
So as you can see… this is a very real development, which has escalated dramatically in recent years.

But here's what the Chinese government DOES NOT want you to know… and what most major news outlets are afraid to tell you…

I believe that China could unveil this powerful "secret weapon" as early as April 24th, 2014.

Several other experts have picked up on this idea as well. A New York Times best-selling author is predicting nearly the exact same timeframe and said China's financial attack will be "an earthquake."

* Business Insider called it "the elephant in the room" for one of the world's most powerful market forces.

* The Huffington Post writes, "It's amazing how little of the wider public are aware of what China is really up to here."

* Barron's reports that the idea that China is developing this "ultimate stealth weapon" – once limited to a few obscure blogs – now "has a mainstream following."

But while other sources have briefly mentioned this secret weapon's development, almost no one has put it all together.

And that's the purpose of this presentation today.

Over the next few minutes, I'll show you:

* Exactly what kind of financial weapon the Chinese have developed. And how they've used secret shipments, government fiats, and their 1 billion citizens to build it.

* The overwhelming evidence that China could unveil this weapon as soon as April 24th, 2014.

* Most importantly, how this situation could directly affect you and…

* What you can do to protect your savings and even profit.

I would simply like to show you the facts, via what's available as public record.

Then, you can decide for yourself.

And… I want to make one thing clear before I continue: I DON'T blame the Chinese for what they are doing. Not one bit.

In fact, although I know this will sound very controversial... and perhaps even unpatriotic, or "un-American," I want to make it clear that I would do the exact same thing if I were in their shoes.

Our own government has essentially backed the Chinese into a corner, and we have left them no choice (I'll explain what I mean in a moment).

The main thing the Chinese have kept secret is just how big – and how powerful – their secret weapon is. But that aspect of this story is relatively easy to reconstruct for anyone willing to do the legwork.

It is revealed in government documents that must be published, by law, in Hong Kong (a Chinese territory) and by looking at where billions, even trillions of dollars are being shifted inside China.

As any journalist will tell you, "Follow the money."

As I mentioned, as China's plan plays out, and their weapon is put to use, I believe we'll see a major shift in the world's monetary system. We could see a precipitous fall in the U.S. stock market, and a major disturbance of the U.S. mortgage and bond markets.

This, in turn, could affect everything about our normal way of life.

Let me start with what we believe the Chinese have planned, possibly as soon as April. Then, I'll explain exactly how it will likely affect you and our country. And what you can do about it.

Here's the full story…

How we lost $500 Billion

I know it might be a little hard to believe that any country, even one as secretive and power-hungry as China, could actually sabotage and take advantage of a nation as powerful as the United States.

But you have to keep in mind: This isn't the first time this has happened.

Currency wars and battles of central bankers are more common than you think.

Most Americans probably don't remember this, but we experienced something similar (although on a much smaller scale) in the late 1960s and early 1970s…

As I'm sure you remember, after World War II, the U.S. dollar was actually backed by something real… instead of just a government promise. Back then, our currency was backed by real gold. And as a result, the U.S. government owned two-thirds of the world's gold.

It wasn't just a powerful national asset... It was also the basis for the world financial system.

Every world currency was defined in terms of the dollar. And the dollar, in turn, was defined as 1/35th of an ounce of gold. In other words, it took 35 dollars to buy one ounce of gold.

Ideally, this relationship would keep our government money-printing in check: Since dollars could literally be exchanged for gold, the government couldn't just print all the money it wanted.

But that wasn't the case…

For one thing, only foreign governments could exchange money for gold – not U.S. citizens. FDR had taken away that right decades earlier.

And because of the dollar's special status, the U.S. could settle its payments to any country by just printing more to send overseas. Everyone else had to use gold.

So we sent our dollars overseas.

And foreign governments had to watch as the dollars they held become worth less and less by the day. Sounds very much like today, right?

Well, these foreign countries eventually got fed up.

In 1965, French President Charles de Gaulle took $150 million of his country's dollar reserves, and demanded that the paper currency be exchanged for U.S. gold from Ft. Knox.

A Time magazine article written that year about De Gaulle's assault began, "Perhaps never before had a chief of state launched such an open assault on the monetary power of a friendly nation."

Of course, De Gaulle was simply doing the rational thing. The U.S. had spent decades struggling to maintain the "official" gold price of $35 an ounce. It even set up an international "gold pool" to dump gold onto the markets every time the price threatened to rise.

But France pulled out of the gold pool. It knew the $35 fiction could not continue and that gold was worth far more on the open market.

The $150 million it withdrew in 1965 is worth $53 billion today.

And France was not the only nation to do this...

Spain soon redeemed $60 million of U.S. dollar reserves for gold. And many other nations followed suit. By March of 1968, gold was flowing out of the United States at an alarming rate. In fact...

It's estimated that during the 1960s and early 1970s, we essentially gave away about 2/3rds of our nation's gold reserves... around 400 million ounces... all because the U.S. government was trying to defend the U.S. dollar at a "fixed rate" of $35 per ounce of gold.

We gave away 400 million ounces of gold and got $14 billion in exchange. Today, that same gold would be worth $486 billion... a 3,468% difference.

In 1971, it reached a breaking point.

De Gaulle actually sent a French battleship to New York, loaded with $191 million in cash to withdraw gold from the New York Federal Reserve bank vault.

Then, on August 11th, the British ambassador in Washington received instructions from London to redeem $3 billion of gold from the United States Bullion Depository at Fort Knox.

Four days later, President Nixon went on live television before the most popular show in America (Bonanza) and announced a new plan:

The U.S. gold window would close effective immediately – and no nation or individual anywhere in the world would be allowed to exchange U.S. dollars for gold.

The "gold standard" was dead.

Within about three years, America was in its worst recession since WWII, with an oil crisis, skyrocketing unemployment, a 30% drop in the stock market, and soaring inflation.

And millions of Americans got a lot poorer, practically overnight.

Europe simply refused to keep buying into our insane and corrupt monetary system, and started acting in their own self-interest.

And that is EXACTLY what China is doing today, except the stakes are much, much higher, because China is a much more powerful adversary.

China is now engaged in a full-fledged "currency war" with the United States and the U.S. dollar.

China isn't hiding this fact at all. A top Chinese central banker recently told China's official, state-run news agency that the country is "fully prepared" for the coming currency war.

The ultimate goal, as the Chinese have publicly stated, is to create a new dominant world currency, to dislodge the U.S. dollar from its current reserve role. Doing so will enable the Chinese to get back as much of the $1.5 trillion the U.S. government has borrowed, as possible.

And here's the most important part...

Understanding how the Chinese will execute this "currency war" over the next few years will likely mean the difference between the opportunity to make extraordinary sums of money, and potentially losing a fortune.

You may not think a "currency war" matters much to you as an ordinary citizen.

But I can assure you, this war will affect nearly every American man, woman, and child, whether you like it or not.

China has been preparing for this currency war for more than 30 years. And they will play their "trump card" – sooner than you think.

Here's what we know…

146,300%... the most important
number in China

For most of the 30 years since the start of the country's "Reform Era" in 1978, China has been selling (exporting) more goods than they've imported.

And the way it works in China is simple: When a business earns dollars by selling overseas, it hands that money over to the People's Bank of China (or PBOC, the country's central bank), in exchange for Chinese currency (called either the ‘yuan' or the ‘renminbi') at a fixed rate.

There's nothing fair about this. The Chinese people do all the work, and the Chinese government keeps all of the money. But that's the way it goes.

So for the past 30 years, China has piled up a massive amount of U.S. dollars and other foreign reserves.

At first, the dollar inflow was small because trade between the two countries was tiny. In 1980, for example, China's foreign currency reserves stood at approximately $2.5 billion.

But since then, the amount of foreign currency reserves held by the Chinese government has gone up nearly every year... and now stands at $3.7 TRILLION.

That's a 146,300% increase! It's simply astonishing to look at the chart of the increase in currency reserves since the early 1980s...


The group that manages these massive reserves is the "State Administration of Foreign Exchange" or SAFE.

And for the past few years, SAFE has had one big problem: What to do with so much money?

What SAFE decided to do with most of these reserves is to buy U.S. government securities (notes, bills, and bonds).

As a result, the Chinese have now accumulated a massive pile of U.S. government debt.

In fact, 60% of China's currency reserves are in dollar-denominated assets, including a record $1.3 trillion in Treasury notes and bills. The next biggest chunk is in the Euro.

And while the Chinese would love to get rid of these U.S. dollar holdings, since interest rates are close to zero, they are essentially stuck.

You see, if the Chinese starts selling large amounts of their U.S. government bonds, it would push the value of those bonds (and their remaining holdings) way down.

It would be like owning 10 houses on the same block in your neighborhood... and deciding to put five of these houses up for sale at the same time. Imagine how much that would depress the value of all the properties, with so much for sale at one time.

So last year, SAFE did something absolutely remarkable.

They opened an office on Fifth Avenue in New York. This office had one purpose: "To invest in private equity, real estate and other U.S. assets."

Not paper promises, but real things whose value can't be manipulated.

"The move by [SAFE], which oversees the world's largest stockpile of foreign-exchange holdings, comes as it steps up diversification away from U.S. government debt," the Wall Street Journal reported.

Chinese companies are wise to this strategy, too. In 2012, the Chinese conglomerate Dalian Wanda bought AMC theaters for $2.6 billion. In September, a Chinese company bought America's largest pork producer, Smithfield, for a whopping $7 billion.

Chinese investors are spending billions on U.S. real estate, too. The iconic 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza in New York, where David Rockefeller once ran Chase Manhattan Bank, now belongs to the Chinese.

But all those purchases pale in comparison to what the Chinese government is secretly orchestrating at the exact same time.

China knows that as long as we continue to print and borrow unfathomable amounts, their U.S. dollar holdings will become worth less and less. So the Chinese want to trade their depreciating dollars for any "real" asset they can find that will better hold its value.

So they're making a move far bigger than buying movie theaters or buildings.

China's Big Secret... Revealed

It was no surprise to us when, in 2011, China became the No. 1 buyer of gold in the world.

For many people in the gold market, this was a big shock – India has always been the world's leading gold buyer. In India, people traditionally save and display their wealth in gold. Their entire financial culture is based on gold.

Historically, silver has played the same role in China... but not anymore.

Of course, China is also producing the most gold in the world each year... by far. And every single ounce that gets produced in China – whether it's dug out of the ground by the government or a foreign company – must by law be sold directly back to the government.

And here's the main reason:

I believe with 100% certainty that the Chinese are now clearly on a path to accumulate so much gold that one day soon they will be able to restore the convertibility of their currency into a precious metal... just as they were able to do a century ago when the country was on the silver standard.

Back then, of course, China was a complete mess, looted and humiliated repeatedly by Russia, Japan, the British, and the United States.

But today it is a very different story:

Now, China is one of the fastest growing economies on Earth, with the largest cash reserves on the planet. And as befits a first-rate power, China's currency is on the path to being backed by gold.

China desperately wants to return to its status as one of the world's great powers... and they recognize the enormous power of having a dominant world currency.

The Chinese know that in a time when nearly all governments around the globe are printing massive amounts of currency, backed by nothing but an empty promise, China can gain a huge advantage by backing their currency with a precious metal.

A century ago, China used silver to back their currency. Today, it appears they have chosen gold... and as a result, they are buying up the world's gold supply.

* China is attempting to "corner" the gold market.

As the great financial historian Richard Russell wrote: "China wants the renminbi to be backed with a huge percentage of gold, thereby making the renminbi the world's best and most trusted currency."

Christopher Potter, president of Northern Border Capital Management summed up the situation in an analysis for the Lehrman Institute:
First, the scale of China's gold initiative is unprecedented in world history.  This alone should make us take notice.  Second, China is signaling that the currency wars of the past decade are changing.  Soon, the battle will be influenced by gold.  Here in the West, we cling to the notion that our experiment with floating exchange rates and unreserved currencies will somehow save the day… China suffers from no such delusion.  It is voting with its wallet that the experiment has failed.  It is preparing for the demise of the U.S. dollar.
Again… maybe you don't think these international currency wars affect you. But I promise you… what the Chinese government is doing right now will affect nearly EVERY American, in a big, big way.

Over the next few years, this may cause some assets to skyrocket, and others to plummet. Even if you buy gold itself, you must know what types to buy and how to do it safely, as I'll show you in a moment.

Obviously this will have major implications for you and me.

Now maybe you think I'm exaggerating when I say China is trying to "corner" the gold market.

But take a look at a cable that was leaked by the U.S. embassy in Beijing and released by Wikileaks a few years back.

This cable was prepared by the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, and was sent back to officials in Washington, D.C.

The embassy was reporting on a recent report about China's National Foreign Exchanges Administration. The cable quoted the China Administration as follows:
"China's gold reserves have recently increased. Currently, the majority of its gold reserves have been located in the U.S. and European countries. The U.S. and Europe have always suppressed the rising price of gold.

"They intend to weaken gold's function as an international reserve currency. They don't want to see other countries turning to gold reserves instead of the U.S. dollar or Euro. Therefore, suppressing the price of gold is very beneficial for the U.S. in maintaining the U.S. dollar's role as the international reserve currency.

"China's increased gold reserves will thus act as a model and lead other countries towards reserving more gold. Large gold reserves are also beneficial in promoting the internationalization of the RMB [China's currency]."
And of course, this is simply what the government is saying...

But remember: No government – or any savvy investor for that matter – wants to announce publicly what they are doing, not when they are in the middle of such a major investment play.

So instead of simply relying on what the Chinese government is saying, we think it is much more telling to look at what the government is doing.

And here the evidence is overwhelming...

China's secret plan, in action

You can see the Chinese government's covert gold plan in action if you take a careful look at three simple things:
  1. The Chinese government's massive and secretive purchases of gold.
  2. Their "concealed" stakes in many foreign gold mining firms.
  3. And their ongoing changes to the international gold system.
First, have a quick look at how the government is purchasing gold on the open market...

                 Step #1: Buying up all the gold they can,
                                         at home and abroad

We can say with near certainty that the Chinese government has been secretly purchasing massive amounts of gold in recent years.

That's because we know for a fact, according to the most recent figures, that China produces more than 400 tons of gold a year – that's almost 60% more gold than Australia, the world's 2nd largest producer.

And remember, by law, ALL of this gold must be sold directly to the Chinese government.

No gold mined in China... not a single ounce... is allowed to leave the country.

It all goes to the government's reserves.

Yes, the Chinese government allows foreign companies to enter China, and to form joint ventures with local Chinese firms.

But even so: While foreign companies are free to mine as much gold as they want in China, every single ounce must be sold to the Chinese government, at current market prices.

So the government is piling up every ounce that's mined in China... at least 12.8 million ounces a year (the equivalent of 400 tons).

And that's just the beginning...

We can also say with near certainty that China is also buying massive amounts of gold from the IMF and other sources, but keeping these purchases secret.

We feel confident about saying this because this is exactly what the Chinese did back in 2009.

If you remember, back then, China suddenly announced that its gold holdings had risen by 75%, because of secret purchases that took place between 2003 and 2009.

These purchases moved China into 5th position on the list of countries with the most foreign gold reserves. But keep in mind, even with these giant purchases, China's gold holdings still account for less than 2% of their foreign reserves. That's a pittance when you compare it to places like the U.S. and Germany, which hold roughly 70% of foreign reserves in gold.

In short, we believe China is at it again.

China is importing over 100 metric tons of gold a month through Hong Kong. As Reuters reported, "China's net gold imports from Hong Kong hit a record high of 136.185 tonnes in March."

And the mega-buying continues…

Net Imports through Hong Kong have exceeded 100 tons a month almost every single month in 2013.

China imported well over 1,000 tons of gold from Hong Kong alone in 2013. That number is up from 2012, when China imported a record 834 tons – in turn, nearly double the imports in 2011.

This data, of course, comes from the Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong government. The Chinese government, on the other hand, does not make such information public.

In fact, the Chinese have not announced their gold reserves since 2009. And when you look at the massive amounts of gold "disappearing" from the world markets, it's obvious that the Chinese must still be buying.

As Reuters suggested in an article that detailed the sale of 130 tons of gold to "unnamed" buyers: "among the most likely candidates is China, which has the largest currency reserves, at $3.2 trillion."

We know that the data from Hong Kong does NOT tell the whole story. As Mineweb – a well-known mining industry publication – put it:

"China also imports gold through other routes, notably Shanghai – and… total import figures now look likely to be nearer 2,000 tonnes. Some analysts put them even higher."

Remember, when China last revealed their gold reserves in 2009, they had "official" holdings of 1,054 tons. They're now importing nearly double that amount in a single year.

And when you add it all up, our conservative guess is that they've probably accumulated another 3,000-4,000 tons since their last announcement – more than tripling their reserves.

Of course, when you are buying this much gold, it's almost impossible to keep the entire thing secret. That's why many stories of China's secretive purchases have been mentioned in the mainstream press...

* For example, CNN Money interviewed Boris Schlossberg, then the director of currency research at Global Forex Trading, and reported that:
"China is considered a stealth buyer of gold... As the world's largest producer of the metal, China often buys gold from its own mines and doesn't report those sales publicly. Analysts suspect the country is continuing to buy gold and could in fact, be the world's largest buyer consistently. It simply doesn't reveal it's pro-gold stance... Announcing an aggressive gold buying spree is not in China's best interest because, for one, it might push gold prices higher. Secondly, it could devalue the U.S. dollar, which would subsequently lessen the worth of the country's portfolio of U.S. government bonds."
* Forbes also quoted William Purpura, one of the world's leading authorities on the subject. Purpura was Chairman of the COMEX Governing Committee, and he said China makes it a practice to camouflage its gold purchases by not reporting them so as not to affect prices in the market.

* And as Business Insider put it last year, "China's undeclared official gold reserve purchases remains an elephant in the room in the gold market with very little coverage of or analysis of the People's Bank of China's quiet and untransparent accumulation of gold."

China even had the audacity to partner with a U.S. company as it builds the gold stockpile that will torpedo the dollar.

A company called Coeur d'Alene mines is selling gold produced at a huge new Alaskan mine directly to the Chinese.

"The gold concentrates produced at Kensington will be processed by China's largest gold producer China National Gold through an agreement that is the first of its kind between a state-owned corporation of the People's Republic of China and a U.S. precious metals mine," Mineweb reports.

Keep in mind, Coeur d'Alene isn't doing anything unpatriotic. They're just selling their gold where it's most in demand – China.

In fact, China offered the company a very sweet deal. Most gold producers have to wait 3 months while gold is processed and refined to receive payment. Coeur d'Alene is getting paid just seven days after shipment for raw "gold concentrate."

Of course, not every ounce of gold that's imported goes directly into the People's Bank of China's storage vaults. Some of it goes to industrial uses, individual investors, and China's flourishing jewelry trade.

But no one knows how much the PBOC is absorbing. We believe it is at least 4,000 tons in total, since 2009.

What we do know is that China is importing thousands of tons and exporting ZERO. Every ounce of gold that goes into China stays there.

Forbes ran a story following China's 2009 announcement that stated China could amass some 5,000 tons of gold over 5 years. I would not be surprised if China amasses double that amount.

In fact, Jim Rickards, the currency expert who called China's coming gold announcement "an earthquake," believes they've already surpassed 5,000 tons.

He told one source:
"I have spoken to a number of sources in Asia. I've spoken to a number of people who are very close to the physical market, I've done my own investigations, etc. Every time I have an estimate and try to verify it, what I get back is that I'm wrong on the low side."
We think James Rickards is right. We believe the Chinese have probably amassed way more than 5,000 tons of gold already.

Just look at the simple math:

The thing to remember here is that if China is going to continue to purchase massive amounts of gold, the last thing they want to do is make this information public, until they really have to. The less they say, the cheaper the price they have to pay.

The point is, as my multimillionaire colleague Chris Weber wrote:

"By consistently accumulating all the gold they produce, and most likely buying more in global markets on any dips, they [China] are saying much more than any official statement ever could."

So that's one way China is trying to corner the gold markets... with massive and secretive government purchases of gold mined in China and elsewhere around the globe.

Here's the second thing the Chinese are doing...
Step #2: Quietly buying up massive
amounts of gold in the ground

The Chinese government is now in the process of quietly buying up part or all of dozens of the best gold mining companies around the globe.

The government basically has a slew of investments in the gold markets, which it reveals as little information about, as possible.

For example, very few investors realize that the government's China National Gold Group Corp (CNGGC) owns about a 40% stake in an overseas investing arm, China Gold Intl. Resources Corp (listed in Toronto: CGG).

China National Gold Group is trying to vacuum up gold assets in Canada, Australia and Africa. Its latest move is a potential bid to take over the $1.7 billion Platreef mine in South Africa from a Canadian company, Ivanhoe Mines. It also bought a 95% stake in another Canadian company, Mundoro Mining, a few years ago.

Most investors also don't know that the China Investment Corporation, which manages $575 billion worth of government money, has major stakes in some of the best mining companies in the world, including:

* Anglogold Ashanti: 100,000 shares

* Kinross Gold Corp: 250,000 shares

* Gold fields Ltd: 350,000 shares

* Teck Resources: 101 million shares

Those figures are as of 2010 – the last time I was able to find when the secretive "sovereign wealth fund" revealed its holdings to the SEC. It may have acquired more big mining stakes since then.

And it gets even more complicated...

China's biggest state-owned gold companies are fully acquiring and buying equity stakes in several dozen other gold mining firms.

For example...

In 2012, Chinese gov't-owned Shandong Gold Group (the 3rd biggest producer in China) bought a controlling stake in Australia's Focus Minerals for $228 million.

Then there's the state owned Zijin Mining Group (China's biggest gold producer by market value), which said it would spend as much as $2.6 billion a year on acquisitions.

Zijin recently gobbled up Australian gold miner Norton Gold Fields, and took a 60% stake in the gold company called Altynken LLC in 2011.

And keep in mind, the Chinese government, via Zijin, has already bought major stakes in a slew of gold mining companies in recent years, including:

* Long Province Resources

* Gold Eagle Mining

* Inter-Citic Gold

Zijin may even be targeting Iamgold (IAG), one of the largest gold producers on earth, with a market value of $2.4 billion.

As Bloomberg reported: "[Gold mine] takeovers and asset purchases by producers based in China and Hong Kong rose to a record $2.24 billion this year, beating last year's record $1.96 billion."

And these are only the deals the government WANTS to make public.

The Chinese government has quietly made dozens of gold acquisitions that we know about, and could have many more in place they haven't yet revealed.

The point is, when you look at the gold China already has in reserve... and look at what it controls that's still in the ground... the Chinese might already have more gold than any other nation on Earth.

And that brings me to the third thing the Chinese are doing to corner the gold market...

Step #3 Corning the gold
​infrastructure market

Right now, the Chinese government is reinventing both their own internal gold markets and also the international gold markets as well.

Here's what I mean...

For decades, Chinese citizens were barred from owning physical gold under penalty of imprisonment. That lasted until 2002, when China began aggressively opening up its gold markets. Then, in September 2009, China became the only country in the world that I know of to actively promote gold ownership to its citizens.

In fact, the government started a major campaign to encourage all citizens to buy gold. Locals can now buy gold bars, which come in four sizes, at ANY Chinese bank in the entire country. If you don't think that's unusual, try buying gold at ANY bank in the United States, and watch the funny look you get from the teller.

The government has also set up thousands of gold "stores" around the country, which look like jewelry stores, but instead sell bars of gold.

As Forbes reported at the scene of one such gold store:

"The crowds surge shoulder to shoulder... It's one dramatic example of the gold craze in China, which is officially and unofficially promoted by the Communist government."

Simon Black, a fellow financial writer and trusted source, also visited one of these Chinese gold stores a few years ago, and said:

"On the inside, these gold stores look like jewelry shops – armed guards, glass viewing cases, etc. But instead of diamond crusted earrings and white star sapphires, you see bars. Lots of bars.

"...all with cash... the inventory was flying off the shelf."

China is the fastest-growing market for gold jewelry, too, accounting for 518 tons in 2012. The Chinese demand higher purity gold than in other countries: More than 80% of jewelry in China is pure 24-carat gold.

And in 2010, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) – the largest bank in the world by deposits – launched a remarkable new kind of account.

The "Gold Accumulation Plan" averages the daily cost of gold and makes automatic investments in physical gold every month.

More than 5 million people signed up for the accounts in the first two years. In increments as little as a few grams a month, ordinary people accumulated more than 64 tons of gold in the first two years. That number has surely skyrocketed since then.

Why would the Chinese government do this?

Well, China wants to control the world's gold markets. And if they can get Chinese citizens to purchase large amounts of gold in the coming years, it gives the government the potential for easy access to several hundred more tons. Remember, this is a Communist country. They could ask their citizens to sell all the gold to the government, or could even confiscate it if necessary.

You see, just like the United States, the Chinese government has a history of telling citizens how much gold they could own, and at what price.

Here's a famous photograph from a 1949 issue of Life Magazine, of Chinese citizens rushing to exchange currency for gold. In an effort to promote confidence in their currency, the government offered citizens the chance to exchange currency for gold at a rate better than could be found on the black market, but had to quit the offer after just 21 hours because of the hysteria that ensued.
Another photo from June of 2013 shows pretty much the same thing:
More than 10,000 people lined up to buy gold during a special promotion. Customers were limited to just 15 minutes inside the store.

The point is, the Chinese government has turned their population into gold-crazed investors and savers.

And they've taken further steps too.

* In 2011, the Chinese made available the first yuan-denominated spot gold contract, called the Renminbi Kilobar Gold. Dow Jones MarketWatch reported that analysts see it as "a step toward making the yuan a global reserve currency."

* In 2012, the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) became the largest trading platform for physical gold in the world.

See, exchanges like COMEX in New York still trade far more gold on paper. Chinese consumers don't want paper contracts for gold they'll never see.

During a recent surge in Chinese gold buying last April, the SGE traded 80 times more real, hold-in-your-hand gold than COMEX.

* Last year, China eclipsed India as the world's largest consumer of gold. Gold consumption in China was up 50% in the first half of 2013 from the previous year. China will be the No. 1 consumer from now on.

* A private firm just built a vault in Shanghai that can safely house 2,000 tons of gold, double China's already soaring annual consumption.

And the Chinese are doing more too…

Did you know, for example, that the Chinese just purchased the largest gold vault in America?

I mentioned earlier that the Chinese bought an iconic New York skyscraper – the Chase Manhattan Tower, built in the 1950s by David Rockefeller.

What you might not know is that building houses the world's largest gold vault – longer than a football field and anchored to the bedrock five stories beneath the city's streets.

The building's architect has written that it was built to withstand the effects of a nuclear bomb.

It's located right next to the vault owned by the New York Fed. But this one belongs to the Chinese.

They've also purchased one of the most important precious metals exchanges in the world… perhaps THE most important precious metals exchange.

On June 15th, 2012, the Chinese purchased the London Metals Exchange for $2.1 billion.

Naturally, China beat out NYSE Euronext (which owns the New York Stock Exchange) and Chicago's CME Group (which owns NYMEX and COMEX) in the bidding war for the 135-year-old exchange.

Forbes noted it was the "most expensive bid ever for an exchange... shifting the global hub for metals trading to the East."

They added: "As the world economy muddles through, China is consolidating its international position in the world of financial markets."

It's amazing, isn't it?

In the United States, the government dismisses gold as barbaric relic.

But in China, the government encourages citizens to do everything they can to acquire more gold.

Clearly, you can see that the Chinese government is determined to make gold a much bigger part of their financial system in the coming years.

There's no denying that China has built a powerful "secret weapon" in the form of its massive gold stockpile.

And in a moment I'll tell you exactly how to protect and potentially even grow your savings when China launches its financial attack.

But first I want to show you why this situation is so urgent.

The result: How China will shake
the gold markets in 2014

All the evidence I have studied indicates that China could possibly deploy their secret weapon this year.

I believe this financial reckoning for the United States could come on or around April 24th, 2014.

The announcement would be five years after China last revealed the status of their massive gold "weapon" – and these five-year cycles have major significance in China.

Every major Chinese policy is laid out in a series of "five-year plans."

The date also comes shortly after five-year plans are typically approved in March, and at an important time for world markets – as "first quarter" news is still streaming in.

China's Communist Party Congress also operates on a five-year cycle, with major meetings – called "plenums" – each year.

As Business Insider reports, there's a pattern to what takes place at these plenums:

The first one is for introducing the new leadership.

The second one is about appointing personnel and strengthening the Communist Party.

And the third one is about policy – the one where "new leadership has basically consolidated power and can introduce a broader economic and political blueprint."

That "third plenum" just took place in November. And the big message was economic reform – opening up China's markets, and popping a possible Chinese housing bubble.

CNBC reports that when millions of Chinese soon shift from real estate to gold, it could send gold prices much higher, making China's weapon much more powerful.

But here is the important thing – and the reason why China could really launch their weapon at any time they want.

The weapon is ready.

The announcement of China's new gold hoard could send shockwaves through the financial markets, and eventually make China and the yuan even bigger players at the international table.

International banking expert James Rickards compared it to a game of Texas Hold ‘Em poker:
You want a big pile of chips. The U.S. has a big pile of chips, Europe has a big pile of chips. The U.S. has 8,000 tons of gold, 17 members of the euro system have 10,000 tons. China at 1,000 tons is not a player, but at 5,000 tons, they are a player.
We think this move could happen as soon as April 24th of this year.

But the truth is, it really doesn't matter if China makes its big gold announcement BEFORE or AFTER April 24th.

The only thing we as Americans can – and must – do now is to prepare.

I believe that China's gold plan could have a tremendous impact on your life in the coming years – but I understand that may be a little difficult to comprehend and perhaps even believe at the moment.

I hope, however, that you can put your preconceived notions and skepticism aside.

Because as I said earlier, even though none of us typically care about what central bankers are doing, this is probably the most important story in the world for any American, as far as your finances, your future, and your retirement go.

So what does it mean exactly, for you and me right now and over the next few years?

How China's Secret Gold Plan Will Affect You

To me, it is now abundantly clear that China is accumulating so much gold for two simple purposes...

#1. First, they want to diversify as much of their foreign reserves as possible away from U.S. dollars and other devalued currencies, which are backed by nothing but a foreign government promise.

#2. And second, China wants to establish a world-class currency, backed by as much gold as possible, which can eventually be integral to the world of international trade... and perhaps even become the world's top "reserve currency" one day soon.

This is going to affect me and you in two significant ways:

First, I think it's going to continue to drive gold prices higher... much higher in the years to come. And it's going to make some gold investments extremely lucrative over the next few years.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that China's gold-backed currency is likely to help make the U.S. dollar much less important in the world of international trade and finance. As Barron's reported, "China wants to establish the yuan as a reserve currency that could someday challenge the almighty buck."

I know it may be hard to believe that the dollar could really lose its reserve currency status.

But take a look at this chart and decide for yourself:
As the dollar loses its current "reserve currency" position, it's going to cause dramatic changes to our way of life here in America.


Because in the United States, for the past 50 years, we've been basically able to consume as much as we want without worrying about acquiring the money to pay for it.

We've been able to do that because our dollars have been accepted and sought after, everywhere around the world.

In short, for decades, because the U.S. dollar has been the world's "reserve currency," we haven't had to produce or export anything to get all the dollars we needed to buy all the oil (and other goods) we need.

All we had to do was borrow and print more money.

And boy did we. Take a look at this chart... 
Even as late as the 1970s, America was the world's largest creditor. But by the mid-1980s we'd become a debtor to the world. And since the late 1990s we've been the world's LARGEST debtor.

Today, our government owes more money to more people than anyone else in the history of the world.

And that was before the financial crisis!

Today we still borrow about $2 million every single minute, and we've been borrowing 46% of ALL the money the federal government spends.

With all of these bad debts piling up, we've had to begin repaying our debts by printing trillions of new dollars.

Remember, as one contributor to Forbes recently put it: 
[The Fed] simply fires up the printing presses and print out of thin air $85 billion of new money each and every month.
That's about $1 trillion new dollars printed each year.

And now, finally, the impact of this is being felt in a big way.

I believe our creditors (which include not only China but dozens of other foreign countries, plus other investors here and abroad) are likely to soon completely stop accepting U.S. dollars in repayment... or greatly discount the value of these new dollars.

What will that do to America?

Well as other nations begin to prefer gold or even an alternative currency to the U.S. dollar, it will have a huge impact on life in the U.S.

Everything we import... food, furniture, clothing, and oil, just to name a few, will get much, much more expensive.

Our quality of life will plummet...

As Sam Zell (one of the richest men in America) told CNBC:
"My single biggest financial concern is the loss of the dollar as the reserve currency. I can't imagine anything more disastrous to our country. I'm hoping against hope that ain't gonna happen, but you're already seeing things in the markets that are suggesting that confidence in the dollar is waning. I think you could see a 25% reduction in the standard of living in this country if the U.S. dollar was no longer the world's reserve currency. That's how valuable it is."
And as banking expert James Rickards says in his best-selling book Currency Wars:
"The value of a nation's currency is its Achilles' heel. If the currency collapses, everything else goes with it… Stocks, bonds, commodities, derivatives and other investments are all priced in a nation's currency. If you destroy the currency, you destroy all markets and the nation. This is why the currency itself is the ultimate target in any financial war."
Like I said, the Chinese are not stupid.

They understand the power of having a gold-backed currency, which could ultimately become the world's new reserve currency.

As a result, they're buying up as much of the world's gold as possible.

The Chinese know that nearly every country around the globe is in massive debt... and nearly every country in debt is printing money (and thus, going deeper into debt), and debasing its currency.

So the Chinese have come to the logical conclusion that gold is the one thing that can help them protect their current reserves, and perhaps even establish a true world currency, while almost every other currency gets printed to the point of worthlessness.

That is why China is on a secret mission to corner as much of the world's gold market as possible.

For several years, we've been warning about the loss of world reserve currency status for the U.S. dollar.

With roughly half of our national debt held by foreigners, we have long believed efforts to print away our obligations will prove catastrophic for our dollar in its position as the world's leading reserve currency.

But until recently, we were unsure of the exact mechanism by which the dollar would be replaced.

Now, we see how it will likely unfold...

The Chinese will increasingly hedge their exposure to the dollar by becoming the world's leading gold investors. By taking over the world's gold markets and building a huge stockpile of gold, they would be able to back their currency with the world's traditional form of money.

Once they are ready to make the yuan freely convertible, they will have created tremendous demand for their bonds and bills by making their currency the world's most reliable... and the only one backed with gold.

The impact on the dollar could be catastrophic... And every day the dollar falls, China's gold stockpile will grow more valuable (and more powerful).

No, it is not possible to predict the future with 100% accuracy...

But when people ask me "How will you know when to sell your gold?" I explain that I believe the end game for this gold bull market will likely be a situation where you can exchange gold for currency that is convertible into gold at some official price.

I believe there's a very good chance that currency will one day soon be the Chinese yuan.

No, it doesn't make me happy to say this. I feel very sorry for the millions of Americans who don't understand at all what is going on. These folks unfortunately are in for a rude awakening, and a big decline in their quality of life.

But it doesn't matter whether we like what's happening or not... it's just basic economics.

China is going after all the gold it can. And clearly, gold is going to be much more important to the financial system – and much more valuable – in five years than it is today.

Of course, here's the best part...

Even if I'm completely wrong about the yuan becoming the next reserve currency, the simple fact is that China has more cash reserves than any country in the world.

And China is on a mission to accumulate as much gold as possible over the next 5 to 10 years... which makes it very easy to position yourself to make money.

In other words, if you ignore this trend, you are ignoring what is probably the easiest, safest, and most reliable way to make money and also protect your family from the inevitable financial crisis in the U.S. dollar.

So what should you do about this situation?

There are a handful of simple but important moves you should make. Some of these moves help protect what you've got… while others will allow you to make outsized gains as this situation unfolds.

Let me explain each of these moves briefly, and how and why you should make them…

Move #1: Protect What You've Got

The first thing you need to realize is that what is happening between China and the U.S. is incredibly dangerous for people who have the majority of their assets in U.S. dollars and dollar denominated investments (like stocks and bonds).

The first and obvious thing you need to do is buy gold bullion. If you haven't done this yet, don't worry, it's easy, straightforward, and a lot simpler than most Americans think.

I've recently published a guide to show you everything you need to know. It's called "The Gold Investor's Manual." In this book, we reveal dozens of secrets about the gold industry... specifically some of the best ways to buy, sell, and store your gold. There's nothing else like this guide, anywhere, at any price

It explains:

* The best way to own gold bullion today…
* Why some gold coins are better than others…
* How to buy gold with ZERO dealer markup…
* How to easily and safely store some of your gold overseas, very cheaply…
* Where to hide it...
* How to know when to sell your gold…
* How to keep the government's hands off your gold profits…
* Even more on China's massive disruption of the gold market…
* And much more…

But owning gold bullion or coins is just the beginning.

In fact, here's a great way to PROTECT your money and PROFIT from this huge currency development…

Move #2: One of the Best Ways to Profit from China's Gold Plan

As China shows the world that its currency is "good as gold," it is going to skyrocket against the dollar.

Under "normal" circumstances, getting some of your money out of depreciating dollars and into a responsibly managed currency makes a lot of sense.

But China's move in gold makes this situation anything but "normal." Right now there is an extraordinary opportunity.

A series of powerful forces are lining up to boost the value of China's currency, the yuan.

The yuan is deeply undervalued. It would have to nearly double just to get to fair value with the rest of the world, according to The Economist.

And remember that "third plenum" meeting of the Communist Party? The big takeaway was "internationalizing" Chinese markets.

That means lifting the restrictions that China has used to artificially depress its currency. (Keeping the currency cheap is what has allowed China to sell cheap goods to the rest of the world.)

The yuan has catapulted to the 9th most traded currency – up from 29th a decade ago. And it is now the second most used currency after the dollar.

And now comes China's 5,000-ton gold bet to assure the world the yuan is safe and valuable – literally the new "gold standard."

Jim Rogers has one of the greatest track records in investing history. He delivered a 4,200% return to investors of his legendary Quantum Fund in the 1970s... at a time when the U.S. stock market returned just 47%.

Last summer, Jim predicted that the yuan could soar by as much as 300%, 400%, or even 500% against the dollar in the coming years.

Of course, he expects it will inevitably replace the U.S. dollar as the world's most important currency as well.

He is so optimistic about China, he moved his family from New York to Asia, and his young daughter now speaks perfect Mandarin.

And it's not just Rogers. Simon Johnson, the former chief economist for the IMF recently said:

"The age of American predominance is over. The (Chinese) Yuan will be the world's reserve currency."

The Financial Times reported that the yuan is "acquiring a haven-like status at a time when other currencies are oscillating dramatically" and that "bullish positions on the Chinese currency have become among the most profitable trades" for several hedge funds.

The world's biggest and smartest money managers are making this bet. Bloomberg reports, "Pimco, State Street Global Advisors and Aberdeen Asset Management PLC are among companies favoring China, after scanning the globe for markets least at risk to a tapering of Federal Reserve stimulus."

The strengthening yuan is probably the surest bet in the financial world over the next few years. And it's a safe harbor for your money as the United States descends into crisis.

Before I go any further, I want to make one thing clear:

You don't need to open a foreign bank account to invest in the Chinese currency. And I'm not recommending you get involved in complicated Forex trades, either.

One of my research colleagues has identified an alternative way to SAFELY earn a double-digit return on your cash – with the potential for much more – in a currency that could increase dramatically in the coming years.

I want to show you how this works. It's safe. It's simple. It could protect some of your savings and even make you quite a bit of money over the next few years.

In fact, this is one of the safest and simplest investments I know of to play the surging yuan.

Everything you need to know, including the exact steps we recommend you take, are included in our new Research Report called: Our Currency Expert's Best Trade to Grow Your Money Outside the Dollar.

So far I've talked about two great ways to protect you money and make some pretty good gains in the next few years.

But now I want to talk about the next move I think you should make.

I conservatively estimate that it's a way for you to make 500% or more over the next two years. Maybe more.

Here are the details…

Move #3: Own the Two Gold Stocks that Will Benefit Most from Higher Gold Prices over the Next Few Years

As I've been describing, China could potentially make a very big gold announcement in the coming months.

This is likely to send gold prices soaring over the coming years.

One of the best ways to profit from this trend is to buy miners and other gold stocks.

The problem is…

There are thousands of gold stocks to choose from. So how do you figure out which are the best to own to take advantage of this trend?

Well, the first thing I recommend you do is buy one of the lowest risk gold stocks in the world… and also a few of the companies that are likely to skyrocket the most in price over the next few years.

One of the lowest risk ways to trade gold is not actually a traditional gold stock at all. It's actually what I refer to as a gold "bank," which finances and takes an ownership stake in the best gold projects in the world.

Over the past 15 years, this stock has gone up as much as 1,324%. It has a tiny staff of just 21 people. They have almost zero overhead. They simply help finance and take a small ownership stake in the world's best projects.

Just how low risk is this gold company?

Well, in 2008, when 95% of the stocks in the S&P 500 index plummeted in price, this stock actually went up in value.

Just 25 companies on the entire S&P 500 ended the year ahead – many of them just barely. One of the biggest ETF that tracks gold miners was down 31%. Two of the largest miners were both down as much as 40%.

This gold company I want to tell you about?

It actually rose more than 50% during 2008… when almost every single other gold stock in the world that I know of, went down.

Right now, the company pays a nearly 2% dividend, and its yield could rise as the share price goes up. But that's not why I recommend you buy it.

The real gains typically come in the form of capital gains… when you cash out… when "gold banks" ownership stakes (and cash streams) massively increase in value. 

If you are going to own only one gold company in the world, this is it. It's one of the best run and lowest risk gold companies on the market today… and it is one EVERY American should own over the next few years.

Still… almost no one in the investment public has heard of it.

Also: There's one company that makes money from this exact same model. I recommend you own this business too.

This company actually used to be part of a major gold producer – before they realized how much more they could make operating as a "gold bank."
Shortly after the company went public a few years ago, it was collecting about $3 million in "royalties" on the gold and other precious metals produced by its partner companies.

In 2012, it raked in more than $400 million.

And just last year it started collecting royalties on a new gold mine in Canada. The mine is expected to produce nearly 700,000 ounces of gold a year for the next 17 years.

I don't know about you, but I like the odds of us seeing much higher gold prices over the next two decades (and starting very soon).

And historically these businesses move higher much faster than the price of gold itself.

Take a look:

InvestmentPerformance (2008 – 2012)
Index of big gold miners (GDX)185%
Stock #1279%
Stock #2476%

Both of these businesses offer us all of the upside of gold mining, with little or none of the typical risks.

That's why these two stocks should be the first gold stocks you buy. They are safe… and extremely profitable. They are far and away the best gold investments you can make right now.

I've put everything you need to know about this opportunity into a special report, Two Gold Stocks You Must Own Over the Next Five Years.

I'll also include details on the safest, most lucrative mining company in the world.

Normally, mining companies are much riskier than these gold "banks". But not this one. It's a great, safe, company, with huge upside potential. Shares of this company need to skyrocket more than 200% just to get to their historical average compared to how much the company is earning.

This miner is so efficient that if gold prices plummeted nearly 40% (to $800 an ounce), it would still be making a healthy profit. There are almost NO other miners that can say that.

So those are three really important moves I recommend you make, to take advantage of what China is doing right now in the gold markets. And the good news is, I've put together the full details on everything you need to know.

I'd like to give you access to all of this information essentially free of charge. Here's what I mean…

What I recommend you do right now:

​As I mentioned earlier, my name is Matt Badiali and I'm a geologist and investment analyst at Stansberry & Associates – one of the largest independent investment research firms in the country, headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland.

I write an investment newsletter called The S&A Resource Report.

I've dedicated myself to becoming an expert in resource stocks and identifying the best investment opportunities. For the past 15 years, I've spent time on drill rigs and inspecting mines.

I've taught at three prestigious universities, and presented my research findings to companies such as Anadarko Petroleum and ExxonMobil.

I'm a longstanding member of the American Geophysical Union, the Geological Society of America and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

And for the past few years, I've devoted a large portion of my time to the precious metals industry, learning everything possible about precious metals.

This is how I've been able to show my readers many of the biggest gains in the entire financial markets over the past few years, including:

- ATAC Resources, up 343%
- Silvercorp, up 269%
- AuEx Ventures, up 198%
- Pretium Resources, up 92%
- Silver Wheaton, up 335%
- Mag Silver, up 156%
- Rainey River, up 161%
- Carbo Ceramics, up 143%
- Northern Dynasty gold, up 322%
- Petrobras, up 166%

It's also how I became aware of China's unprecedented accumulation of gold – and the devastating effect it will have on the United States.

Of course China's moves are creating all sorts of opportunities in the resource sector.

For one thing, their thirst for energy and raw materials is insatiable.

And remember, China is no longer interested in owning worthless IOUs from other countries. They're investing in hard assets – and that's exactly what we cover in the S&A Resource Report.

My team started looking closely at the gold situation in China about 5 years ago.

Back then, China was just starting to accumulate massive amounts of gold, and was consolidating the country's gold mining industry. In our early investigations, we found that there was a huge opportunity to invest in local Chinese companies that had partnered with the government.

One of the companies we identified, and recommended to subscribers, for example, was Jinshan Gold Mines. The stock went up 339% after our recommendation. Another company we found, called Eldorado Gold, went up 61% after our recommendation.

The point is, five years ago, the way to take advantage of this huge trend in China was to buy up shares of companies partnering with the government.

But today the opportunity is very different – and I think even more lucrative.

That's why I'd like to give you access to all three of the Research Reports I just mentioned, when you take a trial subscription to The S&A Resource Report.

What is the Resource Report exactly? Well, as I said, I've been a geologist for my entire 19-year career.

A few years ago, I was invited to join a boutique investment research firm called Stansberry & Associates. And I started putting my expertise to work in the world of finance.

They realized that someone with my level of expertise could show people how to make a killing in the markets – especially on energy and commodity related investment opportunities.

So I now spend every day analyzing the best investment opportunities in the energy and precious metals fields...

These are the opportunities you're not likely to hear about from mainstream news and media sources... the ones with the greatest potential for the biggest gains. For example...

* A few years ago I was in Houston, where my team and I met with the CFO of Veritas – a small geo-exploration company specializing in seismic data, used for finding offshore oil. At the time, Wall Street had low expectations for the company. But the rush was on to develop more deepwater and ultra-deepwater basins... my visit impressed me... and Veritas' technology was top-notch. Readers who got in early had a chance to lock in 101% gains.

* In 2006, I uncovered a tiny company that owned the largest collection of in-the-ground silver resources on earth... an amazing 171 million ounces... plus an additional BILLION ounces it was working to confirm. The amazing this was, almost no one outside the mining community had even heard of this company, which gave my readers the chance to safely make 93% over the next 14 months.

* A few years ago, I uncovered an opportunity to capitalize from a huge silver discovery in Mexico. I recommended buying shares of MAG Silver at $4.50 per share. 19 months later, when my analysis determined it was time to sell the shares, they were trading at $11.50. Anyone that followed my recommendation could have seen a gain of 156% on this investment.

* And just a few months ago, I recommended an oil and gas producer working in Texas' Eagle Ford. This company has increased its acreage nearly 10-fold in the last few years. And it's transitioning its production from inexpensive gas to much more valuable oil. Shares shot up 47% in less than three months.

As soon as you start your subscription to my work, you will receive access to:

1. Research Report #1: The Gold Investor's Manual: Please don't buy a single ounce of gold until you've read this report. We've spent more than a decade figuring out the best, most affordable, most efficient, and safest ways to do it. If you don't follow this advice and you get ripped off, you have no one to blame but yourself.

2. Research Report #2: Our Currency Expert's Best Trade to Grow Your Money Outside the Dollar: My colleague Steve Sjuggerud (who did his PhD in international currency moves) shows you two ways to protect and grow your money by investing in the Chinese currency – without opening a foreign bank account or speculating in the Forex market. This is an absolute "safe haven" for your money – with more than 200% upside in the coming years.

3. Research Report #3: Two Gold Stocks You Must Own Over the Next Five Years: I'll show you how to safely profit from gold's meteoric rise by investing in two "gold banks" that profit from every ounce that comes out of the ground – without the overhead and risks that big miners face. These stocks more than doubled the return of gold itself during the metal's last bull run. And I'll show you the safest mining play in the world, one with huge upside potential.

4. The S&A Resource Report: Of course, every month (for the next year), you'll also be getting our monthly reports on the best opportunities in the precious metal and energy sectors. I'm proud to say that my research service has gained a huge following in recent years, for one reason – we have an extraordinary track record, and we've helped a lot of people make a lot of money.

For example, we recently got a note from a guy named Doug P. in Albany, who told us: "I have subscribed to several newsletters in the past but none have delivered the kind of returns I am seeing here."

We got a similar note from a guy named Karl B. in Austin, Texas, who said: "Matt, I have used your research advisories a lot. On Northern Dynasty Minerals I made 167% and on Parker Drilling Company 161%." And a guy named Jason Murdock from Delaware wrote to tell us, he was "up $31,552.93."

The point is not that every one of our recommendations in the Resource Report will make you rich, but that we have a reputation – and track record – of consistently finding huge, low-risk opportunities.

You'll receive our S&A Resource Report on the first Thursday of each month, right after the markets close that day.

5. Also, every evening after the markets close, I'll send you by email our subscribers-only Digest. If you are already a subscriber to one of our paid services, you already know about The Digest.

If you are new to our business, I think you'll quickly see why so many readers say it's their "favorite financial news source," and the "one thing they must read every day."

What my research team and I do in The Digest every day is to analyze the most important financial stories, and show you exactly how these stories affect you and your money.

The Digest is also where we post reader feedback (both the good and bad) and share the details on what we're working on next.

So how much does it cost and how do you get started?

Well, before I give you the details, there's one more thing I think you must have to prepare yourself for the huge changes coming to America over the next few years...

Move #4: How the Rich get richer in a currency crisis

A few years ago, I learned about a very clever strategy, which allows you to protect the value of your current savings during a currency crisis like the one we are experiencing today...

And at the same time potentially see gains of 250% or more.

It's a strategy that enables you to benefit from a unique set of assets that will do spectacularly well as the U.S. government continues printing

Now this has nothing to do with gold or silver or any other type of precious metals investment. Also: You don't have to open up a foreign bank account, or speculate in foreign currencies, or anything like that.

In fact, what I want to introduce you to is something that is extremely safe, and very easy to buy and sell, from any regular broker. That's why some of the world's best investors use a strategy that is very similar to what I'm going to show you how to do.

For example, you might have heard of John Paulson.

He made $15 billion for his firm (and $4 billion for himself) betting against the housing and credit market in 2007. He now manages $18 billion and is one of the 50 richest people in American, according to Forbes.

Well Paulson recently took almost $200 million worth of his firm's money, and put it to work using a similar strategy to the one I want to show you how to implement.

By putting this strategy to work back in 2009, you could have made nearly five times your money in just under two years.

Of course, there are many other multimillionaire investors and money managers now taking advantage of similar strategies too, including: Leon Cooperman, Ray Dalio, George Soros, Mario Gabelli, and Joel Greenblatt.

Perhaps you've never heard of these guys, but they are some of the richest and most powerful men in the financial sector.

Leon Cooperman grew up the son of Polish immigrants in the South Bronx before founding Omega Advisors, one of the world's best-performing hedge funds. He's now worth a cool $3 billion.

Ray Dalio heads up the world's biggest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, with a staggering $150 billion under management. Since 1991, his flagship "Pure Alpha" strategy has generated annualized returns of more than 16% a year.

And ALL of these guys are making a critical move with their money to protect and grow it over the next few years. I want to show you how to do the same thing.

Very rarely do you get the chance to make simple yet sophisticated financial moves, along with some of the richest people in the country, but that's exactly what I'm going to show you how to do.

We'll show you how to make nearly the exact same move as these very wealthy guys – which will protect your savings and potentially earn you a small fortune. I realize I'm being a bit vague about it here... but it's important to keep this strategy to ourselves, until we have established a position.

Keep in mind, starting back in 2005, this strategy produced gains of over 800%, in just three years.

The good news is, now is the perfect time to do it again.

Everything you need to know is in our new Research Report: How The Rich Make a Fortune During a Currency Crisis.

So those are the moves I recommend you make right away.

Do the several things necessary to make sure you protect what you've got. And then set yourself up to maximize the potential gains as this inevitable trend continues over the next few years.

As I mentioned, everything I've described here comes no extra expense when you start a no-risk, trial subscription to my monthly publication called: The S&A Resource Report.

The price of The S&A Resource Report is normally $99 per year.

But today I'd like to offer you the chance to try my research for 60% OFF the regular price.

You'll pay just $39 for an entire year of my work. Your one-year subscription includes:
  • Research Report #1: The Gold Investor's Manual
  • Research Report #2: Our Currency Expert's Best Trade to Grow Your Money Outside the Dollar
  • Research Report #3: Two Gold Stocks You Must Own Over the Next Five Years.
  • Research Report #4: How the Rich Make a Fortune During a Currency Crisis
  • 12 Issues of my monthly investment advisory newsletter, The S&A Resource Report, delivered on the first Thursday of each month.
And best of all, you can try out all of this work for the next four (4) months before making up your mind.

In other words, have a look at all the research I've described here, plus the next four issues of The S&A Resource Report.

If you are not happy with anything for any reason, simply let us know within those 4 months and you'll receive a FULL REFUND for every penny you paid.

The point is, I'm not asking you to make any commitments whatsoever, but to simply TRY my work, to see if it's right for you.

If you like it, great.

If not, just let us know and we'll give you your money back, and part as friends. That's the only way I'll do business.

And there's one more thing I'd like you to please keep in mind.

You've probably noticed that this presentation isn't like most of the sales presentations you've seen before.

We've given away far more information than you'd normally see – including the names of quite a few stocks and a lot of very sophisticated information the Chinese government would rather you not know.

The truth is... with the facts in this presentation alone, you already know most of the critical information you need to protect yourself and your family.

Why would we give so much away...?

We believe it's absolutely critical that every American understand the risks we face as a nation. We are now printing money in record amounts, and we're involved in a major currency war with China. I believe this is guaranteed to lead to hyperinflation and a U.S. dollar collapse.

Of course, all of this has been brought on by an entire generation of politicians who don't understand even the most basic principles of finance.

A decade ago, our Vice President (a Republican) claimed "deficits don't matter." Today, our President (a Democrat) is attempting to prove it.

Our total debt is now more than $15 trillion – that's more than our country's annual GDP. According to all of human history, debts this size are never repaid, not without a huge devaluation of the currency.

The Chinese (our biggest creditors) know this. They are not stupid.

And now, as our debts begin to compound at ever-faster rates... and as we continually have to print more money to pay for them... America will suffer the most grave crisis in our nation's history.

Unfortunately, as I see it, this crisis is now unavoidable. All I can do is help like-minded citizens survive the problems I see coming. That's why we will NEVER charge anyone for the information necessary to understand this crisis, and why we continue to spend millions promoting free research presentations like this one.

We hope you'll help support our efforts.

You can support our efforts very easily by simply trying a subscription. Supporting our work is a pittance – a year's worth of our best research literally costs less than one dinner out at a decent restaurant.

And, if you don't agree it's the best investment research you've ever read, anywhere, you can ask for (and will receive promptly) a full refund anytime during your first 4 months.

Whether you decide to become a subscriber or not, feel free to share this presentation with people you care about.

There's a lot to be gained merely by listening and thinking about the facts we've presented here. It's free. And you can pass this along with our compliments.

I hope I've done a good job of laying out all the facts for you here.

Remember, much of what I've talked about is not a prediction...

It's already happening in the real world, right now.

Please, take the steps necessary now to protect yourself and your family, because things are going to move a lot faster than most people expect in the coming years.

By signing up via the "Subscribe Now" button at the bottom of the screen, you will receive immediate access to everything I've described here in this presentation. Thank you for your time.


Matt Badiali, M.A.
Editor, S&A Resource Report
January 2014

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LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This work is based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases, and what we've learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors and you shouldn't make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It's your money and your responsibility. Stansberry & Associates Investment Research expressly forbids its writers from having a financial interest in any security they recommend to our subscribers. And all Stansberry & Associates Investment Research (and affiliated companies), employees, and agents must wait 24 hours after an initial trade recommendation is published on the Internet, or 72 hours after a direct mail publication is sent, before acting on that recommendation. Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, LLC. 1217 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202

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