Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Salvation, and Only Comfort in Life and Death.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/



Christian, What Is Your Only Comfort in Life and Death?

AFA blogger reminds us to Whom we ultimately belong.

When I look back at my long life and honestly survey how many chances I HAD to accept the Gospel of Salvation of Jesus Christ,  I feel so blessed and grateful that I am "in the fold... in the brotherhood of saints now."   It certainly COULD HAVE ENDED A DIFFERENT WAY with all the near death experiences and accidents that befell me !   The devil wants me [and others] to think that we all have sinned TOO MUCH and are not worthy of life in heaven, nor anywhere except hell...  but Satan is the 'father of the lie.'   And my wife chides me too often what a big sinner I am... and plays into the game too, so that I have a constant struggle, vexed, at every angle and carry a heavy load.  

She fears that her children won't make it and Believe in the Lord,  but then she is so sheepish about TELLING THEM ABOUT TRUE SALVATION....  duh.  You can't have it both ways, me thinks.  
    But another way to think of it, is to ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit to help us understand what we read and study, and to ACQUIRE the 'guts' to fearlessly share the Gospel to one and all,  but especially our beloved relatives!   That means, to give the highest priority to the preaching/ sharing work, and how to become good at it.   I remember taking mini courses in college to help me learn 'HOW TO STUDY.'  I have also taken and paid for courses and seminars to prepare me for difficult Federal Exams in Finance and Investments.  So if there is a will -- there's a way.  

Now, friends,  I am not just picking on my dear wife, whom I care for very much,  but to illustrate a clear and present example that mirrors the rest of us.   I have even asked the Lord to stir up a fire in my heart...  or even give me a 'new heart' so that I could have the right kind of love for the Christ, to help me do things right.  

Now I have to go to the VA dentist...  always a fun time... lol.


A Second Chance For Salvation?

Q. An article I read recently claims that the unsaved dead don’t suffer eternal punishment, but will have a chance to accept salvation at the Great White Throne judgment if they’ve never heard the Gospel before. If they accept they’ll be saved then, and if not they’ll be destroyed along with all the others who rejected Jesus. Overall I don’t agree with a lot of the things they say here, because the references, or lack of, don’t directly support what they say, even though they write it as if they do. Overall, what is your view on the existence of Hell, and what they say in the article about certain people getting a ‘second chance’ at the White Throne Judgment?

A. There are several things this article teaches that aren’t Biblically accurate.  The Bible is clear on the eternal suffering in store for those who don’t choose to accept God’s pardon during their lifetimes. This is because while God is loving and merciful, He’s also righteous and just.  He isn’t arbitrary so He can’t manifest one of His character traits at the expense of any other one.  Everything has to fit.
Since He holds everyone accountable for the choices of their life, He has to give everyone the opportunity to make an informed decision on whether to accept the pardon He purchased for them or not.  Hebrews 9:27, which says that Man is destined to die once and after that to face judgment, tells us that this has to happen during our lifetimes.  The opinion that the unsaved will get a 2nd chance at the Great White Throne is incorrect.

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