Thursday, October 8, 2015

Gov't Sponsored Mind Control.

Tom's Journal.

Hello Friends,
   Too often I feel that "Big Brother" is invading my personal intellectual property.... like my humble blog and F/ B accounts and posts.   I cut and paste many articles [giving the right credit to the original writers/ sources, of course],  but it seems that somehow parts of my pasted posts are truncated or missing.   And NO,  I am not into so-called 'conspiracy theories.  
       Now,  some of this material today in my humble blog post has a direct bearing with Bible facts and prophecy !!  When [not if] the time comes that our general population is forced to accept the "CHIP" implants in our Right hand, fore head, or brain,  I am SURE that the Rapture will have already come and all REAL Christians will be ushered to heaven, safe and sound.  
     I touched on this subject before in a recent post,  that Adam and Eve were kept super busy just scratching out a wretched life on earth after they were expelled from the Garden Paradise,  because with a near perfect mind and body, just guess what super evils they could hatch in their imperfect, rebellious minds !!    It's just like the science and technology that is fast advancing with 'quantum leaps' RIGHT NOW in the year of 2015 !   Experimenting with the human embryo and aborted human babies sold for profit !   The Pope is even caving on important matters turning Socialist.   I am just saying that we can certainly "see / understand" that God MUST step in soon, before mankind grows more evil or annihilate the planet.   That is a divine Right reserved for God alone.   See:  Revelation 16: 16;   But better to just read the whole short chapter 16 to get the proper sense of it all.....  "And he gathered them together in a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon."  ---Rev. 16: 16.    But this doesn't mean that we won't have some 'limited nuclear wars/ battles between the nations.'   And there is a lot that COULD happen between NOW, and the Great Tribulation.   But mankind will never learn,  as they keep trying to solve all the world problems by HUMAN means, ways, devices and goofy treaties.  

In the long run,  careful study of the KJV Bible and obedience to Christ is a surety for Salvation and eternal life.   Our lives on earth is temporary.   What will YOU do ?

Warm Regards,
Tom  Schuckman

Government Sponsored Mind Control Will Soon Eliminate All Free Will

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mind control obey

Three summers ago, my son I were in the middle of a father-son golf vacation in Colorado. Included in our vacation were daily trips to the movies, Rockies baseball games or to Dave and Busters. One night, while driving back to our hotel, at about midnight, I received a call from a man who said he wanted to be a whistleblower on government sponsored mind control projects being researched and developed at post-secondary institutions such as Arizona State University. I asked the man how he got my number, and he said I was on a list being maintained by the government which was stored at the place in which he was involved in research. The informant named myself, Alex Jones, Doug Hagmann, Steve Quayle and several others, whose names appeared on this list. He said he assumed the purpose of the list was to use some, if not all of the listed media personalities for remote mind control experiments and to turn them into unwitting accomplices to the NWO. At first, I thought I was dealing with a nut.
The rational left side of the brain had a hard time fully believing this source. However, when I questioned him about the technology and how it was to be implemented, he had unusual knowledge of the brain and its functions and I realized that this man had very specialized knowledge and training. This source and I had several late night conversations, after my young son went to bed, about the technology and why he was so opposed to it. He told me something that seemed quite unbelievable at the time. He said that they were working on a plan to implement mind control over human beings using nanotechnology which would be delivered in a variety of ways. Vaccines were one part of this delivery plan. I feel the frantic insistence that everyone be vaccinated, in the present day, is connected to this plan. Also connected to this plan were specified electromagnetic waves, tied to specific frequencies, which would elicit certain emotional responses and the us of the inhalation of certain “smart particles” we part of this plan as well.
In his role as a doctoral candidate research assistant, it was his role to observe and catologue mind control experiments. He was quite clear that they technology worked almost all of the time.
I scheduled this whistle-blower for a radio appearance on my show. When he asked me if I could disguise his voice, I told him that “they” already knew we were talking and it was an unnecessary precaution. I told him the light of day and massive media exposure constituted his best line of defense. The next day, he called and said he was confronted at work and was told they did indeed know he was speaking to me. It was the last I ever heard from him. How did I know he was real? I have an excellent understanding of how the brain works and how external stimuli can be brought to bear to bring about mood and behavioral changes. This person had a level of awareness in this area that surpassed my own. To the neuroscientists reading this, he had great understanding of how this technology took advantage of brain lateralization and plasticity in terms of maximizing the effects of the external stimuli.

Recent Developments

The University of Utah has already developed a similar chip that delivers signals from an external source directly into the brain for interpretation. DARPA’s unit will undoubtedly be far more advanced.
MIT is boasting that they can implant memories in your brain. An example of this technology came directly from the mainstream media, an American Navy vet woke up in a Motel 6 without any memories of his life and only could speak Swedish. However, all his identification and evidence provided proved he was an American sailor.

What the Government Is Doing Today

A new book written about the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) says that wounded soldiers returning from campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq are having computer chips implanted in their brains to help them heal. This technology holds the promise that soldiers with PTSD could be greatly helped. However, technology is neutral. This kind of technology could easily be used to enslave people. I find it interesting that veterans are at the forefront of this technology. Are they going to be neutralized is the country were be conquered and we had to depend on guerrilla warfare and the veterans would form the vanguard of that force?
The new of this mind control technology grows even more ominous as New York Times bestselling author, Annie Jacobsen, claims that DARPA has already embedded the chips into the brains of injured soldiers coming back from the Middle East.  Jacobsen told NPR that out of the 2.5 million Americans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, 300,000 of them came home with traumatic brain injury. Subsequently, DARPA initiated a series of programs to help cognitive functioning. Was this the Beta test for this technology?
Darpa’s Eric Eisenstadt told Fusion “Imagine a time when the human brain has its own wireless modem….”  That statement was made back in 2002. It has not become a reality.

The Purpose of Mind Control

Initially, I believe that the two goals of mind control were (1) profit; and, (2) control of the flow of information similar to what we see in the corporate controlled media. However, I quickly realized that I had set my sights too low in assessing target goals for these nefarious groups who are in control of this rapidly expanding technology.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the ultimate goal is the complete control of every individual through mind control. The power brokers of this planet are seeking to install a police state grid which is absolute in its ability to control all thought, all emotion and consequently, all behavior. The end result will be to remove all potential opposition (i.e. free will). The purveyors of this technology are the enemy of all humanity and it is clear that they view humanity as their adversary which needs to be controlled, used and then tossed aside like some piece of garbage.

The Introduction of Societal Mind Control Techniques Utilizes Law of Incrementalism

If the government was to announce, tomorrow, that we had a month to comply with mandatory chipping, we would witness widespread civil disobedience. The paradigm shift would be too great for the government and its managing special interests to manage. However, if humanity can be nudged, bumped, then pushed, then shoved in that direction, the goal is much more doable. I would suggest what is happening in England is a nudge and a bump in the direction of ordinary people accepting the their own future consisting of micro chipping for the purposes of mind control.
All dogs in England will, as of April 2016, have to be micro-chipped as part of a British government attempt to cut the number of strays and make pet owners more responsible for their animals. The British government also states that it will cut down on the number of dog attacks against children. It seems that all controversial government programs are implemented under the umbrella of “protecting the children”. Whenever we hear the phrase ,”protecting the children,” we should become very suspicious.
According to British government reports, eight children have been killed in dog attacks in the UK since 2005, many of which happened in the home. Subsequently, Fido must be chipped to make the children safer. I am not sure how chipping dogs will make a dog bite less as this massive chipping program is based upon a laughable premise. Are the Brits to expect that escaping detection and prosecution will lead the dogs to be less aggressive? This is ludicrous. How then will chipping dogs make children or anyone else more safe? The short answer is that it will not. This is part of a conditioning process in which the Brits and soon, the Americans, will come to accept the chip for themselves. Inch by inch, a paradigm shift is a cinch.
I predict that a related headline, in a few short years will read something like this: All humans in the United States will, as of April 2016, have to be micro-chipped as part of a federal government attempt to cut down on the number crimes, especially crimes against children, committed by a growing homeless population.

Your Body and Life Does Not Belong to You

tsa goosing grannyBefore a population will accept chipping and other forms of potential mind control, the people must be conditioned that their body belongs to the state.
Everyday, the federal government is going to extraordinary means to condition you to the fact that you do not own and control your body. You are the property of the powers that be. Nowhere, is this more apparent than what we see at the airport as the pot bellied perverts who fill the ranks of sexual molesters at the TSA, are busy sticking their hands down our pants, groping our daughters and wives breasts and even sticking unwashed hands in our body cavities. The TSA has not stopped one terrorist event, but that is not the goal.  You are the property of the elite and the government is reminding you of this every time you travel. The implementation of the TSA as an agency which routinely commits second degree sexual assault again the flying public coincides with the implementation of various electronic surveillance advances which have the potential to “mind control” and individual. And before you respond with “The TSA protects us from terrorist attacks”, let me remind you, again, that the TSA has prevented zero terror attacks since its inception.

DNA Provides An Avenue of Attack for Targeted Individuals

In the next part of this series, it will be revealed who having someone’s DNA sample for example can be used as a means for electronic harassment and mind control manipulation. In light of this, we all need to be asking why are our infants are having DNA extracted from them at birth?
The independent media has been reporting that our government will very soon be forcing all citizens to use a biometric ID to travel, to work and hold a job.  The biometric information required for this form of ID is enough information to allow for the targeting of individuals using electromagnetic frequencies. The trend curve is clear, we are being conditioned to accept micro chipping. Micro chipping will prove to be the electronic collar needed to control and individual.
Where is the proof?

The Dawn of Micro-Chipped Mind Control

The most important bullfight in history.
The most important bullfight in history.
In the 1960’s, Spanish neurologist, Jose Delgado was involved in a noteworthy bullfight. Without any real bullfighting training, he bravely stepped into the ring with a very dangerous and deadly bull. However, Delgado had a secret weapon.  He had previously implanted a radio-equipped electrode which was implanted into the bull’s limbic system (i.e. emotional center of the brain) which he called “stimoceivers.” Delgado subsequently demonstrated that he could manipulate an organism’s mind and body via remote control technology.  Thus, as the bull charged, an invasive electrical signal penetrated the bull’s limbic system and the bull calmly broke off the attack in mid-charge.
Delgado found that by stimulating different regions of the limbic system, which controls emotion, Delgado could also induce fear, rage and a variety of other emotions, that he was able to manipulate the type and intensity of emotional reactions. Thus, Delgado discovered the fine art of mind control.
Intrigued by his work, Delgado was invited to teach and be a guest lecturer at such prominent universities such as Harvard and Yale. However, in 1968, Delgado went to work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and this is where much of his research trail grows cold. We now know that SRI was a CIA front and was connected to the MK Ultra experiments. In 1974, Delgado abruptly returned to Spain and later became an outspoken opponent of mind control and its potential for harm and misuse by totalitarian societies. Perhaps, he was not on board with the CIA and what they eventually had planned for the American people.
In cats, monkeys, bulls and even humans he repeatedly demonstrated that he could control emotion and ultimately behavior. . In one experiment, Delgado stimulated the temporal lobe of a 21-year-old epileptic woman while she was calmly playing a guitar; in response, she flew into a rage and smashed her guitar against a wall, narrowly missing a researcher’s head. Perhaps the most medically promising finding was that stimulation of a limbic region called the septum could trigger euphoria, strong enough in some cases to counteract depression and even physical pain.
Later Delgado was able to impact the hypothalamus of a cat and induce uncontrollable rage in the animal. Keep in mind that this technology is over 60 years old. One can only imagine how far this technology has come during that time.
Delgado’s famous bull fight and the angry cat are depicted in the following video.

The lesson is clear, embedded chips can turn normal people into crazed killers and it can take crazed killers and turn them into passive beings. Interestingly, the most famous graduate of the MK Ultra program was the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski.

The Mind Control Delivery System: Project HAARP

Many are predicting that biometrics will be required to access the Internet. The fact is that some what your biometric information because this is the first step in gaining control over your mind. The main threat to humanity lies in the fact that the technology exists to control all of human behavior at one time. A reasonable person would certainly ask “how is that possible?”  To answer that question, I refer the readers to Nick Begich’s website in which he details how mass electrical signals can beamed up from an array of antenna and bounced off the ionosphere in either a narrow beam covering a specific and defined geographic area, or it can be reflected back to earth in a broad beam application in which millions could be impacted by one electrical signal designed to change human behavior. We know this technology as Project HAARP.
United States Patent 5,159,703, Lowery, October 27, 1992, Silent Subliminal Presentation System, Inventors: Lowery, Oliver M. Appl. No. 458339 Filed December 28, 1989, discusses the microwave technology necessary for mind control. In this patent,  we witness the move from the mind control  of certain individuals who might have been programmed, which is frightening enough, to witnessing entire populations being controlled. The patent discusses the possibility of impacting millions at a time. The net effect of the technology is enhanced when there is a transducer in the body such as an embedded microchip.

Particularly revealing in the arena of mind control, is Dr. Begich’s work on voice to skull technology. In 1997, he displayed this technology for the European Parliament who promptly issued a ban on the use of the technology. Unfortunately, the technology has moved forward in recent years despite the ban.
Before you write to me and state that this could never happen, please spend 30 minutes on the Begich website, and analyze the validity of his observations. Begich has done a detailed analysis of the patents associated with HAARP, and very clear conclusions about the intent of these technologies can easily be made after examining the facts. Most awake people are aware that HAARP is a weather modification device. However, as a result of my research, I have come to the conclusion that HAARP’s biggest danger to humanity is the mind-control potential related to this technology. Sadly, Dr. Nick Begich has been warning us about this potential for 19 years and it is only now that significant numbers of researchers are starting to pay attention.

A Very Ominous Warning From the Inventor of Electromagnetic Mind Control

Jose Delgado, the reluctant pioneer of mind control technologies.
Jose Delgado, the reluctant pioneer of mind control technologies.
In his later years, and after working for the CIA for over 40 years in perfecting this technology, Dr. Delgado was very critical about the distinct lack of Bioethics and consumer protection with regard to these technologies. Until his death a few years ago, Delgado remained particularly critical of technologies which can change human nature. Delgado, stated the following:
“This technology has two sides, for good and for bad, and we should do what we can do to avoid the adverse consequences. We should try to prevent potentially destructive technologies from being abused by authoritarian governments to gain more power or by terrorists to wreak destruction. However, Delgado is a realist as he postulates “can you avoid knowledge? You cannot! Can you avoid technology? You cannot! Things are going to go ahead in spite of ethics, in spite of your personal ethics.”
The above quote from Delgado is a very ominous warning about how serious the subject of mind control is about to to become for every person. After researching Delgado’s past, it is clear that he felt the same about mind control as Einstein felt about the unveiling of nuclear weapons.


This article demonstrated that the right to control your individual body is under attack on a number of fronts. This article demonstrated that electromagnetic manipulation of the mind is over 50 years old. Further, it was established in this article that technologies such Project HAARP are very real threats to all people and some of the supporting governmental patents were presented as well.
The most surprising aspect of my research into this technology is not how far the technology has advanced, it centers around how easy it was to obtain information on the degree of sophistication of this technology.
As stunning as this technology appears to be, as printed in this article, what is written here is child’s play compared to what has been developed and is in the process of being integrated into the police state surveillance grid.  And as I am learning, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

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