Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Reality Check.

Tom's   Journal.

Bix Weir: Economıc Collapse in Aug-Sept - Duration: 26:03. The Money Trail
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In my humble opinion, at age 67,  I believe that SOME things are inherited... genes and chromosomes.  But most of our personality is acquired from our parents [teaching and raising us, plus too much baloney 'learned at liberal schools..],  and surroundings.   Yet, God sees into our hearts and minds, and has given/ sacrificed His only begotten Son, Jesus, for ALL OF HUMANITY !  ALL MANKIND !   The only challenge is:   In order to benefit from the wholesome, nutritious fruit [read:  Jesus' Sacrifice on the Cross, at Calvary, 1900 years ago],  we all have to pick and EAT THE FRUIT ! !   Hey,  friends,  this is only COMMON SENSE !   The road to salvation and concept is easy!   God has made it so easy to understand....  that too many people hold back because they think and assume, with all the 'learned politically correct B.S. HIGHER LEARNING IN LIBERAL SCHOOLS, with Liberal teachers and Socialists,  that Salvation MUST be hard and difficult !   But, in reality, the opposite is true, and very simple to digest.   God made it simple, just like the simple instructions He gave Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  Remember, is was not Adam and "Steve."  --LOL.   'Eat everything you want, except for this ONE tree,'  but we all know the story.   OK, the devil had a lot to do with our down fall,  just as he lures many away from God the Father, today.   But we have the Grace of God, the Holy Spirit to guide and help us, and the KJV Bible, our blue print of instruction,  our Compass of life and happiness but only for those of us who are HUMBLE ENOUGH to follow our Lord and Savior,  Jesus Christ.   
    See the pictures below, to help you understand these things better.   ----forwarded to me by a friend.


Yes,   This is a 'Reality Check'  for those of you who can put your Political Correct Blinders away!    
Here’s some food for thought....

Thomas Neviaser

Links for my Books: 
The Way I See It: A Head-to-Toe Guide to Common Orthopaedic Conditions 
The Comb in the Urinal: And other Perplexities of Life

Man’s Unofficial Guide to the Use of His garage:

"A free people ought to be armed." - George Washington

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