Saturday, December 2, 2017

Something to check out.

Tom's Journal.

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'Rottweiler's  are king !'   The reason why they seldom get into fights with other dogs --- is because they know that they have nothing to prove !  What a noble beast and friend the Lord has given us !  


God Dag, danskere,
jeg havde engang en god ven som også arbejdede sammen med mig hos Chrysler Corporation, i Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA., navngivet, Leon Edmark, en Dansk- amerikansk, og smart. Men han blev fanget i "falsk religion" - Jehovas vidner: "kirken af den forgiftede sind".... Ha! Efter at jeg kom hjem fra hæren i Vietnam: 1968-70, jeg blev suget ind i denne kult for 22 år !! Fader Gud må have haft god grund til at tillade mig at spilde min tid i denne falske doktrin, organisation, men hvorfor -- Det ved jeg ikke. Så jeg måtte "lære" hele Bibelen Bibelen - efter den store fejltagelse og dræn på mit liv ! Men det var fordi at man kender og forstår meget mere, plus jeg nu har Herren Jesus Kristus som min Frelser. Det er kun gennem blodet på Jesu Kristi fortjenester, at vi som sande kristne, kan nogensinde opnå himlen !
Og så må vi spørge os selv... Hvorfor er meget kultiveret, veluddannet, rene, nationer som Tyskland, Frankrig og Sverige giver super voldelige islamiske horde i deres lande og støtte dem gratis ? ? ? Jeg takker Gud for præsident Donald Trump, hver dag, at alt hans hårde arbejde og mod, at forsøge at fjerne stanken af islamisk terror, voldtægt og drab på den engang så store land - America ! Jeg har stemt for ham !
Hvor længe vores land vil overleve og sidst --- jeg har ingen anelse om, men der er sikkert en himmel og et helvede, på den "anden side" efter dette liv. Smil.
Venlig hilsen
Thomas G. Schuckman Email:

Dear  Friends and Readers:
    There are definitely so many false prophets, FALSE Religions, false teachers, and workers/ servants of Satan the devil in the world, so intent on peeling away the true worshipers of Father God-  Yahweh, and Followers of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  
       The KJV Bible, and NASB,  have a simple message, albeit, some concepts are 'heavier' that require a 12th grade education.   A skillful servant/ follower of God CAN break things down and adapt his method of teaching -- so that most anyone with an I.Q. of 70 and over can understand.   After all, the Lord God wanted to make the understanding of the Word -- the Bible, understood to even a "plow boy,"  men, women and children, combined !!   For all of us who have spent some honest time studying the Holy Scriptures,  we NEED to convince 'new ones' of this true fact,   PLEASE !   It's like anything else in life,  we start slow with the basics, and then progress with Bible studies, so that no one is left behind.   Our dear Lord and Father- Yahweh, also knows that a gentle repetition is needed to inculcate the truth into hearts and minds,  although I have seen 10 year old children recite and EXPLAIN so many Bible Scriptures.... like a highly studied, Elder in the church !  
     I taught my own 3- beautiful children when they were about the same age,  to recite and memorize all  66 books of the Bible !   And that certainly will help any humans find their way around the Bible, immensely and quickly !   In fact,  I have seen and witnessed many people in FALSE religion blow past older 'church goers' in good, proper, Baptist and Protestant churches,  who have sat in their churches all their lives,  but never learned a lick !   Sure, we are not ALL blessed with super brains and material, subject  retention, nor advanced education....   but given a fair chance in life,  we all can improve IF WE ARE WILLING TO INVEST THE TIME AND EFFORT ! !    But scripture says that,   'Our heart is where our treasure is.'  

      Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart ...
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ... Treasury of Scripture. ... Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is there your (Matt. 6:21.)
 I honestly have pity of folks that cannot read, enjoy, and remember what they read.....   because I just HATED MATH  in high school, and college !!   Grrrrrrr !   But I excelled in Verbal Aptitude and Reading Comprehension, History, Geography, and Languages !   PTL. ---  [Praise the Lord]    And that subject is very similar to other aspects in life, like,  Investments, Insurance, Hard Work and Education !    Many people CHOOSE to be poor and destitute,  so that they lack the options in life to SAVE their families during a Hurricane, or storm,  while their greedy, Democrat  'mayor' punk  flies away to Texas or another state, instead of helping his people in New Orleans, during Katrina !    But what really turns my crank is when I read about corrupt, immoral Congressmen and 'Law Makers' having a huge $$$ slush fund [many Millions $$$], in case they need to pay off younger women that they abused sexually, and harassed, to keep them silent !   And the hard working tax payers in America are forced, unknowingly, to pay for it !!   I really think that kind of News should get more attention these days, instead of the frequent witch hunts and 'fake news' --  against the good, hard working President Trump, who is trying hard to 'drain the swamp, in D.C.' !     And if  Father God decided to just wipe out the U.S.A., tomorrow, for all of our high crimes, abortions, godless Socialism,  and total corruption --- I could and would certainly understand and justify it.    He would be within His Rights and Divine Justice.

Hi  Tom,   Here is another example of how a group of 13 families hijacked all world funds by imitating the names our 'free' forms of government and replacing them with similar fraudulent to fool the masses w/ this fraud. unbelievable.
From,  Joy, in NYC.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch <>
Date: 2 December 2017 at 11:33
Subject: Paul Stramer personal blog Paul Stramer personal blog

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:01 AM PST

By Anna Von Reitz

Big News for the World

[The irony is that the world banking community knows the news already; the only shock is that we know the news and have chosen to come forward and share it with everyone else.]

The American states and people own the debt of virtually every government at every level in the entire world--and we are aware of that fact and we are telling the world: hey, stop dealing with middlemen who are claiming to represent us.

No deal they can make "for" us is valid.

In commercial terms, the banks, lawyers, and politicians are not authorized to represent us in the settlement of any alleged bankruptcy, debt, credit, or other matter affecting our role and responsibility as the Paramount Security Interest Holders.

Instead of talking to bankers or politicians -- talk to the actual Postmasters who hold the bank charters and who are fiduciaries of the Creditors. Okay?

This is not rocket science.

For everyone's information, the actual government of this country is an unincorporated Body Politic. Our name is: The United States of America. We operate in sovereign (that is, unincorporated) capacity. We do business as people using simple Trade Names and as persons in charge of unincorporated businesses engaged in peaceful international trade. We are the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC. and all franchises thereof.

Ditto the USA, Inc. and all successors, derivatives, franchises, holdings, and variations thereof.

Our Post Master and Hereditary Head of State is James Clinton Belcher. Our Post Office and Seat of Government is located at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Great Seal of the United States of America and the lesser (delegated) Great Seal of the United States belong to us as sovereign property.

We exercise all international land jurisdiction and retain all non-delegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea which naturally belong to the Union of the States of America as an unincorporated Holding Company created by those same states. Our official language is American English. Our official law is American Common Law. Our law is Public Law exercised for private purposes. Our money is the United States Silver Dollar, aka, American Silver Dollar.

We hold the charter on all private banks, all state credit unions, and all international trade banks. 

We also ultimately subrogate and hold the charters of all federal commercial banks and credit unions under delegation. We have several accounts at the U.S. Treasury and we basically own the assets of the U.S. Treasury under delegation. 

We have established cured claims upon all assets of the various federal corporations and federated "states of states" and we have posted our Private Indemnity Bonds. The name of our National Banking Association is The American States and Nations Bank. We are open for business through all our state credit union facilities nationwide.

Please note that state credit unions are specifically in business to serve "natural persons" known as "people" and unincorporated businesses, and also note that all state (not federal) credit unions are lawful money institutions already and are enabled to accept precious metals deposits and asset-backed currencies.

Anyone having any questions is welcome to contact me for additional details, but it really is as easy as looking up "state credit unions" in the phone book, or, if a state credit union is not available in your area, get together with your neighbors and form one.

The government of the United States by contrast is Territorial in nature. The United States Postmaster General is RUSSELL-J:GOULD. In its delegated capacity, the Territorial United States also has its seat of government located at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In its municipal capacity, the Territorial United States also holds a seat of government in Washington, DC.

The United States holds the delegated authority over commercial affairs. As a result, it holds the charters of all the commercial banks and federal credit unions. These institutions all deal with "persons"---incorporated entities and their franchises ---not actual living people.

The fiat currency -- the Federal Reserve Notes, for example, are all issued by the United States in the name of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which is a corporation created by the US NAVY --a municipal corporation and now, a UN Corporation, that has nothing to do with the unincorporated government of The United States of America. 

It is merely infringing on our international common law copyright of our business name and trademarks which have been in effect and in constant use since September 9,1776---a situation which is now under correction.

So it is now a matter of public record placed before at least 50 million people worldwide exactly who the Postmasters for The United States of America and The United States are and who exercises the rights and responsibilities.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:
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