Saturday, June 16, 2018

How to Better Preserve Food.

Tom's Journal.

Translation of English to German

Translated Text:

"Gott kann nicht lügen." --- Titus 1: 2.

Original Text:

"God cannot lie." --- Titus 1: 2.

---- My precious, loving, son,  Andy Schuckman,  dancing with the Rotty [Dog].    I believe that Andy is in Heaven now...

Hello  Friends:
     I am just passing along some healthful, important tips and good advice,  below, to help you all save time, money, and food,  to better take care of your families.    I hope that you get as much out of it as my wife and I did.   Smile.   
       My wife,  Loretta got up the same early time as me, today, to get some food on the table:  eggs, bacon, buttered rolls and a cold drink.   I don't drink milk, coffee, tea,  but many times just water, or my PATRIOTS POWER GREENS,  that also helps me with some arthritic pain,  and guards my stomach from all the harsh VA medicines that would otherwise burn little and big holes in my poor, old, stomach.   Of course, the great food that my pretty wife makes for me helps a lot,  too.   I am so BLESSED to have a smart wife who takes care of me !!   I thank Father God every morning and night for bringing her to me, and marrying me !   

Please continue to pray for Lori and I,  and don't be afraid to share my humble thoughts with others,  especially your email friends.

Patriot Health Alliance Newsletter
When farmer's market season rolls around, I love to stock up on whatever's in season.

There's nothing like fresh.

I often go in without a plan, and let whatever looks good drive the menu for the week.

But if there's one thing I can't stand is waste.

It feels bad when something goes bad in my fridge. It's like a personal failure.

Not just because it's money down the drain... it's like throwing nutrition out the window too.

Now, as I've mentioned, your freezer can be a lifeline when something looks like it's on the brink and you don't have plans to use it.

But why not keep things as fresh as possible for as long as you can?

I read some good tips lately from a former "produce supervisor" at the Institute of Culinary Education's purchasing department.

(That's fancy language for someone whose whole job was buying good produce - and protecting it).

Here are my favorite takeaways...

1. Choose wisely. If you don't pick good produce in the first place, no storage tip is going to help. Makes sense. If that apple is banged up or the kale is limp... choose something else.

2. Get back to your roots. Crunchy root veggies last a good long time. Think carrots, beets, turnips. But prep is key too. So remove the carrot tops and beet greens when you get home. Leaving them intact pulls moisture from the good parts. But don't throw those greens away. They're great in soups, broths or even smoothies.

3. Don't pre-wash. Moisture = spoilage. Scrub up your veggies only as you use them.

4. Let it breathe. If you bring home greens in a plastic bag, leave it open so moisture doesn't collect. And take off any rubber bands, so the leaves don't get compressed.

5. Herbs need TLC. It's best to roll up herbs in a slightly damp paper towel, and place the bundle in a bag.

6. Inspect your fruit, and separate it. It's true that one bad apple can spoil the bunch. The gas a ripe apple throws off ripens the rest. So try not to keep ripe fruits from those that aren't quite ready... unless you're ready to eat them!

Do you have any other tips you'd like to share? If so, let me know!

I'm feeling a little inspired. A big, hearty salad with a little added protein like fish, chicken or hard-boiled egg can be a great meal that's ready in a pinch.

And it sure sets Ellie to drooling too.

I'm not sure who likes carrots more - me or her!

God Bless,

Jeff Reagan
Editor, Patriot Health Alliance

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Seniors across America are raving about how our doctor-developed "super green drink" eases their aches and pains.

Patriot Power Greens is made from 40 fruits and vegetables, probiotics and digestive enzymes, and is a "force of nature" when it comes to nutrition.

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See what Tony from Nashville has to say about Patriot Power Greens:

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Today, I'm giving away samples to Jeff Reagan readers – a full week's worth – for free. All I ask is you cover shipping.

Get the scoop on your free "military super drink"

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The information in this newsletter is for information purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Jeff Reagan is not a medical doctor, just a health nut who is passionate about helping fellow conservatives to improve their health.

You should always consult with your physician or healthcare professional before acting on any information you read in this newsletter.

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Patriot Health Alliance
1204 Elmwood Ave Nashville, TN USA, 37212
(800) 230-8956

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