Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Reduce Your Anxiety Attacks.

Tom's Journal.

Dear Friends and Readers,
    I get a good feeling when I share helpful things that come my way, and I spend some time often researching and studying to help myself.  I guess that being too honest has cost me a few relationships as may folks are just 'set in their ways' and like to remain in pain, depressed, homeless, in deep debt, etc.  I have been told that I live in the past [too much], but my younger days were "HAPPY DAYS" when I had my good health, good looks, power and strength.  Old age has been a negative shock for me --- depending on others who do a half job, only working for their payday check.  So I have decided long ago to learn tons of good stuff, treat, repair, improve and HEAL myself.  Sorry,  but I have been lied to by too many so-called "doctors, dentists, and politicians."  "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."  The KJV Bible has been infused into my spine bone, heart and brain after 40 some years of intense study.  I am a better man and person because of it, but some times we also need healing on certain matters, just like an Army TM -- Technical Manual.  When the body functions are explained, and little cure sessions help us -- why not share?   Anyway, that's the way I feel.  I am always open to ""Constructive Criticism" and suggestions.  So send me your thoughts and emails, please.  My address:  

Starting with the bare basics,  BREATHING is key, and I shall master it!  Please check out the:  5 times 2 equals 10, method, to calm down and get back to normal.  

Also, I have a 'seasonal mood disorder' of sorts, in that I prefer our beautiful Summers U.P. here in Northern Michigan, to the frozen, stone cold Winter, where I must pay more money $$$ for heat in the old, windy house that I rent.
    My weight loss program is finally working well, but eating less renders my body heat to warm me less, so I wear more clothes and turn up the heat.  

Another reason that I post such 'self help' articles is that we Disabled Veterans find the local VAMC's so crowded, full, so that our 'waiting times' are so slow and long that our needs are often NOT MET!  It was Present Trump who helped make that VA system better by allowing us Veterans to see other civilian doctors from other hospitals...  rather than just wait and die in the gutter, or the ditch, or alone in a lonely house without any friends ! !  I think that is why  the President has most of the Veterans' votes, and mine, too.  Hey!  our President Trump is far from being a Saint or a Bible scholar, but he knows how to help Americans get the proper help and better wages, IMHO.  [In my humble opinion].   I have many Vet friends on Face Book, etc.
Tommy Schuckman

How to Reduce Your Anxiety Attacks

Woman lying on the floor relaxing
George Doyle/Getty Images

A little bit of anxiety is actually good because it helps keep us safe and out of trouble (our brains are biologically wired to protect us). Unfortunately, there are millions of people suffering from anxiety symptoms all of the time and subsequently are wracked with nervousness, predicting the worst outcome to situations, avoiding risk or conflict, and have chronic muscle tension, among other symptoms. It’s as though their “idle” is set too high and they are frequently plagued by fear, panic, and self-doubt.
In studying the brains of anxious subjects, researchers discovered that certain areas of the brain are overactive compared to the brains of those without anxiety. One such area is called the basal ganglia, a set of large structures near the center of the brain that are involved with the integration of thought, feeling, and movement as well as motivation and pleasure.

4 Steps for Reducing Anxiety

The good news is that you can get control of your anxiety symptoms with a simple four-step panic plan.

Step 1

Slow down your breathing. Many people don’t pay attention to their breathing during an anxiety attack, when in fact their breathing usually becomes shallow, rapid, and erratic. This decreases the oxygen in the brain, which will trigger fear and panic (again, part of our biological wiring). When you take slow deep breaths, you increase the blood flow to your brain, which will put you back in control.
One way to practice deep breathing is by learning how to breathe from your diaphragm—the area of the body that tends to get “clenched” when we’re anxious. This is also known as belly breathing and here’s how to get a feel for it:

Belly Breathing

Lie on your back and place a small book on your belly.
Breathe slowly and deeply with your belly. When you inhale, make the book go up. When you exhale, make the book go down.
  1. Take five seconds to inhale
  2. Hold it for two seconds.
  3. Take five seconds to exhale.
  4. Hold it for two seconds.
  5. Repeat.
  6. Do this 10 times.
You may refer to this technique as 5 x 2=10.
It may take a while to get the hang of it, but keep practicing — your brain and body will thank you.

Step 2

Don’t leave, run away from, or ignore whatever is causing you the anxiety (unless of course, it is life-threatening). You must face the fear or concern directly, or it will always have control over you and cause you anxiety.
You may need to talk to a trained psychotherapist about your anxiety and fears, especially if you’ve been exposed to the trauma of any kind. There are some very good therapeutic methods for helping people overcome the symptoms brought on by traumatic or life-threatening experiences, and those that cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The method I usually recommend is EMDR, which stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. It helps to remove the emotional charges of traumatic memories.

Step 3

Pay attention to the thoughts in your mind and write them down to see if they make sense. Often in panicked situations, our thoughts are distorted and need to be challenged. So, it may be a good idea to kill the automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) that make us feel miserable. You can read more detailed information about overcoming automatic negative thoughts in my book, "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Revised and Expanded 2015."

Step 4

If you’ve practiced steps 1-3, but are still suffering from too much anxiety, you may need supplements or medication to help you feel calmer. While people with severe anxiety often require medication, others may do well with supplements such as ones that contain magnesium, GABA, ashwagandha and some of the B vitamins, especially B6.
Always discuss medication or adding supplements with your physician before taking them.


In summary, when panic or anxiety starts to set in, remember these four simple steps:
1. Slow down your breathing and breathe deeply from your belly. Remember 5 x 2 = 10.
2. Don’t run away from your fears. Face them and work through them.
3. Pay attention to your thoughts and challenge them.
4. Consider taking supplements or medication if Steps 1-3 don’t work.
By following this Panic Plan, it is possible for you to finally get control of your anxiety attacks!

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