Heartbreaking Video Shows That Coronavirus Isn't Slowing the Destruction of San Francisco
“Socially distanced” homeless tents in front of San Francisco City Hall, April 19, 2020. Credit: Erica Sandberg, used with permission
In almost any situation, learning through direct personal experience is preferable to learning from photos, videos, or a verbal description of another person’s experience. (Walking off of a cliff being one notable exception.)
Knowing this, San Francisco-based writer Erica Sandberg has been organizing what she calls “see for yourself/think for yourself” walks through her city so regular residents can take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the homeless crisis for themselves and not rely upon the curated experiences of activists, politicians, and the mainstream media. Even more importantly, her tours are not narrated, allowing participants to draw their own conclusions about what they’re viewing.

What they’re all seeing is terrifying and a city “spiraling out of control.”
San Francisco residents have been subject to a “shelter in place” order since March 17, but most of the restrictions in the order don’t apply to people “experiencing homelessness.” From what Sandberg has witnessed, drug dealing and abuse hasn’t been affected in any way. On April 19 she wrote (emphasis added):
SF is in ruins. I’ve just started leading “see for yourself/think for yourself” walks around the Tenderloin [a neighborhood in SF] and beyond. SFPD gave me an escort, so two officers in a squad car were always 1/2 block away. This is all around City Hall. Even with the escort it was the only place I felt safe enough to take pics. That’s because cops were ensuring that tents were spaced out enough. What they couldn’t do is stop the flow of drugs. In EVERY tent people were either actively injecting or had just done so. Dealers were prolific.
There is a strange and false orderliness to this pic. All around it is utter chaos. Naked people crawling around in their own waste. People screaming, crying, passed out, fighting… it’s mayhem. And it’s all drugs and the mental illness that goes with it. But don’t believe me. Walk with me and I won’t say a word. Or go on your own. Just – please – don’t believe what you read from city leaders. It’s all false. The entire city is spiraling out of control.
Many of us (including myself) have seen so many videos and photos of the disgusting conditions in San Francisco that we’re becoming immune to the horror and third-world sanitation. This video, taken during one of Sandberg’s walks on April 19, will shock even the most hardened observers: