Monday, May 11, 2009

Starting Another List of Friends.

Tom's Journal.

I feel so sorry for those losers out there who just can't get a life of their own, but have to wander the InterNet to tear down others who DO have a real life and relationship with Jesus as their Savior. As we get to be mature Christians, we get better and more experienced in telling sheep from goats, true believers from Satan's henchmen and unbelieving agnostic idiots... lol. It's simple! Christians will always speak that 'special language' that only well read Bible students understand and MAKE the time to learn-- who cannot resist sharing it with others for they truly have the Holy Spirit-- except those losers mentioned at Matt. 7:6. Lately, I have been shutting off the TV [unless my dear wife wants to watch] and read my great books that draw me closer to Lord Jesus Christ. And little by little, I get the chores done inside and out, and that is doing me a world of good, as I have lost about 30 pounds in the past month! I don't eat that much any more but have always loved veggies and some fruit. As a matter of fact, I am getting full/ tired of meat, and prefer salads more these days.

For a few reasons, I am asking all my readers and friends to send me their email address that I will put in a special folder and I will send them an 'exclusive type of Blog post' only to those I really trust. I am betting that 'things will move quite quickly' pretty soon, politically, economically, spiritually, etc., and only want to share special alerts and news with folks I know I can trust. The "Book" says that there will be a major falling out, false 'brothers' and those who will betray us in the 'end times.' I was never looking for a mountain of friends or readership, but only real Christians who share the same hopes and promises outlined in the Bible. After doing some deeper research, I found out just how much more corrupt and misleading our "News Media" really is, and other countries too. I have repeated myself so many times that the devil knows that his time is very short on earth-- and that is why we are feeling the great wicked onset of his wrath. Jesus said that we would know the evil ones/ Satan's henchmen, by their 'fruits!' Do people you hang with or email stuff that is UP BUILDING, PROPER, ENCOURAGING from God??
Or do they continue to spout off things that are hurtful, humanism, New Age, atheistic and agnostic baloney-- or just plain stupid time wasting jive?

Yes, there certainly are many worth while, honorable, things that we COULD do/ get involved with, hobbies, pastimes and pleasures... but as for me, I want to concentrate more with things and activities that glorify God, His greatness and ways to contact hungry people who seriously WANT to know about God and His wonderful promises! When I have a firm grip on these good, healthy feelings of storing up 'treasures in heaven', I want to 'capture' them and put them in a bottle with a cork stopper. I also want to share them with others like me who yearn for something better than mere temporary pleasures on a sinking ship of rats. Go figure: even if we were rich, how many days do we have left to enjoy those temporary things??

Thank you for your many kindnesses, and your hearing ear [eyes].


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