Wednesday, July 5, 2017

America's Fraud President --- BHO.

Tom's Journal.

Foreword in Swedish: 

Hej vänner och läsare.
Jag vet inte exakt varför, men den vänliga människor i Norge, Sverige, Ryssland, Frankrike, etc., läs min anspråkslösa blogg: TOM'S JOURNAL, mer än min Native American ! Jag tror att en kraftfull, onda män gillar George Soros och vänstern socialister-- demokrater, försöker att undertrycka sanningen från många patriotiska och rutinerad bloggare, gillar mig. KJV Bibel säger mig att aldrig ljuga eller vilseleda någon Gud och hatar lögner ! Och vi vet också att Herren Jesus Kristus snart kommer att återvända till jorden -- till Rapture upp hans fromma och anhängare, och sedan skall han vända sin uppmärksamhet till ogudaktiga människor ljuga, stjäla, våldtäkter, mord, och lura sina grannar osv. Vi vill inte vara "kvar" när det händer.
Jag vet också att många amerikaner är "förberedelse" genom att förvara upp med mat, rent dricksvatten, skjutvapen, ammunition och silver, för när det finansiella systemet misslyckas.... och vissa säger att ett krig kommer att distrahera oss alla från finansiella smälter. Vi bör inte bara förtrösta på HERREN, men viktiga saker för nödsituationer. Det är bara min ödmjuka åsikt. Men jag vet att min bibel... och tror på frälsning genom Kristi blod offret.
Varma hälsningar,
Thomas G Schuckman
min e-postadress:

Hi  Friends,
    I am so happy to post this report about  Barry O !  !   And I can hardly wait to see him report to the Congress and Senate hearings about his crimes, UNDER OATH !   I may just pop open a chilled bottle of Champagne, too !  

In my Financial job at PFS, we had a few Mottos and Proverbs.....  like:  "The Best Revenge is Massive Success."   If a person has been wronged, slighted, or abused,  working hard with the 'right tools' of success can often change the lives of people in a large way.   I learned some things when I was middle aged,  but I knew that if I worked like a mad man -- I could better myself.    Reading the KJV Bible can also change a man or a woman from being poor in spirit  --- to spiritually RICK, kind, brave, wise and thankful for all of God's sweet gifts in life !     And there is much more than just the life we have now.   When a human puts his/ her faith in God's grand promises --- they have something worth a lot more than just gold or silver.   They can KNOW FOR SURE that they will be "translated" into a beautiful spirit creature -- with the same intelligence but much better, with the same personality --- but purified and made holy !  
       But the hitch is:   We must get special help from above to be HUMBLE, sorry for our past sinful behavior, and accept the good discipline from the Bible and the Spirit.   
     For the book of Hebrews, Chapter 12, verse 5b,  "My son,  despise not thou the chastening of the Lord,  nor faint when thou art rebuked of him.  6.   For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth,  and scourgeth every son that he recieveth.   7.   If ye endure chastening,  God dealeth with you as sons,  fir what son is he who the Father chasteneth not ?"   

And there is a lot more on that subject, with plenty of wisdom back in the book of Deuteronomy.    I taught the Bible well, to my three children when they were young,  but had to correct my teachings after I exited a False Religious Cult.    Many people say that the chances of finding the Lord and the Real Truth of the KJV Bible are slim.... after you've separated yourself from False Religion, like the JW's or the Mormons, etc.   But it can be done !   I am making myself available to help any one who is in these religious cults, if I can.    I will do my level best to help others who show some humility and promise.    My email address: 

When I am on-line, especially writing in my Blog --- time goes fast.
   I need to stay home in the morning, especially, to meet a VA appointed repair man who will [hopefully] repair my Power Scooter Lift in the back of my truck.    I have begged the local, 'too laid back,'  too independent, slow, lax, whacked out, Iron Mountain VAMC, for a whole MONTH --- to please fix my Scooter Lift, that gives me so much quality MOBILITY !  !   In fact, it almost takes an 'Act of Congress' to light a fire under their dead butts !!   And 99% of all the negative BS you read and hear about on the News is correct !   Even after our good President Trump has moved mountains, the VA is still a huge, bloated, slow moving, messed up bureaucracy that needs to clean out the dead wood, so that Disabled Veterans and retired Military people and their families can finally receive the Medical Health benefits that the deserve !!    And Illegal Aliens get better Health care than our heroes and service people who have kept us safe all these years !    I guess that we will NEVER get what we truly deserve,  but I will keep fighting for the bare minimum of service and rights, until I am DEAD !   In fact so many Disabled Veterans are already DEAD --- because of lack of care, and fumbling around, and removing the wrong junk from HEALTHY Veterans !   That is one reason why I refuse to go to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, VAMC, after they messed up the replacement surgery of my Right knee !   I will not let them just sweep that crime under the carpet !

I will bet that Obama will get better health care after he is in prison....  LOL.

Warm Regards,
Tom  Schuckman

ALERT: Obama Caught ‘Acting As President’ In Indonesia, Trump Gives Him Brutal Surprise

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July 4, 2017 11:09 pm 
(Angry Patriot) – You would think that if you were a former president, you would want to respect the person coming into office after you. You would KNOW the job is challenging, and that the new president needs space. Apparently, Obama couldn’t care less about his successor.
In some weird reality, Obama still thinks of himself as the president and is making visits to countries like South Korea to talk to elected officials. Obama has been acting like this since he left office, and now it is finally coming back to bite him in the butt. Once Obama gets back to the United States, he is going to have to testify before Congress about the allegations that he knew well in advance about the wiretapping on Trump AND the rumors of Russian interference (via YouTube).

Originally, Obama stated he was going on a “family vacation,” but it seemed to have turned into something much different. It is almost as if Obama is pretending to be the president. The former president’s behavior is odd, disrespectful, and also violates the Logan Act.
The Logan Act is a federal law that carries a punishment including prison time. The law says that no unauthorized citizen can negotiate with foreign governments. According to what we can see here with Obama and the South Korean President that is very likely what he was doing.
Korea Herald reports that Moon spoke with Obama for about 40 minutes this week. During their meeting, Moon told Obama about his meetings with President Trump. Moon went as far as to ask Obama how he could improve his relationship with the current president. On what planet is this acceptable behavior?
Well, good ole’ Barry is going to be in for a surprise when he makes it back to the states. Newt Gingrich revealed on FOX & Friends, “Guess what’s about to happen: The Congress is about to have to call Barack Obama in to testify under oath about when he knew about Russia meddling.”
Things are going to start falling apart for Obama in a hurry. People are going to get exposed for their deception. Obama was involved in this scandal, and should not be able just to walk away.
Every Patriot in this country knows that Obama has one goal in mind: to dismantle Trump. The former president went against every standard in the world and made himself look like a fool.
Now he is going to have to face the music when he is done playing “shadow president.” What makes Obama think he has the right to deceive the entire country, then act like he is still relevant to the world when he is just another washed up liberal.
Personally, we cannot wait to hear what the former President has to say about the Russian meddling. He KNOWS something that we don’t, and if he lies under oath, it will catch up to him in one way or another. Better yet, if he decides to lie, he is going to be looking at obstruction of justice charges!
It is about time we start holding these people accountable. The behavior from the Left is unacceptable. PERIOD.

Boycott !

Tom's Journal.

Hello Thomas,

here I met a website which I think could be very important for every American national assuming you are an American national as well.

There is a mass of real and good information for everybody born and bread American.
It is free, even recommended to distribute every or all the articles on her website, can be relayed to everybody throughout the country and the other states, including thru Social Media naturally.

If you haven’t heard about this before, I do hope it is useful info for you and your family, your friends, connections, neighbors, other veterans like yourself.

Good luck with the material.
I can hardly stop reading this very interesting stuff.

friendly regards,

Foreword in Russian: 

Дорогие друзья и avid читателей,
около 140 лет тому назад, мои предки переехали из Германии в Россию, когда театр царевны Натальи Алексеевны Кэтрин России сталкивалась специального решения для ее коллег немцев мигрировать ближе к ее, так как они были великими пшеницы фермерам в Поволжье, со многими сжатое перки и правами человека, но сезоны изменен с войн и невзгод, поэтому smart немцев затем мигрировали в Америке, и продолжение их жизни в качестве пшеницы фермерам в западных равнин штата Канзас, США, а также затронула огромных семей, плюс крупный рогатый скот и свиней и т.д., - История моего отца народа... и они были названы "Volga-Germans". Насколько мне известно, есть еще люди в России с моего последнего имя, Schuckman. Если они никогда не читать этот скромный блог: Tom's Journal, сообщите, что Америке используется для быть великой страны в полной мере мужественных христианских воинов. Но теперь, сатаны дьявола и его земных служащие имеют соблазнил большинство стран мира и социализма укоренилась во многих землях которых обычно болит true христианство, по моему скромному мнению. Скажите мне если я неверно, пожалуйста. Но вскоре Иисус Христос вернется.
Что касается теплого,
Томас G Schuckman
Мой адрес электронной почты:

Here.... you see down below,  something is not "RIGHT" with this picture, when a few months ago, my 'readership' in the USA was usually about 1300 or more, READERS,  but I think that liberal-Left-Socialist Groups and Orgs., don't like to hear or see the TRUTH about things in the USA, AND SO THEY HAVE DONE SOMETHING EVIL to block out others from seeing and reading my humble Christian/ Patriots Blog !!   The Father in Heaven will certainly deal with them,  soon enough !

Pageviews by Countries
Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers


United States







Germany         10

Dear Friends and Readers,
     My purpose for writing this humble Blog is not for glory, power, notoriety,  fun, or privilege,   but to help bring many people closer to the KJV Bible, Jesus Christ, and Salvation !   Long ago,  I was floundering and barely surviving,  when a few good souls saw something inside of me worth saving, and helped me up and out of despair and depression.   I was also lost in a "False Religion" and more/ or less,  "brain washed,"  so Father God had pity on me and sent some of His earthly servants to help me.... and here I am now.  

You know, friends,  we could all cry in our soup --- and wish, "IF ONLY THIS, THAT, or the other happened in my life --- things might have turned out different,  or better."    But that's not the way I see things in life.    The ones to be pitied were/ and are those who DIED without knowing true Salvation through the blood sacrifice of our One and True Savior,  Jesus Christ !!   Yes !  That is the true shame!
     So now,  if you truly understand this fact --- why are not more of YOU people doing your BEST to share the Gospel ?  ?  ?   If you don't fully understand it --- then READ and STUDY it until you do ! 
    When I was in college at GateWay Tech., in Kenosha, WI., studying more Welding and Print Reading, etc.,   my instructor told me that sometimes a brand new subject took reading and re-reading the text, maybe 8 times to make it sink in !!   You just do what ever it takes to make it work.   Period.  And I have also used the analogy:  'If getting to heaven meant that you needed to learn a whole new language --- wouldn't you just do it ?'    The alternative is just too terrible,  sorry.   Hell is forever..... and it's not a stupid, party, either.   And if you are suffering in life, now.... why would you ever want to suffer, forever ?   And if you are just too stupid to assimilate this stuff --- I doubt if anyone can help you... sorry, again.    Because,   "Ignorance can be cured --- but Stupidity is Forever !"

So,  I don't see what I am doing here is "preaching"  --- but just plain old "reasoning" with average, normal, common sense, people...  friends and readers of my humble blog.    If Father God loves you all,  then I must love you, too.   
     But now,  please don't  confuse, helping and loving mankind,  with being weak in the head, and letting others push me around, hurting, stealing from, or abusing me.    If a person or a gang, crowd of buzzards comes to my house at night to rob me, or hurt my loved ones or me,   I am an "edged weapons" instructor, and well qualified with most fire arms, also carrying a CCW [conceal carry permit for firearms], owner.   And I have not forgotten everything the U.S. Army taught me over in Vietnam !   Other than that,  I need not, and will not tell the public just what is in my humble hovel -- home, sweet, home.    That is strictly for me to know --- and for others to dream of.... LOL !   I am soon to be engaged to a fine, Christian lady, and she has her own "Hardware" too, and knows full well, how to handle herself.    Please don't get on her wrong side, fellows,  because she will not hesitate to protect herself and me, too,  plus she has a mean ass dog !
   Actually,  she says that many things are going to change when she gets way U.P. here,  like my diet, and 3 square meals... so I won't get so hungry that I "pig out" on ice cream, etc.   That's why I am eating it now.... Ha!     I guess my new diet will consist of SALADS every day, and eggs.    I probably don't deserve her,  but I will treat her like my queen, and study the Bible with her often, and pray a lot more.   

Yes,   I believe that Father God has truly blessed me,  by sending me such comfort and joy, and I surely intend never to repeat the old sins of yesteryear,  truly learning from my mistakes.   I am living with a lot of physical pain,  but losing weight should help me quite a bit,  I pray.     I don't trust the local VA system farther than I can spit, and who knows what foolishness will come down the pike.     I know that just ONE MAN cannot change our country, even though I voted for him and support him.   Yes,  I will vote and support,  but only God can change our destiny....   but just read a small portion of Revelation, please:    "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings,  which havec received no kingdom as yet:   but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.   13.  These have one mind,  and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.  14.  These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them:  for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings:   and they that are with him are called, the chosen and faithful."   ---Revelation 17:  12- 14.      So you see,  that the 'kings of the earth' -- the worldly leaders of the world will ALL be on Satan's side [see Verse 17 !], and will fight against Jesus Christ, and His Saints -- the ones Raptured up to heaven BEFORE the Great Tribulation and Armageddon !   Now do you all really WANT TO BE "LEFT BEHIND ?"   Shake your head, "NO !"  
      If you pray in Ernest and humility BEFORE you begin to read and study the BIBLE, this will most probably help you understand the text--- but  you must have the Holy Spirit to really understand God's Word.   Just ask for it.  

    But for now,  we Christians and Patriots will try to keep what Freedoms and Liberties we still have, until that day [or night] when our Lord 'takes us up-- and out of this world.'

Warm Regards,
Tom  Schuckman

BOYCOTT THEM: Popular Restaurant Tells Veterans to REMOVE the Flag and GET OUT

Sponsored:   Degenerate liberals don’t want anyone to be allowed to express patriotism near them. This restaurant must be run by some of their snowflakes.
In Kentwood, Michigan, a Dave and Buster’s told American Legion officers they had to take off their jackets because of “gang affiliation.” The jacket had an American flag, the prisoner of war flag, and a bald eagle on it. (via The only “gang” these gentlemen belonged to was the “veteran” gang.
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Victor Murdock and Adrienne Brown, who are both American Legion Riders Post 179 had stopped at the restaurant to get some food. Instead of a meal, they were reprimanded for their show of patriotism.
A spokeswoman for the company, April Spearman, stated that the no-gang symbol policy is in place “to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy themselves in a fun and safe environment.”
The spokesperson argued that the company knows the American Legion has a positive message and mission, but they couldn’t allow the individuals to wear their jackets, just to maintain consistency.
It’s understandable that the restaurant, which largely caters to families and children, wouldn’t want any gang affiliation on the premises. But the American Legion, with American flags and bald eagles, is not a gang! If it is, We the People are officially gang members.
The restaurant tried to backpedal and apologize for the frustration for the incident, but they should have apologized for their stupidity instead!
I think the real reason why they wanted them to remove those jackets is because some liberal was offended and complained to the management. Simply put, the bald eagle and the American flag are now reason enough for leftists to throw a fit — overly sensitive morons.
It’s ridiculous, frankly, that our veterans had to deal with this. They only wanted to show their American and military pride, a pride we should all share. Telling them that they can’t show that pride is like shoving their sacrifice back in their face.
These men were clearly veterans and were looking for nothing more than a warm meal so they could get on their way… and they were embarrassed for being proud of their service to our country.
If Dave and Buster’s want to turn away our veterans, then so be it; but I will no longer be a patron of their company. Unlike they do, I have American and military