Monday, October 17, 2011

|Pix of Tom

Tom's Journal.

I have to fish in my Blog archives to summon up some pix:  before I lost the weight|:
 Age 21 in Vietnam,  I am the dark haired soldier on the Left, and had a few at the EM Club at Camp BearCat, RVN in 1970.
I can see now that I will have to have some more pix of me taken for you....  sorry.


Sunny Monday.

Tom's Journal.

I called and found a nice sun tan spa in Kenosha today and that cheers me up, because I always did feel better with a little color.  And then as soon as I can find my swimming trunks, I will join the YMCA too for one month to see how it goes and that will also brighten my gloomy Winter days!  

I have been meeting some nice people on divers so-called "Christian" sites, but it's really a 'hunt' to find honest people who have similar qualities and values, 'not a perfect mate/ friend' but someone who is "real" --who is honest enough to show their feelings and what they are looking for.  I feel confident now and not so 'needy.'  Just count my blessings and PTL. 
Others have it so much worse than me, and it took some kind words from a few women to make me realize that.  Don't worry folks, things WILL get a lot better soon--n if we do what's right, and lean on the Lord!  And we can blame much of our recent woes on our dear elected officials, although I believe that D.C. will eventually corrupt a "good man or woman."   Perish the thought that people should actually crack open the 'Good Book' and really find out that "God cannot lie" ~Titus 1:2, and we ought all to know what the near future will bring....  duh.  But I fear that most of the time, my advice falls on deaf ears... and I feel like I am repeating too much...sorry.

I called the pastor this morning about getting with the program of helping the church sponsored missionaries in Japan, Germany, Africa, etc., as the level of money is drying up in collections as more people are without work and laid off right now.   I am NOT bragging by a long shot, but I feel that the Lord has blessed me BIG TIME, and I know that HE will prob will continue to bless me if I keep my nose clean.  He will not desert us--His "Elect" if we never desert Him... and I was talking to a fine friend in MN who said that she 'knew all this about the Rapture, etc., from a young age', and that kind of blew me away.  What a cheerful person with a calm heart--exactly the type of person I might be looking for, but so far away...Murphy's Law, just my luck. [except I don't believe in "luck"].  

I think that we have to consider that we are all working/ living under a lot of stress, from the 'dark side'-- the invisible realm of Satan who knows that his time is short and he is making life pure misery for all of us... and persecuting 'real' Christians, because he already has his thumb on most of mankind who are running around like the "3 blind mice."  Ha!  I have a more positive mind set today, and I like to "bottle it up and save for a blue, rainy day."  I am in the habit of carrying a pen and paper to write down inspiring thoughts, ideas, comments, scriptures, and now, even some poetry!  I don't take great notes, but I do take notes.  "Short pencil better than long memory.."  I always liked Charlie Chan and his wisdom.

I've got to tell you all, that in the last days of me working on the Chrysler assembly line while hurting from injuries and arthritis in both knees, and carpal tunnel, etc., that I didn't CARE of I dropped DEAD-- except that I was going to "WILL" myself to put those all important 30 years in to get my retirement, pension and the great health care benefits!!!  And that certainly didn't make me rich-- but at least I have some dignity in living in a modicum of comfort and happiness.  And please believe me when I say that things WERE much worse 15 years ago for me [and are too painful and embarrassing to relate-- but I carry them in my heart-compartmentalized], wondering if I would even have a place to sleep and eat!  Some people can be so cruel as to take a man's last dollar before they kick him to the curb and destroy him... but combat Veterans are not so easy to kill and destroy.  I am NOT bitter about the past, but I must say that 'everything that goes around-- comes around.'  I am seeing certain roles reversed right now... and tables turned by those who have mocked God. 

I have determined that the best and easiest way for me to stay out of trouble is to try to walk the path of Christ, and the reward will be so fine on the 'other side' come   death or rapture.
   I hope all my readers and friends will have a great, blessed day!

The picture down below is about 12 years old, but it's the real McCoy!  No matter how hard I push myself [and it would be so fine to have a work out partner for encouragement] I prob won't look like that