Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How to Beat Hangovers.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/


Forget about the accompanying advertisement, please.   But the following information is valuable and important, even for Christians.    Many of us already quit drinking a long time ago, yet some of us still enjoy A GLASS OR TWO OF wine with our supper.   I well know the KJV Bible back and forth.   I hope I never take another drink of hard spirits/ whiskey, etc., because it's just not good for Tom Schuckman.   Again, we want to be BALANCED in what the Bible actually says!   The Bible does NOT condemn moderate drinking ---  but drunkenness!  But still, if a person has a problem with drinking alcohol, he/ she should just quit, and forget all about it.  Drink pure water, as I do !!
     I found this short article to be interesting and beneficial.  Please give me your feed back.  I personally keep some dry, red table wine in the house, and my wife doesn't object.   Actually, the soda pop that I drink is much worse for me than any one glass of wine !!  I also enjoy many fruit and veggie juices, but never drink milk, coffee or tea.   I love good old, pucker-y, fresh or frozen,  lemonade  in the Summer time !!    As all my close friends  who know me, I have studied healing Herbs most of my adult life, and was also a power lifter, hoping to get back into that sport soon.  I quit smoking, forever, when I was about age 24, in 1972, while I was welding at AMC, in Kenosha, WI., at the old Simmons Mattress factory, converted into an auto plant, right next to Lake Michigan,  and never looked back.    I PTL for all that we have right now, and we are so blessed to enjoy a good, healthy lifestyle in a good, clean, friendly environment....  albeit FREEZING COLD in the U.P.  [SMILE!] !!

Warm Regards,

--- in my younger years, about 1989...

Atheists speechless!
They can't explain THIS...
A recent discovery has been made by biblical researchers in Maryland.

While investigating the so-called "Bible Code," they found something they never expected...a healing message encoded in ancient scripture.

It appears to contain instructions for defeating some of our worst diseases... and it's all woven into the verses of the Bible.

Click here to watch the video -- you may never look at the Bible the same way again.
Help prevent hangover with
proper hydration and key amino acid
Dear Reader,

Dr. Micozzi's Insiders' Health Yesterday, I suggested you go ahead and enjoy a glass or two of wine with dinner. It's good for you! And it even protects your brain against dementia. But any more than a glass or two per night on a regular basis can lead to trouble. In fact, drinking too much, even over the short term, is extremely toxic to your tissues. Fortunately, two natural remedies may help protect your tissues from toxins and oxidative stress. I'll tell you about those in a moment.

But first, let's cover the basics of why drinking too much is never a good idea...

Of course, your liver bears the initial burden when you drink too much. It's your body's first line of defense against any chemical. Including alcohol. It breaks down harmful agents before they enter into general circulation.

But excess alcohol irritates and poisons your liver cells--and causes them to die off. Eventually, scar tissue replaces the dead cells. But as new liver cells multiply to replace the poisoned cells, they grow trapped within the scarred boundaries of the liver. This causes "cirrhosis" of the liver. (Which literally means scarring of the liver.) And the damage is permanent.

Alcohol is also toxic to other tissues in your body. Including tissues in the pancreas, heart, colon, and breast.

Drinking too much alcohol can also cause a chemical "byproduct" called acetaldehyde to build up in your system. This chemical causes oxidative stress and toxic effects in all your tissues. Plus, acetaldehyde is a known carcinogen. For most people, limiting how much they drink keeps acetaldehyde levels in check. It gives your system more time to convert acetaldehyde to acetate, a less harmful substance.

So, as I said yesterday, make moderation a rule to live by. Especially when it comes to alcohol.

But in reality, most of us have slipped up and had too much to drink on occasion. Maybe at a wedding or another special occasion. Or as an inappropriate way of responding to stress. So, what should you do on the rare occasion when you do indulge too much? Is there anything that can help?

Of course, when a hangover hits, most people reach for an anti-inflammatory drug, like aspirin or ibuprofen. And that is fine, once in a while. Just don't ever use Tylenol.

As I often warn, Tylenol is a dangerous chemical all by itself. But when you combine it with alcohol, it can turn even more deadly. And it can land you in the hospital with liver failure.

But is there a more natural approach that can help prevent the hangover in the first place?

Of course!
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You see, your cells burn alcohol, in effect, just like any carbohydrate. Actually, your body chemically adds oxygen molecules and eventually "burns" the alcohol down. But alcohol is also a powerful diuretic and drinking alcohol dehydrates you. So, always make sure to drink plenty of water. Or better yet, stay hydrated on a cellular level with Red Joe South African rooibos.

I watched the Super Bowl earlier this month with friends in South Florida. And some of them over-indulged during that disgrace of a football game. So I gave them some Red Joe. They couldn't believe how much it helped their hangovers.

One important point: You need to take Red Joe before you go to bed. If you wait until the morning after, you're too late. The dehydration and oxidative stress has already occurred. Then use another packet of Red Joe when you get up the next morning.

Red Joe works well for hangovers because it keeps you hydrated on a cellular level.

Another approach involves boosting a helpful enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). This enzyme converts acetaldehyde to the less toxic acetate metabolite. Interestingly, some East Asian populations lack the ALDH enzyme function. So when they drink alcohol, they react with flushing and alcohol intolerance.

The amino acid taurine may help boost your ALDH levels. And clinical studies suggest that consuming three 500-mg capsules of taurine one hour before and after drinking alcohol protects against toxicity. Other studies show that taurine prevents alcohol damage to liver cells. In addition, it appears to have anti-inflammatory effects and prevents increases in blood pressure. In lab animals, taurine reduced oxidative stress as well.

Bottom line?

Light-to-moderate drinking can definitely help lower your stress levels. It also benefits heart health. And it can help you stay mentally sharp as you get older--probably by improving blood circulation to the brain. But avoid heavy drinking. Nothing good comes

from it. But, if you happen to slip up, make sure to stay well hydrated with Red Joe. And you can consider giving taurine a try to help detoxify your tissues.

Always on the side of science,

Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


"Nutraceutical strategies for ameliorating the toxic effects of alcohol," Med Hypotheses 2013;80(4):456-462
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Delusional Diplomacy.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/


Hi Friends,
It's just like that great adventure movie, "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK" --where at the end, the main protagonist, says,  "They don't know what they are dealing with!"  referring to the 'Ark of the Covenant."   Average folks like me, at least have enough sense not to mess with God's stuff !   We have a healthy sense of reverence and fear of the Lord.  
   I was talking to my wife, Terri, yesterday, saying, 'that I have had a LONG life, full of adventure, all the time !'  If I died tomorrow, it would not be a big loss, or leave me sad and sorry that I failed to achieve something greater in my past life.   Paul, wrote to the Philippians @ Chapter 3:7.... "But what things were gain to me. those I counted loss for Christ.  Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord:  for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ."    And Phil. 1:21, which I carved into cherry wood [with a router],  that is hung on the back of my power scooter,  "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." 

Most true Christians well understand these things, and can readily put together the mathematical equation of what the USA, the Obama WH via Mr. Kerry is doing !!   He is messing with God's favored people, Israel !!   Even though they as yet don't have the Spirit of God, are STILL under that divine promise back in Genesis 12: 3....  where God promised that anyone who harms or pushes Israel to sell, trade, or give away her land 'for peace', or for any other reason, will come under a the curse of punishment.   So,  if you want to believe that our USA climate is totally mean and goofy is related to Mr. Kerry's belligerence ...  go for it !!   I know that I have penned these things in my humble Blog many times, but for a good reason.   This great drama will just have to play itself out, friends.   And even well minded, honest, brave Americans will not be able to stop the hemorrhage of our derelict back sliding away from God and His Word, the KJV Bible !!   Indeed, there is now a war against Christians in AMERICA !!!    I  know that it would be so nice to fight and put a 'good' person in the WH, but the Bible doesn't support that idea !  Still, I can fight, and vote for better times --- but I am too well educated to know that things will  get much worse in the USA, and the World, just in time for the Anti-Christ to arrive, when we are so poor, starving, scared, and grabbing at straws.... that the world will beg the Anti-Christ to stop  the suffering--- but at too great a price.
          Before that happens, we Christians hope to be OUT OF HERE !!   PTL.

Thank you all for your prayers  offered/ said  ---for my Mom's health and Salvation.

Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman

   Here is me and Terri in the kitchen...

Delusional Diplomacy
By Jan Markell

February 11, 2014

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What is John Kerry doing? Have you heard the term, "the most dangerous man on earth?" Well, maybe that's a stretch and maybe it isn't. But the wreckage he is creating is staggering. Sure, much of it is coming down from his boss, Barack Hussein Obama.
The Obama/Kerry locomotive has been trying to jam a peace deal down Israel's throat. They threaten that if Israel doesn't accept the ludicrous terms, it would de-legitimize Israel. They leave out of the equation the fact that Israel has no peace partner. Time after time the "peace partners" walk out as has Arafat, Hamas, and Abbas.
In Bill Koenig's most recent Koenig's Eye-View from the White House, he quotes columnist Caroline Glick. She states:  "Once again, on Saturday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry tried to extort Israeli concessions to the PLO by threatening us with a Western economic boycott.
"Kerry is obsessed with Israel's economic success. Last May, he told us that we're too rich to surrender our land. Now he's saying we'll be poor if we don't do so.
"The anti-Semitic undertones of Kerry's constant chatter about Jews having too much money are obvious. But beyond their inherent bigotry, Kerry's statements serve to legitimize the radical Left's economic war against the Jewish state
"Administration supporters and fundraisers from Code Pink and other pressure groups, as well as the EU, understand that if they escalate their economic and political persecution of the Jewish state, their actions will be met with quiet understanding, and even support, from the Obama administration.
"This is so even if the State Department issues indignant press releases expressing fury [that] those Israeli elected officials have the chutzpah to object to Kerry's behavior.
"Israel has been subjected to plenty of abuse from American secretaries of state. But Kerry's incessant talk of 'illusory' Jewish money is unprecedented.
"Why does Kerry believe he can get away with this? The overwhelming majority of U.S. lawmakers oppose economic warfare against Israel.  The vast majority of Americans support Israel and believe that a Palestinian state will support terrorism and be hostile to Israel."
Glick goes on to provide the troubling answers. "The answer is as infuriating as it is apparent. It is the Israeli Left, and through it, much of the American Jewish community that enables Kerry's diplomatic aggression against the Jewish state. Operating under their cover, Kerry feels free to engage in anti-Jewish bigotry directed against Israeli society.
"He believes he is immune from allegations of ill will toward Israel even as he places the full weight of the U.S. government behind a plan that will endanger Israel, bring no peace, destabilize the Middle East, and fail to win the U.S. any friends or allies in the Islamic world."
Some in Israel are comparing Kerry to Haman and warn that his plans amount to a war on God.
A group called Rabbis from the Committee to Save the Land and People of Israel sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry this Sunday, warning him to end his "antagonism" towards Israel. The rabbis sharply criticized Kerry for his plans to establish an Arab capital in Jerusalem for Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, and to have Israel withdraw to the 1949 Armistice lines.
Recently, Kerry threatened Israel with an international boycott if peace talks fail, in addition to previous threats of a "third Intifada" last year.
The Rabbis, although not believers, still made an accurate statement. They said, "Your incessant efforts to expropriate integral parts of our Holy Land and hand them over to Abbas's terrorist gang, amount to a declaration of war against the Creator and Ruler of the universe."  
They concluded, "If you continue on this destructive path, you will ensure your everlasting disgrace in Jewish history for bringing calamity upon the Jewish people -- like Nebuchadnezzar and Titus who destroyed, respectively, the first and second great Temples and the entire Holy City of Jerusalem, and who, by Heavenly punishment, brought eventual disaster upon themselves, too."
Though they lack the light of the Holy Spirit, they have still spoken truth. America has endured a winter like no other. In my area, the Upper Midwest, the temps this winter have been compared to that on Mars when factoring in wind chills. Wrap your brain around minus 70 degrees. The West is experiencing a 100-year drought. Forests will soon be aflame in a dozen states.  We do not know if there is a connection but it doesn't hurt to ask. 
There are consequences to continually pounding God's land and people; making deals with her staunch enemies such as Iran; compromising her safety day after day; favoring her barbarian Islamic neighbors with back door deals; arming her enemies.
Israeli journalist Michael Freund calls Kerry a bully in a china shop. He states his arrogance is only preceded by his ignorance. He recently made up a country: Kyrzakhstan. One of the most powerful men in Washington and the world doesn't know there is no such nation.   
As Gary Bauer writes, the Iranian leader is responding to this kind of "give peace a chance" leadership by sending warships near our coast.  And the regime's state-run media is treating its citizens to propaganda videos featuring the bombing of Tel Aviv and sinking of an American aircraft carrier. 
John Kerry is conducting delusional diplomacy. It comes from a man and an administration that is drunk with power and that thinks they are world rulers when, in fact, they are utter fools.
His answer to his critics? He and Obama have a commitment to finding peace in the Middle East. Not true. They have an agenda that promotes every radical Islamic cause in the Middle East, that marginalizes every Christian in the region, and that would bring about a swift end to Israel and her people.
For such actions, there are terrible consequences. We are forcing our best ally to negotiate with a gun to their head. 
The Bible's references to end-time "strong delusion" are appropriate here. In fact, there is no other explanation. Yes, the Antichrist will specialize in that but before that, we're seeing a run-up with like-minded fools engaging in it. 
NOTE: Please consider Bill Koenig's weekly newsletter. Learn more at www.watch.org. Bill is a White House correspondent with an eye for the Middle East. He is one of Israel's best friends.  He is also one of our most frequent conference speakers and radio guests.   
We talk about this and much more with our radio guest, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, on our current program (February 8). Listen here or here. He is one of our speakers at "Understanding the Times Spring 2014." Find all those details here.  
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Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

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