Hi Friends and Faithful Followers !
Are we getting the picture NOW ?? And all these new taxes won't go to pay down our impossible national debt either, because we cannot even pay the INTEREST on our Debt [go see: the "Magic of Compound Interest"... that you never learned in school.].
Well, I should not be so proud or condescending, except that I always vote Christian/ Conservative, and TRY to apply bible standards, sinner that I am, but these Obama tricks will certainly cripple our Nation before we are kicked to the curb and neutralized. Hey, I know that the truth hurts.... but friends, it also "sets us free !" I am one of the few bloggers that can see a 'silver lining in a dark, stormy cloud !' We CAN and SHOULD be HAPPY, right now / today! Because the KJV Bible promises all firm Believers and Followers of Jesus Christ that His return is nigh [near], and strongly evidenced by all the bible "signs" that we read about in the News every day ! ! Smile and be of good cheer, even now as many of us are still struggling and scratching for sustenance and resources. I am in the same boat as you. I am no better off than you, but just a middle class auto factory worker and welder trying to live on a meager Chrysler pension, with plenty of bills and debts.
And now the 'spirit of the world' --read: devil, is infiltrating the Christian church, too. And if you don't know your home language --- and the bible, you won't ever be able to sort out the lies of your church leaders, many of them Socialists, from any truth. Sorry. The Pope has recently shown his colors too.
So, for one reason or another, MOST people on earth al ready had the change many times over, to get on Christ's side, making a firm, definite public declaration to that effect, but for some lame reason, chose NOT to. And, again, the Rapture will come 'like a thief in the night.' And even your guard dog won't warn you. Sorry, again. What are you waiting for ?
Thanks to Linda H., for sending me this message !
Warm Regards,
When the impact of this sets in (if it hasn't already), we need to remember which political party was the instigator...No, it wasn't George Bush's fault.
Here is what happened,quietly....on January 1, 2015:a) Medicare tax went from 1.45% to 2.35%b) Top Income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%PUNISH THE WORKERS....TO REWARD THE NON WORKERSc) Top Income payroll tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%MORE PUNISHMENT FOR WORKING HARD!d) Capital Gains tax went from 15% to 28%MORE TAX UPON INCOME THAT HAD ALREADY BEEN TAXED!e) Dividend tax went from 15% to 39.6%MORE PUNISHMENT FOR INVESTING WISELY AND MAKING GOOD DECISIONS!f) Estate tax went from 0% to 55%PUNISHMENT FOR SAVING FOR THE NEXT GENERATION! ONLY TO HAVE IT GO TO THE GOVERNMENT!g) A 3.5% Real Estate transaction tax was added.MORE PUNISHMENT FOR INVESTING IN A HOME OR RENTAL PROPERTY!Remember this fact:These taxes were all passed solely with Democrat votes, Not a single Republican voted for these new taxes. These taxes were all passed in the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.If you think that it is important that everyone in the U.S. should know this, the many millions who don't yet...... then pass it on.