Monday, October 23, 2017

"Demographics and Terrorism."

Tom's Journal.

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Foreword in Danish:

Hej danske venner og læsere:
Jeg elske at tilbringe en masse god tid med min forlovede, Lori, fordi jeg var alene i de sidste 2 år, og jeg bliver så ensom så langt nordpå uden mine venner nede i staten Wisconsin. Jeg savner mine venner og min familie i det nederste område, men jeg har i sinde at gifte sig meget snart ! Jeg elsker at tage Lori ud at spise, shoppe, køre rundt, fordi prisen på benzin er lavere i disse dage. Men vi vil blive glade, da alle disse forberedelser og planlægning er slut !
Jeg råder også alle mine nære venner til at investere i så meget sølv .9999, som de har råd til lige nu ! Jeg studere aktiemarkedet osv. og frygten for, at vores amerikanske dollar snart crash $$$$, desværre. Køb ekstra dåsemad, benzin, et godt våben til beskyttelse mod muslimer osv. og gemme vigtige ting op, lige nu.
Hvis du vil snakke, og sammenlign med notater, her er min e-mail-adresse:
Venlig hilsen
Tom Schuckman
Staten UPPER Michigan, USA.

Hello  Friends,
       Never criticize another person TOO MUCH.   Example,  many fine Ph.,D's, Doctors and Attorneys have told me that I am a smart man, etc.    But for some odd reason [and I don't really think that PRIDE has anything to do with it....],  I just made the wrong decision at a crucial moment in time that messed me up for MANY YEARS !!    Like getting sucked into 'False Religion' for 22 years and preaching the wrong 'gospel,'  etc.    I could have used that same time to apply myself into another field --- like I DID, later, into Finance and Investments.    So.... in my own case, I did finally accept Jesus as my own personal, Lord and Savior,  [in time !].   And now a large part of my personal life is spent helping others all over the world spreading and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   
         Many of us may have read and memorized little 'bits and pieces of the KJV Bible [also the NASB -- Bible].   But when was the last time that you just read the whole, complete book of "Romans"  ---- the apostle Paul writing to the church or congregation of Rome ?    Because it truly takes a full understanding of some books of the Bible --- to unlock the meanings of OTHER Books of the Bible, and there are 66 true books of the  Bible that we SHOULD memorize, and our children, too !    That helps us find any books in the Bible faster and follow along a good Baptist Pastor/ Preacher, when he is running 'full throttle' through many books, some Sunday.... LOL.   And who knows,  that I am thinking about going back to my old Baptist Church sometime to test the waters.   
       "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God:   Being justified freely by His Grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:    Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood,  to declare his righteousness of the remission of sins that are past,  through the forbearance of God:  ---etc."  ---Romans 3: 23-25.    But why not just read the entire chapter, or the entire BOOK of Romans.... such a POWERFUL BOOK ! !   

And now, friends,  I will teach adding up:  2+2   !   Because that simple LOGIC is all you need to figure out the huge problem we all have with Islam and all the terrible violence that they bring,  where ever they roam !

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman

Wherever There Are More Muslims There Is More Terror: The Connection Between Demographics and Terrorism

Dateline Bruxelles, Belgium, Europe – 2016: What makes an identity traceable in the practical histories of events is the character of dynamic, acting entities. We are looking for something unchanging pulling through a multitude of variable conditions and outcomes. With the typical course or process and its functional rule, “character ” must be understood as that which remains in principle constant in the working-out of life; where there is no such constant we speak of “lack of character.” It is character — the form in virtue of which a moving existence can combine the highest constancy in the essential with the maximum variability in the details — that makes telling biography possible at all. When we look at the Left or at Islam, we look for the character, for constancy, for that which remains identifiable and unchanging under a multitude of versatile conditions.
In the article below a trait in the character of modern Islam emerges – the critical mass of demographic pressure that Muslim immigration infuses into the Western countries. A simple rule emerges therefrom: to wit – wherever there are more Muslims there is more terror. It’s that simple because the brutality of Islam is that simple.
Can you identify all the character traits of Islam?

Europe, Islamism and some uncomfortable home truths

Ed West
The flags are at half-mast in Westminster in a show of solidarity with Brussels, one of those ceremonies Europe seems to be getting used to. We’re long used to the statements of shock by politicians (why the shock?) as well as the platitudes about this having nothing to do with any particular religion. After that we have the now traditional focus of all our anger and grief towards Katie Hopkins [a British media pundit with controversial statemenrts about Muslims], as if what she says or believes makes any difference to the growing problem facing Europe.
Not all of Europe, of course. Central Europe, chiefly Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, remain largely safe from the terror threat, despite the former in particular being a Nato player in the Middle East. It is precisely because the reasons for this are so obvious that they cannot be mentioned. Poland is 0.1 percent Muslim, most of whom are from a long-settled Tartar community, Britain is 5 percent, France 9 percent and Brussels 25 percent, and those numbers are growing.
AdTech AdFor all the goodwill shown by the vast majority of people in Europe, Muslim and non-Muslim, and for all those things that shouldn’t have to be said – that most Muslims hate this monstrosity – these statistics correlate to terrorism risk. That’s not something people want to hear when they have a desperate urge to feel solidarity, but it is true nonetheless. It may well be that as the Muslim population increases in any European country, the radicalisation risk grows exponentially, since such extremism thrives on ghettoisation and isolation. Neither the French policy of integration nor the British model of multiculturalism can stop this. There is no sign of Islamism disappearing anytime soon. These problems will not go away. It is simply a facet of the multi-ethnic society we now inhabit.
After Paris I wrote:
Radical Islamism thrives in the absence of other identities, which is why it is especially prevalent among second-generation immigrants, who are more likely to feel alienated and torn between cultures. This alienation, which is reflected in statistics on mental illness among the children of migrants, is the flipside of what Salman Rushdie called the world of the “cultural mestizo” found in the arts; to the especially talented this provides the sort of confusion and nuance that might produce great novels or films but to others it brings great stress and confusion. 
Religion provides the comfort of certainty, something politicians have failed to see because they have assumed that particular Western values are universal or inevitable, when they are actually quite unusual and fragile; this was reflected in Barack Obama’s statement that the Paris atrocities were an attack on “universal values”.
Added to this we have another serious problem, the growing absence of jobs for lower-skilled men, an explosive mixture in a Europe that has in many of its cities groups of men united by a universalistic religion with an ambivalent attitude to violence [at best!].
Central Europeans have become the new target for liberal snobbery in the past couple of years, their antediluvian attitudes to Islamic migration making them the new hillbillies; low-status whites it’s okay to mock on account of their views. But looking at what is happening in Brussels, London and Paris, is it not rather rational for them to look at Merkel’s open-borders policy and the whole multicultural thing with some skepticism? I suspect those flags will be back at half mast soon enough.