Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Finally, a plan and a time.

Tom's Journal.

The new orders and speculations change every day at the Hospital where my wife is staying and waiting for the god-like creatures that some call 'doctors.' Some doctors have my undying praise and respect, especially the guys and gals in most ER units and ICU's. But having had a relationship with an RN years ago taught me that MOST doctors have a super huge ego thing as they look down on the rest of us poor, uneducated, unwashed 'dummies'... lol. What they really are? Specialists in just one field that is NOT an exact science, and I will never bow down to them-- although I respect and admie their skill and years of hard study. For the most part, Sharon and I are happy with the service, treatment and professionalism, so far, and well they should be doing the right things for all the money they make. Hey, maybe obama will put a ceiling on THEIR pay too...Ha! Actually, I am in favor of paying a person for what they are worth-- and many health care pro's ARE worth their pay, IMHO.
My sister, Susan, from Tucson, AZ came over to my house as planned shortly before the new VA cleaning lady got here at 0900. Sue gave gthe woman a grade 'B', but said they could not find all the cleaning supplies and gave me some suggestions-- but the house looks very nice, and theylady was on time, cordial, with manners and a good worker from what I had time to see. Next time I will know and have things ready for her, etc. I am happy with that outcome. Sue stayed with the lady volunteering to help clean my dirty old house-- of her own choice for 3 hours, and then drove to the Kenosha Memorial Hosp. meeting me and Sharon there, room 884, ICU. I got there 3 hours early and then went shopping for all that my wife wanted/ needed and also delivered her CPAP so she could rest and sleep and breathe correctly at night. I hand picked a good bag of navel oranges that she requested, some chocolate, pens, paper, and a stuffed toy rabbit [NOT for Easter-- that we don't celebrate. We say, "HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY!!], and some other personal items plus a camera that we had the nurse take a pic of us 3 people.
I learned that [and rushed all the way there this morning] the doctor which I had been told would talk to the both of us in the morning, was busy in surgery all day, and NOW they tell us that MAYBE they will operate on Sharon FRIDAY! They are discussing what TYPE of aortic heart valve they will use, pig membrane type or mechanical, and the chances of rejection, etc., and all that is involved. We wish they would just make up their minds and get this thing over with as it seems to create more stress and anxiety for us all the while. But, I hope they are taking the road of caution and wisdom, and I am glad for that. PTL.

As I was just typing here my sister, Sue, called up and she was witness to the doctor in the flesh finally coming to Sharon's room and he told her and let her have input as to what route they are going to take early Friday morning at 0700. The will Prep Sharon at 0600 and do surgery one hour after. She has picked out the type of valve that she wants and Sue let me know every detail as to what will transpire on that day. Let me tell you all that I wouldn't want to go thru that procedure-- although is all sounds methodical and correct. AND THEY SAY THAT SHARON HAS A 90% CHANCE OF EVERYTHING COMING OUT RIGHT AND SUCCESSFUL!! But she will be very drugged up for the next two days after when they have a heart Cath in her to monitor things, and she MUST stay still laying flat. Rehab will be long and hard, but I will settle for this great news in hand today. I give all credit, praise and honor to God in heaven.
I am going to call my wife again now.

Warm Regards,