Having been raised on a farm in S.E. Wisconsin, we learned how to butcher our own livestock, can and freeze our own fresh raised produce, and if you have a few kids, these things sure cut down on the grocery bills, etc. I am NOT the man who waits for the last roll of toilet tissue to run out before we think about stocking up on more !! We also get strong winds and tornadoes up here with power outages, so candles, matches, flashlights and batteries are a GOOD investment, IMHO.
I have also been very interested in Bible Prophecy, and it's so good to know that 'God loves the world so much that he sent his only begotten Son [Jesus Christ] so that who so ever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life !!' And there are NO if, ands, or buts, to that holy Truth !! Unfortunately, sometimes the TRUTH stares us right in the face, and some of us still don't get the full meaning! Indeed, the KJV Bible is written on a 5th grade reading level, but Satan the Devil is still successful in deceiving us, actually the majority of the men and women on Earth are, and will be misled in the End Times! Shame !
How on Earth could the educated people of the USA be persuaded to elect Obama a 2nd time ??? Well, the great German race fell into a similar snare, back in the 1930's, and they were considered to be very intelligent and cultured too....
The Bible is full of warnings and red flags.... but common sense is something that Americans ought to have, and use..... I hope. If I sense that someone has wisdom, I want to know about it, because I don't want to suffer any hard hits or losses, please. Pay attention, please.
Tom Schuckman