Tuesday, February 13, 2018

2nd Chance: "Klebsi Plague."

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/


Memo:   For the time being,  I lost the ability to translate my English posts into other languages.... but it was great while it lasted!   So sorry,  folks.

----  Tommy Schuckman

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Dear Friends and Readers:
       I always count my blessings from Father God--Yahweh,  because I could have/ should have lost my life already --  so many times in these past 68 years.   
       Since I didn't get whacked in RVN:   VIETNAM:  68-70, also flying ever day in combat on my 2nd tour of duty,  I felt invincible,  but after a few serious motorcycle and truck accidents I found out that I was mortal.   And lately I have acquired some inherited cardiac challenges, too.    If I am awake/  still alive in the morning....   I vow to change my habits even more, and eat even LESS !   And so I will pray tonight, for sure.  
       Yet, I know that I am "Saved" and forgiven, and have shared that priceless fact and knowledge to many people in my life, and so I am very happy that I wasn't a total flop or failure.   I confess that I was too bossy and 'hard-wired,'  too.   God has seen fit to 'use me as a "tool" in sharing the Truth about the KJV Bible, where ever I went, but especially at many VAMC's and other Hospitals, etc., and also in my humble Blog:   TOM'S JOURNAL.   Thank you all for reading my modest words and ideas. 
    I strongly suggest that everyone on Earth start reading the Gospel account ---- I like Matthew,  but why not read all 4 ?    And then the powerful book of Romans,  etc, but also the O.T.  [Old Testament].
     Also,  please consider calling or mailing and donating some $$$ funds:   Bible Tracts,  Inc.   ---  P.O. Box 188,   Bloomington , IL  61702-0188.  ---Paul J. Levin,  Founder.    I could only afford to send them a  check for,  $50.00,  this month.   But I KNOW THAT WILL HELP THEM A LOT.   They also help Christian missionaries all over the world,  sharing the Word of God,  the KJV Bible, and showing them how to dig deep wells for pure drinking water.... in dangerous places.   God bless them !   They will send you all some great Bible tracts if you ask for them....   for free.

And now,  please do a little research on a deadly subject that is coming our way, soon !   I posted this timely subject here before,  but time is short.   The  Klebsi  Plague, from China has NO CURE !!   And doctors in the USA are already treated it now !   BEWARE !

Warm Regards,
Thomas G. Schuckman
Email:   262-880-0645

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No doubt you've heard about all the deadly cases of the flu this year.

But there's something even worse that could be on the way and it's being called...

"... an alarming evolutionary event!"
"... a worst-case scenario!"

And in my opinion, no matter what the government may tell you to keep you calm... this is a time for the self-reliant to protect yourselves should it explode out of control.

Today's sponsor has more info for you below...

~ Jeff
Dear Reader,

Have you heard of the terrifying “Klebsi Plague”?
It’s a deadly bacterial disease that has up to a 100% death rate in China…

And now strains are about to spread throughout the U.S.


Susan White

Executive Director, Alliance for Advanced Health

P.S. This bacteria is especially deadly for seniors. If you’re over the age of 59, go here to find out the 1 thing you can do to save yourself. I urge you to act before this information is taken down by left-wing libnuts.