Monday, April 9, 2018

Practical Advice from the Bible.

Tom's Journal.

Foreword in Ukrainian: 

Здравствуйте друзів та читачів в Україні:
Це моя чітка задоволення шукати вас, і говорити з вами сьогодні. Я просто хотіла вас заохотити усіх, хто сподівається і помолитися за кращого, безпечнішого й час, коли чистий миру та безпеки рясніє щодня. Там, де люди можуть працювати на благо зарплат і для дітей ходити до школи і дізнатися правду про світ, а також вивчення і читати Біблію KJV часто !
Справа в тому, що ми в Америці - США, також починають втрачати й свободи, так сумно, але в Біблії вказує на кілька відмінних місць, що ці важкі часи повинні прийти ! Страх не для того, щоб читати та дослідження 66 книг KJV Біблію і довести для себе, що: "Бог не брехня' --- Тита 1: 2. У той факт, що йдеться про справжню надію, що ми, люди, які залишили в цьому сатанинський світу. Але справжні православні християни можуть бути щасливими, бо вони/ ми знаємо, що Господь наш Ісус Христос, повертається незабаром навести aright. Мільйони людей буде Raptured до небес, а деякі люди будуть якось пережити великої скорботи і війна Армагеддон, вказану в одкровення 16: 16. Будь ласка, поділіться мою скромну блог: ТОМА журналу, так і спільно з іншими, якщо ви вважаєте, що заслуг. Мій Email:
теплого побажаннями,
Томас G. Schuckman




Hi  Friends and Readers:
     There is a term called,  "Paradox"  along with other variations, and here is the definition: 



noun noun: paradox, plural noun: paradoxes
  • 1. a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory: "a potentially serious conflict between quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity known as the information paradox"
  • a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true: "in a paradox, he has discovered that stepping back from his job has increased the rewards he gleans from it"synonyms: contradiction, contradiction in terms, self-contradiction, inconsistency, incongruity, ... more
  • a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities:"the mingling of deciduous trees with elements of desert flora forms a fascinating ecological paradox"
Ha!   When I was in my teens living on my parents' farm in Racine County, Wisconsin, USA.,  I used to read the Dictionary for FUN !   And it so happens that just reading the local News Paper in the old days --- you could find a few 'new words' that you didn't know yet,  so the wise son would look it up.   Just like learning a 2nd language,  you want to actually understand what you are reading, to get more out of life !    I just might take an I.Q. test soon just to see where I am in life.   After all, some Bible scholars believe that we will continue our learning in Heaven and learn so many new things including other languages, like Hebrew and Greek !   So shall we all 'build' upon what we already know, now.   After all,  our human brains were actually designed to live forever on Earth,  as our Heavenly Father intended back in the Garden of Eden, and 2 of the 4 rivers running thru it still exist today!   Go figure:   Why do swans live to be 80 years old, and turtles live to age 150, and some trees live to be thousands of years old  -----  when humankind only live to be about 70 to 100 ??   That is what I would call a Paradox !    Yes,  there is a solid reason for that, too, dear friends.   

As I have repeated so often,  world events will continue to grow worse and worse,  but God will not allow humans to suffer a total nuclear war that destroys the entire Earth -- so we can be glad about that !   Father God is saving the Earth for His final War at Armageddon:   [Revelation 16: 16], and other places that tell as much.   What we all should worry about is what must take place BEFORE that mighty War.   Other things must happen first, and we must stay alert RIGHT NOW,  folks.  
       Actually,  I makes me feel 'good inside' to share good stuff/ facts like this with YOU fine people who read my humble column.   Smile.   And I am just doing what the Father commands me to do,  in Matthew, chapter 24, etc.     
       My fine, wife, FINALLY swam thru all the VA red tape to get her CHAMPVA card and had the dentist do a lot of serious work in her mouth, with 2-- root canals, an implant, and other stuff, for three long hours, and charged $5000 for all of that work !   She had to pay $200. cash out of pocket and my other 2 modes of Insurance picked up the rest of the huge bill.   Wow !   I never made that kind of money, even though I had a good job.   How can the average person in the USA afford all that expense ?     I hope that most folks know that bad, infected teeth and gums can lead to heart attacks and poison your whole system !   And it's so nice to kiss a sweet mouth and lips.   And I am only too happy to share my Chrysler benefits and VA benefits with someone I really love and care for.   My wife is a very hard worker and helps me a lot, all the time.   I have been blessed by my heavenly Father--Yahweh.   Thank You,  Lord Father. 

As for my personal opinion,  I think that our new A.G. Mr. Sessions, should be fired --- with someone more Conservative and fearless to take charge and prosecute evil ones like Obama and Hilly and Willy Clinton, etc !   How is it that there is so much undue persecution against our legally elected POTUS and his family ??   It's a "Fishing Expedition"  to say the least !   In the end, everything and everybody will get 'sorted out' by the Lord.... and that cannot come too soon, IMHO.   What.... with so many thousands of good Christians being persecuted and butchered by so many Islamic and Socialist countries and dictators ??   God see all of this,  but His Time is the Right Time to send the Heavenly Host [Army] with Jesus at the fore front with a large, sharp, sword.   I am looking forward to that day!

I have a busy day tomorrow, so I will close for now.

Warm Regards,
Tom  Schuckman


8 Pieces of Practical Advice Straight From the Bible
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