For some nice reason Norway is usually my top Blog readers and fans. I wish I could still write some things in their tongue. The USA is number two.
"Gott kann nicht Lugen." ---German: "God cannot lie."
Of course I must say right at the start that most Combat Veterans already know most of this splended list of "Must Have's." And here I am, an old, but well studied gentleman and Christian [PTL---- "Praise the Lord."] but the Bible tells me that there will be a horrible situation on our Earth with disease, war, strife, and Big Brother will be our enemy..... IF we are still around or have [taken the MARK of the Anti-Christ --- who is controlled by STD ---Satan the Devil. Father God will of course deal with the devil and all his 'supporters and agents.' Sorry that I still need to tell that true story so many times, dear friends, but there are still millions who don't know it yet.... many in the good old USA.... like Milenials and such. But not all the blame goes on them, but the entire U.S. school system, also controlled by the Liberal, Socialist/ Communists that obama planted. Why don't we all WAKE UP, turn off the TV, radios and over used Cell Phones that even adults are addicted to ??? Such obcessive behavior is not healthy, and that's is one reason why our kids cannot master simple language and communication skills.
In studying the better way to loose weight I am also learning what bad foods are. Ha! If the bad stuff does hit U.S., people will be lucky to eat old canned foods. What a bummer, IMHO. Any questions or comments?
Army Hugs,
Tom Schuckman
FinalPrepper |
One of the most forgotten areas of prepping is financial preparedn