Friends and Readers:
Be careful what you wish for. That timely piece of enlightenment can really sharpen our wits and save us from a life time of stress and worry, IMHO. [In my humble opinion.]
The verse I cited [cut and pasted] is useful to me and others with a discerning heart and intellect. In searching for a wife after I got home to Wisconsin, after my 2-- tours of duty in Vietnam, I guess I was like most other guys. Looks are only skin deep, and I only wish that I had been raised to read and study the KJV Bible ! A person's temperament and breeding, education, and hard work ethic are 10 times more important than their looks ! But a great football coach and English teacher in high school, Mr. Joe Kaster, taught us more than football, tackling and "cross body blocks", and English ! He helped the football players understand the true facts of life, under his training methods--- about girls, good looks, and character. Some time in your life an "average girl/ lady" might just save our life ! Try to be nice to everyone you meet, unless they are trying to decapitate us with a sword or knife --- anti-American Socialists, etc. Ha! It looks like the Dems are already trying to do just that, if their political opinion is different than theirs..... Ha! And can you believe that Mad Max Waters is still stirring the pot and inciting more violence in the USA ?? Wow!
But as regards to Deuteronomy 22:10, part of the 600 laws and regulations from Father God, given to His chosen race of Israelites, thru His servant, Moses, we can learn that our God cares for not only we human beings, but even the animals that He gave us charge of ! They were commanded to never hitch an Ox and an Ass together to pull the plough [plow] or a wagon, etc. Why? Because the Ox -- being much higher than the donkey and more powerful would 'work the poor ass to death !!' My grandfather in Kansas was a wheat farmer, had horses to do the heavy work, and he was also a Harness Maker/ repair gentleman with a good college education. He married a large, pretty lady --while he was a bit shorter in stature, and a very kind, smart gentleman whom I loved. Now, I am not saying that we men should seek out large, super strong ladies, to marry, so they can work harder. But life, 100 years ago was very hard just to survive, and my grandmother in Kansas told me many stories of how she raised her 9 boys and 4 girls, in hard times. However, I feel that the Apostle Paul's admonition, "marry only in the Lord," makes sense. That means find a Christian Lady to settle down with, and then at least you can reason with them. I only WISH I had known that scripture back in 1970. Also, "Do not become unevenly yoked with un-Believers." Obviously, if you have a PC--computer, you can look up these important Scriptures in a heart beat. Even if you just "wing it" the computer will usually ferret out the right scripture. Do a little work and seek out wisdom and understanding. Jesus might even come tonight for all we know. Times WILL get much worse, according the Bible I read and study. In the meantime --- I am on a radical diet.... LOL.
The heat and humidity even U.P. North where we live is nasty and oppressive. I would have a hard time living without my Air Conditioner and fans. But I worked all my long life in extreme heat and cold, and feel blessed right now in retirement. God loves me.
Have a great day !
Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman
Email: tschuckman@aol.com