Foreword in Russian:
Здравствуйте друзья,
мы всегда в надежде, что "охладитель глав государств имеют преимущественную силу: в периоды стресса, диагностические коды неисправностей, национальных чрезвычайных ситуаций и т.д., что наши лидеры мира заполнены даров Святого Духа и благодати. Вместе с тем люди, кто может читать и изучения Библии высокие духовные качества имеют свои границы знают, что мы приближаемся к "Последние дни" сатаны, wicked системы вещи, и мы, безусловно пробуксовки колес во время критических и жесткий заниматься. Все мы должны сделать это для чтения, Мэтью, Глава 24, и откровения, главы 16- 20, чтобы получить smart аргументации. Даже лидеры как Ким, из Северной Кореи, провоцируют многих различных регионов и государств с ядерными МБР ракеты и т.д.
я не живут в идеальном страны либо, и мы с коррупцией манифеста всех наших государств, обман, ложь, и мы даже не доверия наших "Новости СМИ", либо !
Но все христиане должны знать, что эта жизнь -- это всего лишь временное явление, и ведет к следующему жизни для всех вечностью --- либо в одном месте или в другой. Выберите прямо сейчас и правильное решение --- или получить, "левый".
Мой адрес электронной почты: tschuckman@aol.com
теплый привет,
Томас G Schuckman
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Hi Friends,
I found this article very informative and educational ! It's really NOT A JOKE, anymore, with a possible war in our future, and fingers near the buttons. It also pushes the time of "Rapture" up close enough to taste it.
And as a long time, studied Christian, and lover of the KJV Bible, if I somehow got 'left behind,' I believe that I would march right down to 'Big Brother's' HHQ to turn my head in and take my place at the chopping block, and get it over. This IS the devil's world and I just don't think I belong here anymore.... sorry. And obviously, I also don't think that the Holy Spirit will hang around Earth too much longer, either. Or maybe it's just that time of the year, right before we have to start using our heat in the Autumn, again.
However, I want to make my bitching rare and seldom --- or else people will paint me as a habitual complainer or a Liberal.... LOL ! ! And well, I guess that I am a hard man to please, but just like in the Military- Army, if things don't get done "the right way," people very well might get sick from improper hygiene, lack of sanitary conditions or dangerous work practices. For instance, when so many people --- ILLEGAL ALIENS sneak in from a third world country, just as when Obama shipped the Islamic hordes into our big cities at night, all kinds of dangerous diseases slip in with them !! Good Laws are with good people for a good reason ! Just as Father God handed Moses over 300 different Laws to the Israeli people in the book of Exodus, Chapter 20, etc. They were a SAFE GUARD to the Jews, not some spiteful Code to keep them all sad and miserable ! God didn't have the time to teach His people all the facts about Trichinosis/ parasites, so He just told them not to eat pork, and other "unclean" animals and creatures, until they had a more permanent foundation/ dwelling. A few thousand years later, the Lord lifted those old Laws, when things were more established and civilized. There is a good reason for everything.... so Bible study helps us reason things out.
I just have trouble understand some folks these days.... with their lack of good communication skills, and BASIC knowledge of reasoning things out. They are NEVER wrong, and ANY improvement of mild suggestion seems to cramp their style or cause problems ! I am trying to chill out, but I always thought that I could "reason" with most anyone ! Counseling is where I might find the right answers. Finding a good, church might be another way.
I hold those, my dear friends, who pray for me often, in very high regard.
Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman