Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Enter the Dragon!

Tom's Journal.

Maryland to Target 110,000 Citizens With Gun Confiscation      

Now... this is really a wake up call, and super exciting !!    This new article trumps everything I have said, worried about, fretted over, prepared for, and WOW !   When the truth and logic about the Anti-Christ is finally unveiled, not much else counts, IMHO.   It cut my so-called "long term" plans and preparation down to size over night, and gives me [and all other savvy Christians]  a whole new lease on life and a new attitude.   Petty differences and quarrel are all put to rest, guys and gals, brothers and sisters.   I wonder just how many other  brothers get the same vibrations as I just did over this news.  
     Well,  I guess the 'Cabin Fever' I've been whining about is just about to end, because my mind and heart have just been stoked with fresh hard coal and the fire is perking up to heat the whole house.   If this is really true -- me think that we may have a much more shorter time left than I thought....   but let's keep a cool head and continue our prayers, please.   This means that the pastor has been on the right track all along -- regarding his urgently pressed work of leading many people to Salvation by Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
    Tell me what YOU think.


4 March 2014:  We are now seeing complete ineptitude and powerlessness from Western leaders. Obama has withdrawn the United States of America as the "on-call" backbone of NATO. When the United States of America says its military commitment is ending (first Operation Iraqi Freedom and now Operation Enduring Freedom) our NATO allies commence to scrambling all over each other for the emergency exit door in bringing their troops out of the combat sandbox as quickly as possible.
Now we also see the United States of America abdicating from-the-front leadership (SECSTATE John Kerry a leader? Puh-leeze!) is absent from even the NATO alliance in defense of Europe itself. This abdication of leadership is manifesting itself is an unwillingness to defend NATO (the core proviso of the NATO Charter for crying out loud!) and its partner nations.  Putin is a ravenous wolf; he sees these glaring weaknesses and will exploit them to their fullest extent possible... or until he is confronted with a military power greater than his own.
However, there is something far more important to pay closer attention to here than Putin's (Gog of Magog) blatant aggression.  And it's basic Holy Bible eschatology 101, and we're the generation the Lord Himself prophesied about who would see it come to pass.

I think this is a combination of the perfect geo-political storm and Missing-In-Action leadership scenario to cause the spiritual  issuance of an immediate invitation for the rise of a charismatic statesman, the ultimate peacemaker, a man with more book and field military genius than Sun Tzu, Von Clausewitz, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler, Zhukov and Patton combined. A man none other than the European Antichrist. A demonically-led "Prince of Europe." I think the stage is being set for his entrance through this uniquely European crisis.

Watch carefully as this crisis moves forward, an alliance of nearly 800 million people without a strong leader when one is prophesied to appear in these last days is a prophecy begging for fulfillment.

Posted By Blogger to ESCHATOLOGY TODAY at 3/04/2014 10:19:00 AM

Big Hat --- No Cattle.

Tom's Journal.

Hey Friends,
I just thought the title I picked for today's post was so funny and apt !!   Man,  I never want to get that 'full of myself' or take myself so seriously, please !    I am nothing but dust in the wind, and I know that my days are numbered.  I ask God for humility all the time, because I feel that pride has hurt me in the past, and God has indeed HUMBLED ME in a humiliating way, bringing me to my knees and breaking my bones.   One of my favorite Psalms is:  6:1,  O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure."   A close friend of mine U.P. here has taught me to love and cherish the Psalms, and get the most out of them.  
       We will have to admit that Mr. Obama's day will also come and the Lord will deal with him.   Unfortunately, we mere mortals don't have the same mindset that God does...  'a thousand years is like a DAY to Him.'   Now, friends,  this is an important point to realize, please...  The USA and the whole world will have to really be in dire straits, at rock bottom, for all people to CHOOSE A TOTAL ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT,  and absolute world ruler that will have NO MERCY at all !!  Right?   So, just how will we all arrive in that terrible, hungry, ragged state of mind, at the mercy of big time violence and rioting, for "us" to make such a drastic decision ??   Here is the key:  Somehow, someway, the Lord will maneuver things, Governments, heads of state to make things so unbearable that people WILL be ready to accept the NWO [the New World Order] and even take the Mark of the Beast ??   Well, you are all seeing the beginning of it all RIGHT NOW!    It ought to be abundantly clear that Obama is no Christian, nor even a good guy in any sense, but an evil, Socialist, man!  But the entire world is also under the spell of the Wicked One...STD...Satan the Devil.  Friends,  no human hand will ever right our ship or heal our nation, and isn't it about time that we stop WASTING our precious time trying to do just that, by political means.  I think that we ought to try hard and stop evil and put godly men in proper position and office,  but all real, studied Christians must know that human politics is not the do all-- end all, solution to our problems. 

So, just what ought we be doing right now, besides scratching out a living as the food and gas continue to go UP ??   Try Matthew 24: 14,  preach the Gospel !  Share the truth of Salvation and seek Jesus Christ while He may yet be found.  The Christian Church is not a building where people go sometimes and sit like a bump on a log, while living and partying down like the devil the other 6 days of the week.  Christian are not perfect, but they TRY to live their Faith and know the KJV Bible !!!   You can all know that you are Saved and going to heaven if you know the Gospel of Jesus Christ...  just read the books of John and Romans, and that should start you on your way.   
      I heard it said that "Happiness is a by-product of serving God."  If I were more able, I know that I would be doing more for the Christian ministry, but my knees are really messed up and hard to walk on, and that gets me depressed sometimes.   I certainly need more encouragement too, and I intend to find a way to get more involved soon, especially if it warms up and stops snowing.... LOL.  That reminds me, I was about to order some more DEFINED KJV Bibles.

Warm Regards,
Tommy Schuckman

NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014 
Should Americans follow Putin's lead?
The New York Post reported that on February 22, the occupant of the Oval Office called Russian President Vladimir Putin "to get assurances that Moscow would back a hastily negotiated agreement on Ukraine's future." The US president spent about an hour on the phone lecturing Putin. McClatchy News Service reported on the same event, adding that the White House says the president also "congratulated Russia on its hosting of the Olympic games." Wow! Since then, Russia's military has taken over much of Ukraine. The White House has toe-drawn line after line in the sand warning Russia on military action. The US president has whined about Russia's actions, but as we say on the ranch, "Big hat, no cattle."
The White House action on Russia is no different than its approach toward the economy, Islamic aggression, law enforcement, healthcare, voting rights, immigration, and job creation. Ineptness and incompetence abound, steeped in a great deal of pride, arrogance, and naivete. He tells the news media, "What cannot be done is for Russia with impunity to put its soldiers on the ground and violate basic principles that are recognized around the world. Over time, this will be a costly proposition for Russia." Last week, a Russian spy ship slipped into Havana's harbor as part of Russia's strategy to increase its military projection in the Western hemisphere. White House response: We "recognize" their right to be there.
He spies on us. He compels the weak to become wards of his ever-expanding government. He golfs excessively and his wife pays thousands of dollars for dresses while 43 million people are on welfare and over 80 million have given up on finding a job. He won't enforce the laws on marriage, immigration or health care, but he expects us to abide by the laws, his executive orders, and the edicts of the unconstitutional police state agencies under his control. His fine words and public persona give the appearance that he has good game, but where is the substance? As Ephesians 5:6 says, "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience."
The Sadducees and Pharisees who were allowed by the Romans to rule over the Jews in the time of Christ were much the same as our current gaggle of elected and appointed officials. They were harsh on the followers of Christ. They beat the disciples, imprisoned them, stoned them--all for preaching Christ. Acts 5:29, Peter and the Apostles said, "We ought to obey God rather than men." Putin, being a chief bully himself, knows that the US president is also an empty bully. Putin knows that the US president will not do a thing to prevent Russia's military action. Evil advances so long as good allows it. Should Americans learn from Putin and take back our country? As in Matthew 11:12, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. The bully may whine and shout, but he wouldn't know what to do.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

Lie not to one another.

Tom's Journal.

Maryland to Target 110,000 Citizens With Gun Confiscation      

Good Day, Friends,
An old man I know just loves simplicity, cut and dried logic, and above all, TRUTH.  His name is Thomas G. Schuckman, and he lives in the U.P. [Upper Peninsula of MI., USA... THE FAMED 'FROZEN TUNDRA.'  If ever another gentleman was fearlessly, spot on, all the time, it  would be, Mr. Bill Wison, and I am thinking about supporting him if I can, with a few dollars [before they too become worthless and defunct.  But that's another subject that I need to address soon.   Please be advised, that Mr. Wilson, and I, are not the only ones of God's good earth that think and speak this way.   That Israel will become the center of the world... such a tiny nation surrounded by mighty, hateful foes, bent on her non-existence, and total destruction, save the precious oil, natural gas, and other goodies that the Good Lord has planted there many moons ago.   She already supplies Europe with fresh fruit now days, and has unselfishly helped many with her wisdom.   I have never been there in person, but my pastor, Kevin Sullivan, just came back from a trip there a few months ago, and he has a wealth of knowledge that he shares with the local congregation of Christians U.P. here, in our frozen waste land of Winter.
      Besides the cited scripture at Zechariah 12: 9, I often cite, Genesis 12: 3, and so prophetic for the USA !!   In stead of just turning into a grumpy old man, disgusted with the pure ignorance of Americans for not knowing these prophetic, inspired, sayings recorded in the KJV Bible,  I have to realize that, 'Broad and spacious is the road leading to destruction...' and the majority of people will NOT MAKE IT when the Rapture comes!   Sorry.   I am but a simple man, with superior knowledge of the Bible, because I have studied that grand Book most of my life.   I have failed at many things in my life -- but determined NOT to stumble on this subject matter.   I am living proof that most anyone, who has a humble heart and honest intentions can understand the KJV Bible !!  Written on a 5th grade level, along with the help of the Holy Spirit, we CAN know the scared truth there in.  Here is the email address where you can get an inexpensive copy of the "DEFINED KJV BIBLE" ...   ---This version has given me a quantum leap in understanding, as I have applied myself to learn the Old English archaic terms that were penned in Shakespeare's time, 1610-1611 AD.   Think:  If we had to learn Chinese or Sanskrit, would we not make the effort if it meant our Salvation  ? ? ?   Why not learn it right the first time?   I have a number of KJV Bibles and other translations too, like the NASB, etc. 

Too, on the subject of Prepping and Preparing, we have got to figure that there are many poor, financially stretched Christians in the world, who manage to be happy, no matter what their present state may be, because they know that they are Saved and going to heaven.  So, it occurred to me that I should not be obsessed with surviving for a long time on earth, and also put some of my funds to work helping the church and the preaching work!  I invest in Bibles and Bible tracts to share with people seriously interested in learning about Salvation.   I pray on this many times a day and also talk to spiritually smart men....strong Christians. 
           Well, Winter or not, I am getting the urge to carve another fav. scripture into wood soon, the one mentioned in Zechariah 12: 9,  and another one at Colossians 3: 9,  "Lie NOT to one another."

Warm Regards,
Tommy Schuckman

The man and his Machine >>>

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.  

NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014 

Prophetic crisis: White House pressure on Israel

Against the backdrop of record cold temperatures, snow and yet another foreign policy crisis in Ukraine, the occupant of the Oval Office received a healthy dressing down by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The US president opened his meeting with a press appearance citing several crisis around the world that he and Netanyahu would be discussing. Netanyahu responded, "Iran calls openly for Israel's destruction, so I'm sure you'll appreciate that Israel cannot permit such a state to have the ability to make atomic bombs to achieve that goal.  We just cannot be brought back again to the brink of destruction." Then he fired another volley across the occupant's battered foreign policy ship.
Netanyahu said, "The 20 years that have passed since Israel entered the peace process have been marked by unprecedented steps that Israel has taken to advance peace.  I mean, we vacated cities in Judea and Samaria.  We left entirely Gaza.  We've not only frozen settlements, we've uprooted entire settlements.  We've released hundreds of terrorist prisoners, including dozens in recent months.  And when you look at what we got in return, it's been scores of suicide bombings, thousands of rockets on our cities fired from the areas we vacated, and just incessant Palestinian incitement against Israel.  So Israel has been doing its part, and I regret to say that the Palestinians haven't."
He continued, "Now, I know this flies in the face of conventional wisdom, but it's the truth.  And the people of Israel know that it's the truth because they've been living it...Mr. President, you rightly said that Israel, the Jewish state, is the realization of the Jewish people's self-determination in our ancestral homeland.  So the Palestinians expect us to recognize a Palestinian state for the Palestinian people, a nation state for the Palestinian people.  I think it's about time they recognize a nation state for the Jewish people. We've only been there for 4,000 years." While the US president tried to make light of the meeting and place extremely tough issues in with a large number of others, Netanyahu focussed the discussion.
The press conference indicated a prophetic crisis for America. The US president's earliest policy in April of 2009 was to warn Israel that it must accept a peace agreement with the Palestinian terrorists in return for the White House preventing Iran from a nuclear weapon. Since then, the US has expanded Islam throughout the Middle East by assisting the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda in creating turmoil and ousting leaders. Iran's progress on a nuclear bomb has largely gone unabated. The world is a much more dangerous place because of the actions of this White House. Domestically, the US is faced with a weather crisis, an employment crisis, a budget and deficit crisis, and a Constitutional crisis.
In the end times, in the day of the Lord, Zechariah 12:9 says, "And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." The consequences of electing evil leaders is eventual destruction. The US has leadership that is directly advancing the nations that come against Israel. The warnings of the consequences are all around us, yet we as a people seem remiss to take strong action against these leaders.  
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!  - Bill Wilson,  The Daily Jot
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