Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Truth about Robert E. Lee.

Tom's Journal.

Foreword in Russian: 

Здравствуйте друзья и читатели в России,
я узнал некоторые русские слова моего отца и наши старые, семейные традиции, "Volga-Germans" и часть ФРГ истории 3 поколений прошлого. Я не побоюсь которых я являюсь или какие I am. Мы все продукты, который поднял нас также в нашей ДНК и окрестностей. Но при поиске "реальной истины" - просто поверните на высокие духовные качества имеют свои границы Библии чтобы узнать что такое Бога отца - добраться до запретного плода и его сын. "Бог не может солгать". ---Титу 1: 2. Мы будем узнайте кто унаследует Божие, и на небесах, и которые будут включены в ад. Жизнь коротка для мы люди, но те, кто Бог будет жить вечно на небесах ! "Мир оставляю вам, ни пусть он будет бояться." --- Джон 14: 27.
Есть великий день !
Что касается теплого,
Томас G Schuckman
Мой адрес электронной почты:

Hello  Friends,
     Dang !   I should have known more about that great Southern Gentleman,  Robert E. Lee, and now I do !   Ha!  Sorry folks,  but I am just stunned by the total ignorance of allowing dirt trash to destroy all the well deserved monuments erected of famous, HONORABLE men, like,  Robert E. Lee, and please take the time to forward this short article to other who will thank you for this correction.   The KJV Bible says at James 5: 12,  'to let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no.'   Shun lies and half lies.  

But now,  the air brain, 'space cadet' -- "News Media" does little else but LIE about near everything that rolls by them, or twists the facts to undermine reality,  but this is nothing new,  friends.   And now,  the NFL is promoting lies and half lies, too.   A great number of things and people are listed at Revelation 21: 8, that will be tossed into the 'Lake which burns with fire and brimstone,'   so that is not a place we would want to be !   Sometimes telling the truth might get us into big trouble or maybe death.   The very definition of the term,  "Christian" means:   a follower or imitator of Jesus Christ.   Jesus never told a lie, so neither should we.    How can the nasty Lefty- Losers, Democrats lie so much, non-stop ??   And there are plenty of RINO's who lie, too.  

In a way, we should be glad that all these lies of the Congress and former Administrations that defrauded the PEOPLE out of so much money and the True Information,  also carried on the nightly 'News," happened, so that new people all over the world are "Seeing the Light," also Jesus Christ and Yahweh !!

The KJV Bible says that:   "Gott kan nicht Lugen."  ---Titus 1:2.  [German].       ---"God cannot lie."

Have a great, safe day !

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman

History lesson for the day
 Robert E Lee had been asked by Lincoln to lead the US army but could not accept because of the plan to attack his native State of Virginia. He was not a proponent of Virginia's succession. He joined the Confederate army reluctantly only after the Union Army attacked his home state of Virginia.
 He was the leading Southern proponent of the reconciliation and was very popular in the North where was well respected and he was invited to give many speeches in the North after the war. How many other commanders of an conquered "enemy" army have been celebrated by the victors?
 He also became president of Washington University after the war and was so popular and successful that it was later renamed Washington and Lee. (Is that going to be renamed?)
 It really is amazing how stupid the average liberal is in our country!!
 Robert E Lee was married to George Washington's granddaughter. He worked with Grant during the Mexican-American war and became a decorated war hero defending this country He believed slavery was a great evil and his wife broke the law by teaching slaves to read and write. After the civil war he worked with Andrew Johnson's program of reconstruction. He became very popular with the northern states and the Barracks at West Point were named in his honor in 1962. He was a great man who served this country his entire life in some form or other. His memorial is now being called a blight. No American military veteran should be treated as such. People keep yelling, "You can't change history." Sadly you can. This is no better than book burnings. ISIS tried rewriting history by destroying historical artifacts.
Is that really who we want to emulate?
 As they tear down this "blight," keep these few historical facts in  mind.
No military veteran and highly decorated war hero should ever be treated as such. This is not Iraq and that is not a statue of Saadam.
 IN ADDITION:   Lee was also very torn about the prospect of the South leaving the Union. His wife's grandfather George Washington was a huge influence on him.  He believed that ultimately, states’ rights trumped the federal government and chose to lead the Southern army.
 His estate, Arlington, near Washington DC was his home.   While Lee was away
fighting the war, the federal government demanded that Lee himself pay his taxes in person.  He sent his wife but the money was not accepted from a woman.
 When he could not pay the taxes, the government began burying dead Union soldiers on his land.  The government is still burying people there today.
It is now called Arlington National Cemetery.

Subject: Embarrison.

Tom's Journal.

Foreword in Hungarian: 

Hello, és a magyarországi olvasók:
még emberi vonatkozásai -- ezek a modern idők, 2017-ben, úgy tűnik, hogy az erőszak és a terrorizmus több jön a mindennapi ! Vigyázzon, ezek már rég hozzászoktunk a KJV beteljesedik. Pál apostol azt írta, hogy a "Galatians vagyok ezért, mert az igazat mondom nektek?"---A 4-16. Galatians: ...De János 14: 27, azt mondja: "Ne engedd, hogy a szíved, ne félj!",
akkor felkészültek, de valójában nem. Atyánk a mennyben, Jahve lesújtott rájuk, nekünk keresztényeknek [azt] a Szentlélek, a nyugalom, erő, bátorság és bölcsesség, többek között, hogy szükségünk van arra, hogy életben maradjanak. Azonban most van itt az ideje, hogy erősödik a kapcsolat az apa, és fia, Jézus Krisztus. És ha meghalunk, vagy a remény, hogy a felébredés a Mennyben !
Remélem, hogy olvassa el ezt a 2--könyvek, és a rómaiak, John.
Meleg üdvözlettel:
e-mail: G Schuckman

The MAGA Digest
October 4, 2017 

ead more...

President Trump Ignores Scowling San Juan Mayor in Meeting
San Juan Mayor Caren Yuliz Cruz Soto has been highly critical of Donald Trump since hurricane Irma devastated her country of Puerto Rico. It makes sense once you find out her political past. Watch Trump ignore the attention seeking mayor and take over the meeting like a boss!

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Ohio Man Defends Home Using Firearm; Intruder Critically Injured
This 32 year old man noticed someone was attempting to break into his home at 1 a.m. Find out how he exercised his 2nd Amendment right, sending the burglar to the hospital.

ead more...
While the Congress fails to enact Donald Trump's policy agenda...
The groundwork is potentially being laid for a massive "reboot" to our nations money that won't need Congress.
One that could truly "Make America Great Again". And all by as soon as January 1, 2018.
You've never heard of this before. 

ead more...

Since the NFL owners decided to join in on the protest circus last week, you won't believe how dumb that decision is now proving to be. Try not to gasp when you see the how far down the league's favorability has fallen IN ONE WEEK. 

ead more...

Mr. Kimmel is always ready to use his stage to promote a liberal cause. Of course, he recently used the LV shooting to push his gun grabbing agenda, and he distorted the facts to trick his viewers into believing his anti-gun propoganda. Please share these 7 lies Kimmel is trying to push down America's throat! 

Subject: Embarrison
Embarrison = an embarrassing comparison.  Too bad those who elected our 'beloved leader' will never see it!
Kim Jung UN had NO military experience whatsoever before Daddy made him a four-star general.
This snot-nosed twerp had never accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership.
He hadn't even so much as led a Cub Scout troop, coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon.
So he is made the "Beloved Leader" Of North Korea.
Oh nuts! I'm sorry....
I just remembered that we did the same thing.
We took an arrogant phony community organizer, who had never worn a uniform, never ran so much as an ice-cream stand, and made him Commander-in-Chief.
A guy, who had never had a real job, worked on a budget, or led anything more than an ACORN demonstration, and we made him "Beloved Leader" of the United States - Twice!
So if you think North Koreans are stupid...
I'm sorry I brought this up....never mind!

Efficiency is intelligent laziness.