Good Morning, Friends and Followers:
Years ago, and for many reasons, people in America most likely didn't NEED to carry fire arms, because we were still a "Christian Nation," the laws of the land were kept and enforced, more people worked for a living and had self respect, and most crime was just not tolerated, to name a few reasons. But when a nation 'kicks God out of the courts,' town squares, schools, and even churches.... things will go a-rye and swiftly down hill. The KJV Bible repeats this fact very often.... just look at the book of Proverbs. And when the 'king' is wicked, everything and everybody suffers, plus most civilizations don't last much longer than 200 years.... and the beat goes on. But in the case of America, although that name or country is not literally mentioned in the bible --- Jesus alluded to "Our Generation" as being special, and the last one before the NWO -- the New World Order, that will control the world right before the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to clean things up in a mighty way ! Personally, I would NOT want to be on Earth when that happens ! Praise the Lord God, for the Rapture ! ! However, we human beings have the right to keep and bare arms, what ever they be in these modern times, as in the year 2015. Christians are NOT a violent people, but they do have the divine Right to fight and protect themselves and loved ones... or else we would be called cowards, something that God does NOT want us to be. See: Rev. 21: 8, about the term, "cowards." Although, me thinks that many of us old combat trained war Veterans just wish we could retire to a paradise-like place and excuse ourselves from all further war, violence, and fighting... as we grow weary and would love to pursue other things in our lives.
But the true picture of today is: That too many men in the USA and else where have been pushed into obscurity, as this satanic world controlled by the devil seeks to 'castrate us' and castigate us, looking to make us more feminine, while the "ladies" seek to grab more power, glory, and manhood ! Yes, it is an upside down world we live in! But in the Middle East the power balance between the sexes goes too far in the other direction --- with men putting down, beating, abusing, and humiliating most women ! ! And yet, many Democratic females in the USA seem to like Islam ! If they only knew what really went on in Islamic countries.... duh.
But, like I said before, God's new Kingdom will change everything for the better, and we can get a look at it now, by studying/ reading the bible.
In the mean time, if you are going to 'carry hardware,' do it correctly so that terrible accidents are at a minimum. As in any other thing, we ought go to the EXPERTS from the very beginning. Those who know -- ought to lead and teach the rest of us, and the rest of us ought to show due humility and close observation ! Combat Veterans have a jump on the rest of us, because the Army and Marines teach safety from the get go. So let us read and study the following short article, please.
And Please pray for me. Smile. I truly wish that I had enough extra money to drive to CO, to visit with my grandkids.... I miss them so much.
But as an 'after thought,' just imagine what COULD happen as our American $$$ Dollar fails or is worth little to nothing in the near future.... and food riots start to terrify innocent house holders who have worked hard all their lives, instead of living free on Gov't assistance [and now we have 4th and 5th generational Welfare families, who also drop out of schools, with no skills or trades, etc. The Gov't conveniently wants to ban all larger gun clips, limiting how many bullets may be fed to our fire arms. But the 'bad guys' / criminals all have huge ammo clips/ magazines in THEIR guns ! Do you all get the picture ?? We innocent, law abiding folks are at a distinct disadvantage against the criminal element in America, and else where ! And DON'T think you will depend on the police forces who have gone home to protect their own families and dwellings.... Duh ! Do NOT allow the Gov't to lie and manipulate you with their un-Constitutional new "laws" and rules, because right after they disarm us, they will then roll over us and make us slaves to their ungodly system. Period. It's like everything else in life: Do your best research, listen to the experts, and then save to buy the best tools to defend and protect your family and everything else that you have worked hard for. For more info: email me: tschuckman@aol.com
Warm, Safe, Regards,
Be Safe !
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