Monday, July 19, 2010

The Rapture Paradox.

Tom's Journal.

Stuff like this, by Terry James, is so encouraging to me and other real, biblical Christians! And it answers many questions that are common, normal and logical. The old recruiting jiggle: 'Be all you can be-- in the Army' --sounds cool, but for Christians who are age 18 or older/ younger could just as well say: 'Preach and Share all you can share--if you really love your neighbor!' Because that's the real crux of the balance of the time we have left. What ever that time left is--we can use it wisely to SHARE the Gospel, distribute small tracts and Bibles, and direct honest hearted people to a Bible teaching church near by-- if possible. The more you do this service to God-- the easier and more joyful it becomes. I hardly ever get a rejection, and I am a big, old, over weight man with a gray beard riding in a power scooter!

You may ask as you have the right to.... 'then why am I hiring my son, Andy, to paint my old 100 year old house the pretty color BLUE ?' And I would tell you that we have to exist on earth and bring honor and glory to the Lord,and to set a good example, so that no person can say we are wayward bums or animals-- and our appearance and dwelling ought to bring honor on the Lord, IMHO. We must walk orderly so as not to bring reproach or shame on Jesus' name-- and we are His servants-- witnesses on earth. Again, balance is the key, and now I am tapped out of money for a while...LOL. WE can be poor,yet still effective, well dressed and keep up our dwelling to the best of our ability--without putting on the dog and competing with the "Jones.'" I am certainly NOT rich man in the material sense-- yet there are too many 'Christians' who are materialistic!

But our Victory Garden is starting to yield cukes and zucchini, finally, as I picked some today, and weeded and watered it. These are our simple treasures-- and if we die or get raptured, my kids can have everything that is left, and I recently told them that-- and where things are hidden,and Wills and Paper drawn up. I pray too that they will not be 'Left Behind' and now it's up to them.

But if we EVER start to think that God's ways and the Rapture and being left behind are unfair [perish the thought], just consider how much warnings His servants and saints have given everyone in the world -- even when our Christian missionaries are tortured and killed by Muslims and Hindu people, as the article points out. I still find it all incredible that Europe is crumbling and being systematically 'absorbed' by the Muslims. And the Socialist 'powers that be' in the WH are just standing around with their fingers in their ears...Ha! But all the conservative Christians in the know pretty much expected that to happen, right?
I am not speaking as to the religious aspect that our Gov't ignores-- but the murders and tortures of innocent people, and Right to Life!

One more thing... as I was listening to 'CROSS TALK' on Christian radio today, 107.7 FM, Milwaukee, driving home from the store, I heard the talk show person say, 'good things about Glen Beck, and Mormons-- that they were hard, honest workers, with stout hearts, etc., but their rendering of the Gospel is NOT THE SAME AS REAL CHRISTIANS!' And just like there are fine, sweet, "good" Buddhist people who we like very much-- doesn't mean they have embraced the truth of the Bible, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and He alone is the way to salvation! There is only ONE WAY TO SALVATION AND HEAVEN-- Jesus Christ!! Anyone thinking or preaching differently is dangerous and dead wrong! And being hamstrung by the term, "politically correct" is just another liberally, Progressive scam to muzzle our righteous mouths in sharing the true Word of God, and telling the Truth!


The Rapture Paradox

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:53 AM PDT

By Terry James Rapture Ready A woman from the Netherlands who is a frequent visitor to Rapture Ready proposed we address a troubling thought she lives with as a Christian. It is a paradox I believe many Christians who look for Christ to come for believers in the rapture have considered, at least to some extent.The writer sent an article about the growing Islamic population in Europe and the

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