Sunday, November 21, 2010

The 'Apple of God's Eye.'

Tom's Journal.

I keep repeating myself...'Posting articles like this one from Jack Kelley, just gives me a thrill and makes me happy!' Repetition helps me to memorize the scriptures that I need, and forces me to stop watching TV so much.

MOST Christians already know this-- that the Israelites MAY NOT sell or give away the land that God gave them in Genesis, and we find out [no surprise to me...duh] that U.S. Lefty-Loosey, Liberal Administrations have always hurt the State of Israel trying to force and squeeze Israel to give up land to their Muslim enemies, the descendants of Ismael! Can any one really trust 'strange women ??' Shake your head, "NO !" Some folks may say that their own lives would be too boring-- but better to OBEY the Lord than chase after the strange women and their false gods...

Well, from what I see and hear, God's Word is right on schedule like a powerful locomotive chugging ahead, and the future is not hard to see for me... except that we are discovering the 'whys and hows' of things going down. Instead of spending TOO MUCH TIME running down Mr. Obama, I think we ought to be sharing the Gospel and linking the Scriptures to modern day events as the "clock winds down" in the 4th quarter of this football game. And there are a number of good, sound reasons why we ought not party and celebrate so hardy this year, IMHO. We will soon have to pay the piper right after the party is over.

Our church service was good and interesting, but I felt so sleepy today, prob not getting the correct, good sleep that I need, so maybe I will try to go to bed earlier. Sharon wants some more red grapefruits when I get a chance, and some kind of flu is going around this time of year. I believe in 'preventative medicine' and eating fresh fruit/ and minerals. I am also learning to cook for one person at home-- ME, but I like to make enough for 2 days so I don't have to cook so often. Some folks say to keep a lot of fresh food as snacks in the home-- so we don't get tempted to eat junk foods. But if I buy the wrong foods-- I will end up eating them. Actually, we have a freezer full of meat, etc., so I am not too worried.

As for Israel, I am not too worried about them because Zech. 2:8, says, 'They are the apple of God's eye.' God will not be saving any nations besides Israel-- but He saves individuals. And like it or not, America bears community responsibility for electing Obama-- as he has done more to hurt Israel than any other president I know of besides Clinton and Carter. God WILL NOT bless any country that hurts His most favored Nation-- in fact, there is a curse attached to all enemies of of Israel. Would we not say that America is being cursed right now??? But 'you ain't seen nothin' yet !' And YES, I still have my First Amendment Rights intact.

Are you ready for the strip search at the airport??? I won't even fly anymore...Ha! I drive the Ram 4 by 4! Bring on the snow!


You Are but Tenants in the Land

Posted: 21 Nov 2010 08:55 AM PST

By Jack Kelley The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants. (Leviticus 25:23)When God brought Israel into the Promised Land He explained that they were His tenants, forbidden from selling or giving the land away (Lev 25:23).He also commanded them to let the land rest for one year out of every seven (Lev 25:4), the

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