Monday, November 4, 2013

A Different Huge Twist in the Story!

Tom's Journal.

Simple enough for even a child to understand!
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE RAPTURE & 2ND COMING OF JESUS The RAPTURE OF THE TRUE CHURCH and the SECOND COMING of JESUS CHRIST are often CONFUSED. In studying EN...D-TIMES BIBLE PROPHECY it is VERY IMPORTANT to DIFFERENTIATE between the TWO EVENTS : *** THE RAPTURE *** THE RAPTURE is when Jesus Christ returns to REMOVE THE CHURCH (TRUE BELIEVERS in Christ) FROM the earth (like a thief in the night). The rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54. BELIEVERS who have DIED will have their BODIES RESURRECTED and, ALONG with THE TRUE BELIEVERS who are still LIVING, will MEET the Lord in the AIR. This will all occur in a MOMENT, in TWINKLING of an eye (unexpected) and BEFORE the TRIBULATION! *** THE SECOND COMING *** The SECOND COMING is when Jesus RETURNS to DEFEAT the ANTICHRIST, DESTROY EVIL and ESTABLISH HIS MILLENNIAL KINGDOM on EARTH at the END of the GREAT TRIBULATION. The second coming is described in Revelation 19:11-16. *** THE IMPORTANT DIFFERENCES *** 1) At the RAPTURE -BELIEVERS *MEET* the LORD *IN THE AIR* (1 Thessalonians 4:17). At the SECOND COMING - BELIEVERS *RETURN WITH THE LORD* to the EARTH (Revelation 19:14). 2) The SECOND COMING occurs AFTER the GREAT and TERRIBLE TRIBULATION (Revelation chapters 6–19). The RAPTURE occurs BEFORE the TRIBULATION (1 Thessalonians 5:9; Revelation 3:10). 3) The RAPTURE is the REMOVAL of TRUE BELIEVERS from the EARTH as an act of DELIVERANCE (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17,5:9). The SECOND COMING includes the REMOVAL of UNBELIEVERS as an act of JUDGMENT (Matthew 24:40-41). 4) The RAPTURE will be SECRET and INSTANT (1 Corinthians 15:50-54). The SECOND COMING will be VISIBLE TO ALL (Revelation 1:7; Matthew 24:29-30). 5) The SECOND COMING of Christ will NOT OCCUR until AFTER certain other end-times EVENTS TAKE PLACE (2 Thessalonians 2:4; Matthew 24:15-30; Revelation chapters 6–18). The RAPTURE is IMMINENT; it could take place at ANY MOMENT (Titus 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54). • THE RAPTURE and SECOND COMING are SIMILAR but SEPARATE EVENTS. • BOTH involve JESUS RETURNING. • BOTH are END-TIME EVENTS. However, it is CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT to RECOGNIZE the DIFFERENCES! *** IN SUMMARY *** THE RAPTURE is the RETURN of JESUS CHRIST in the CLOUDS to REMOVE ALL TRUE BELIEVERS FROM the earth BEFORE the time of GOD’S WRATH. THE SECOND COMING is the RETURN of JESUS CHRIST, at the END of the GREAT TRIBULATION, TO the earth to BRING the TRIBULATION to an END and to DEFEAT the ANTICHRIST and his EVIL world empire, and to ESTABLISH HIS MILLENNIAL KINGDOM on EARTH! DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE RAPTURE & 2ND COMING OF JESUS — with Lisa Grow.See More
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By someone who would honestly know.. here IS a totally different twist in the fabric of 'Obama tales.'   I would say that Mr. Wayne Allyn Root is very lucky to be alive !!  His breed of human usually "disappear"  and the earth swallows him up, because he knows too much and he tells the truth.   Either way, my own belief and hunch is that POTUS will also be a 'wanted man' when, We the People finally get hands on him.  Not me of course.... as I am too old, crippled, disabled and a man of the Bible.  Ha!  I can't even run anymore.... what a shame.   Anyway, I do not wish harm on any human being, but that won't stop the Mighty God that I worship in Heaven...  He has a grand Plan, and nothing can stop His wheels [or fast flight...] !!  

'As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord',  ---just as Joshua said, in the book that bears his name.   I have enough on my plate, and we had Lasagna again today, for a treat, so Mama wouldn't have to cook-- as I made a deal with her... "I'll buy, and you fly, pretty  Terri!"  I just called into a fine establishment, gave Terri the $50 bill, and she picked up the grub!  I just love simple things, and it works for me.   Another scripture tells me that 'Everything will be dug up-- come to sunlight, and exposed for all to see-- some day!'   Even at the "Bema Seat" -- up in heaven.  No one escapes....  so why not serve in the Army that will win??   I didn't say, sin!  We do that now on earth, but someone died at age 33 who had the 'right stuff' that erased all our sins, past, present and future sins, thru His blood sacrifice on the cross.  He died or US, but only who have the right brains and hearts and humility will grab for that relationship with Jesus Christ, and be Saved !!   That's so true!  It's NOT about being 'bad or good' but seizing the day, the opportunity when it knocks on your head, is what will count, dear friends and followers.   It doesn't matter how, where, or from whom you heard the Gospel -- but that you heard it ONCE, and then  you HAVE HAD THAT ONE CHANCE...   BANG!   You can never, ever say that YOU never had a chance!!  Sorry, folks, it's as simple as that.

Personally,  I have had a few chances, and thankfully, I finally picked up on it on one of those rings.   But then, like the parable of Matthew, some folks just hide it under a bushel basket, some others talk and recruit 10 more people, and some others perhaps 100 people !!   I feel sorry [not] for those who are too cowardly, lazy or selfish, who refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to fire them up and use their mouth for something other than a fly hanger, or something to fill their bellies.   That includes me too, friends.  But I carry great Bible Tracts in my wallets , etc., to share Gospel.   I tell you this NOT TO BRAG, as some folks have implied...  but to demonstrate how easy it is the witness about our loving Lord who gave so much that we would be Saved, forever !!    I also have a tattoo on my Left should that says:  "Jesus is Lord."   I am also a wood carver [NOT bragging] and carve my favorite scriptures into choice woods, and have one on the back of my power scooter.... Philippians 1:21... "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."  And people come up to me at the store, etc., and tell me how much they like that scripture !!  Woo Woo!  Well, that too gives me an opportunity, and a foot in the door to share more with them!!   The trick is:  To LOOK for the opportunity to share the reason for your happiness and how to get Saved !  And prayer helps a lot too, of course.    I talk to people all the time, where ever I go, and send off my humble Blog of Faith, and other stuff:  TOM'S JOURNAL, which I hope you forward and share with other people, if you find merit in it...   Thanks.
    Time for bed...  I am tired.   Guten Nacht!

Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman

As published at on 10/21/13
By Wayne Allyn Root

There are 2 major political parties in America. I’m a member of the naïve, stupid, and cowardly one. I’m a Republican. How stupid is the GOP? They still don’t get it. I told them 5 years ago, 2 books ago, a national bestseller ago (“The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide”), and in hundreds of articles and commentaries, that Obamacare was never meant to help America, or heal the sick, or lower healthcare costs, or lower the debt, or expand the economy.

The GOP needs to stop calling Obamacare a “trainwreck.” That means it’s a mistake, or accident. That means it’s a gigantic flop, or failure. It’s NOT. This is a brilliant, cynical, and purposeful attempt to damage the U.S. economy, kill jobs, and bring down capitalism. It’s not a failure, it’s Obama’s grand success. It’s not a “trainwreck,” Obamacare is a suicide attack. He wants to hurt us, to bring us to our knees, to capitulate- so we agree under duress to accept big government.

Obama’s hero and mentor was Saul Alinsky- a radical Marxist intent on destroying capitalism. Alinksky’s stated advice was to call the other guy “a terrorist” to hide your own intensions. To scream that the other guy is “ruining America,” while you are the one actually plotting the destruction of America. To claim again and again…in every sentence of every speech…that you are “saving the middle class,” while you are busy wiping out the middle class.

The GOP is so stupid they can’t see it. There are no mistakes here. This is a planned purposeful attack. The tell-tale sign isn’t the disastrous start to Obamacare. Or the devastating effect the new taxes are having on the economy. Or the death of full-time jobs. Or the overwhelming debt. Or the dramatic increases in health insurance rates. Or the 70% of doctors now thinking of retiring- bringing on a healthcare crisis of unimaginable proportions. Forget all that. 

The real sign that this is a purposeful attack upon capitalism is how many Obama administration members and Democratic Congressmen are openly calling Tea Party Republicans and anyone who wants to stop Obamacare “terrorists.” There’s the clue. Even the clueless GOP should be able to see that. They are calling the reasonable people…the patriots…the people who believe in the Constitution…the people who believe exactly what the Founding Fathers believed…the people who want to take power away from corrupt politicians who have put America $17 trillion in debt…terrorists? 

That’s because they are Saul Alinsky-ing the GOP. The people trying to purposely hurt America, capitalism and the middle class…are calling the patriots by a terrible name to fool, confuse and distract the public.

Obamacare is a raving, rollicking, fantastic success. Stop calling it a failure. Here is what it was created to do. It is succeeding on all counts.

#1) Obamacare was intended to bring about the Marxist dream- redistribution of wealth. Rich people, small business owners, and the middle class are being robbed, so that the money can be redistributed to poor people (who vote Democrat). Think about it. If you’re rich or middle class, you now have to pay for your own healthcare costs (at much higher rates) AND 40 million other people’s costs too (through massive tax increases). So you’re stuck paying for both bills. You are left broke. Brilliant.

#2) Obamacare was intended to wipe out the middle class and make them dependent on government. Think about it. Even Obama’s IRS predicts that health insurance for a typical American family by 2016 will be $20,000 per year. But how would middle class Americans pay that bill and have anything left for food or housing or living? People that make $40K, or $50K, or $60K can’t possibly hope to spend $20K on health insurance without becoming homeless. Bingo. That’s how you make middle class people dependent on government. That’s how you make everyone addicted to government checks. Brilliant.

#3) As a bonus, Obamacare is intended to kill every decent paying job in the economy, creating only crummy, crappy part-time jobs. Why? Just to make sure the middle class is trapped, with no way out. Just to make sure no one has the $20,000 per year to pay for health insurance, thereby guaranteeing they become wards of the state. Brilliant.

#4) Obamacare is intended to bankrupt small business, and therefore starve donations to the GOP. Think about it. Do you know a small business owner? I know hundreds of them. Their rates are being doubled, tripled and quadrupled by Obamacare. Guess who writes 75% of the checks to Republican candidates and conservative causes? Small business. Even if a small business owner manages to survive, he or she certainly can’t write a big check to the GOP anymore. Money is the “mother’s milk” of politics. Without donations, a political party ceases to exist. Bingo. That’s the point of Obamacare. Obama is bankrupting his political opposition and drying up donations to the GOP. Brilliant.
#5) Obamacare is intended to make the IRS all-powerful. It adds thousands of new IRS agents. It puts the IRS in charge of overseeing 15% of the U.S. economy. The IRS has the right because of Obamacare to snoop into every aspect of your life, to go into your bank accounts, to fine you, to frighten you, to intimidate you. And Obama and his socialist cabal have access to your deepest medical secrets. By law your doctor has to ask your sexual history. That information is now in the hands of Obama and the IRS to blackmail GOP candidates into either not running, or supporting bigger government, or leaking the info and ruining your campaign. Or have you forgotten the IRS harassed, intimidated and persecuted critics of Obama and conservative groups? Now Obama hands the IRS even more power. Big Brother rules our lives. Brilliant.

#6) Obamacare is intended to unionize 15 million healthcare workers. That produces $15 billion in new union dues. That money goes to fund Democratic candidates and socialist causes- thereby guaranteeing Obama’s friends never lose another election, and Obama’s policies keep ruining capitalism and bankrupting business owners long after he’s out of office.

Message to the GOP: This isn’t a game. This isn’t tiddly-winks. This is a serious, purposeful attempt to highjack America and destroy capitalism. This isn’t a trainwreck. It’s purposeful suicide. It’s not failing, it’s working exactly according to plan. Obama knows what he’s doing. Stop apologizing and start fighting.

Oh and one more thing…Conservatives aren’t “terrorists.” We are patriots and saviors. We represent the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. We are the heroes and good guys. Unless you get all this through your thick skulls, America is lost…forever.

Obama is 100% Red, White & Blue American Born

As seen at on 10/4/13: 

By Wayne Allyn Root

Many Americans suspect Obama was foreign born. They are wrong. Boy do I have a story to tell you.
I believe Obama is a fraud. But it has nothing to do with his birth. Obama’s critics have it all backwards. They are looking in the wrong place. He isn’t a foreigner portraying himself as an American. He’s an American who fraudulently portrayed himself as a foreigner.
Months ago MSNBC television host Rachel Maddow spent 15 minutes on her national show calling me a “birther.” I scratched my head. Because I’m not. Never have been, not for one minute. A “birther” believes Obama is a foreigner, not legally qualified to be president. I have never believed that.
I’ve always believed that Obama is 100% American. There I’ve said it loudly. I’m a leading critic of the President, but I’ve always believed him to be American born. He is as American as PT Barnum. And he lies and exaggerates like P.T. Barnum too. While Obama is not a foreigner, he is a fraud. Let me tell you the REAL Obama story.
In hundreds of media interviews, I’ve stated that even though Obama was my college classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83, and we shared the same majors (Political Science and Pre Law), I never saw, met, or heard of him. But the media has this story wrong too- I’ve never said that my conclusion is Obama did not go to Columbia. On the contrary, I believe Obama graduated Columbia and we are classmates.
Where was he hiding for those Columbia years? My educated guess is he was smoking pot and attending communist meetings, plotting the downfall of America and capitalism. Don’t laugh, it worked!
While that was just an educated guess, Obama’s own autobiography backs me up- he personally admitted often attending Socialist Party meetings at Cooper Union in downtown Manhattan. With Obama, even your wildest guesses are often proven true.
But forget why he wasn’t seen at Columbia, the real mystery is how he ever got into Columbia. Stay with me- because this ties into the whole “foreign born” story.
I’ve believe I’ve pieced together what happened at Columbia and here it is. I believe that Obama, an American citizen, committed fraud by PORTRAYING himself as a foreigner, in order to gain almost impossible admittance to prestigious Columbia University (and probably Occidental and Harvard Law School as well). He lied and used fraud (misrepresentation) to weasel his way in. Is that really a crime? Ask convicted criminal Frank Abagnale, the real-life star of the hit movie and best-selling book, “Catch Me if You Can.” Portraying someone you’re not is called fraud, and punishable by years in prison.
It doesn’t take a psychology degree to figure out Obama’s fragile mindset as a young man. He spent his youth living a fantasy, wanting desperately to be foreign-born and exotic, instead of just a normal American kid from a struggling single parent household. As a black teen with no dad, Obama undoubtedly faced racism and tough times. With help from mentors (like Frank Marshall, a communist and Bill Ayers, a terrorist) he learned to despise his country of birth (America). As a dreamer and loner he started to believe his own story of exotic birth, then used that fantasy (aka fraud) to gain admittance to both Occidental and Columbia.
In too deep, he had no way out. Ironically, Obama, himself is the birther. He’s the one who created the foreign-born storyline.
The fact the leftist media (Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart, Mother Jones, and others) are so frightened of me, confirms that I’m close to the truth. It explains why Obama sent the IRS to viciously attack me not once, but twice (I won 100% victories in both audits). I’ve gotten too close to both the Obama Columbia scandal and the Obama IRS scandal. The closer to the target, the greater the flack.
Getting into an Ivy League University is extremely difficult and transferring in is virtually impossible. Every year 30,000 kids try to get into a college like Columbia. Only a small fraction are accepted (there were about 700 in our class of ’83). The battle is cut-throat. Virtually all 30,000 are straight A students, have close-to-perfect SAT scores, and have achieved out-sized success at extracurricular activities too.
Into that dog-eat-dog competition stepped Barack Obama, a young man with no achievements, except an exotic story of Indonesian upbringing. Obama could NEVER have gotten into Columbia out of high school and his odds of transferring in later were even worse. Last year Columbia accepted only three transfer students in the entire world. Three. And I guarantee you all three had amazing scholastic and achievement records from other Ivy League colleges like Harvard, Yale, or Princeton.
Obama had none of that. By his own admission he was a poor student who smoked pot, rarely attended class, and got mediocre grades, from Occidental (a good but not great college). His only chance of transferring into Columbia was a made-up story of being an exotic foreigner.
It’s pretty clear how Obama got into Columbia- I believe it was by lying. Obama was a smart kid, even then gave “great interview,” and talked (lied) his way into Columbia as an Indonesian student, using his Jakarta grade school transcripts (and perhaps Passport/citizenship papers) as proof. Columbia probably asked very few questions. They were thrilled to have an Indonesian student to brag about. They got what they wanted- “diversity.”
That was Obama’s edge that gained him admittance to the exclusive Ivy League world at Columbia and then Harvard Law School. But that also made him a fraud, who accepted admittance and foreign student aid under false pretenses.
Since selling this fraudulent story had succeeded beyond his wildest imagination, Obama was emboldened. So, he used it again to sell a book. Remember I’m not guessing here. It’s a fact that his book agent described Obama to publishers as “Born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia.” There is physical proof of these exact words. Bleeding heart liberal Manhattan book publishers bought it hook, line and sinker. See:
All of this lying and fraud based on a fantasy built an impressive  platform for young Obama. It got him the credentials he needed for a career in politics (Columbia, Harvard Law, professor at Chicago Law School). Next he used that platform to run for office. He won. Then, won again, becoming a U.S. Senator. People started touting him as a Presidential candidate. All the lies and P.T. Barnum-like self promotion had worked for Obama. Too well. Now he had a deep, dark secret to cover-up.
His college records were his Achilles heel. He had to hide his tracks. His college records had to be sealed forever. Not because he was a foreigner and unqualified to be President, but because he was an American posing as a foreigner. That makes him a fraud unqualified to be President.
I would love for Mr. Obama to release his college records and prove me wrong. But of course he won’t…he can’t. Because at the top of his college admissions transcript would be the two words that would destroy his Presidency and legacy: “Foreign Student.”
No, I’m not a birther. I believe Obama is 100% American born. While never questioning his birth, I’ve been in the media nonstop for 5 years questioning his allegiance to America, American exceptionalism, and Judeo-Christian values. And I’ve exposed his plan (created by husband-wife professors Cloward and Piven at Columbia) to destroy capitalism by overwhelming the system with spending, debt, and entitlements. That purposeful plan is proven by facts- please see record spending, record debt, and record entitlements under Obama. This is all about a plan to destroy America carried out by an American posing as a foreigner.
No, Obama isn’t a foreigner. But we have a fraud in the White House.

How to Kill Obamacare, and Save the GOP

As published at FOX News on 10/1/13
By Wayne Allyn Root
Ted Cruz, the Tea Party, and the GOP fought hard and courageously, but it’s time to recognize that we aren’t going to win the current battle. Obama will negotiate with madmen in Iran over a nuclear bomb, and with madmen in Syria over chemical weapons, but he won’t negotiate with Republicans in Congress over healthcare. So who’s the crazy one here?
No matter. Obama will not defund Obamacare. He will not even allow reasonable changes. It’s his law and he’s in charge. We are fighting a “no win” battle over both Obamacare and the government shutdown. Especially because the media protects him at all costs. The message the media puts out is that “Obama is for the little guy. The GOP is evil and greedy.” Unfortunately we are playing right into Obama’s hands with both a defunding of Obamacare and a federal government shutdown.
Great Generals change tactics constantly to win battles and wars. They recognize it is all a chess game and as circumstances change and evolve, tactics must change and evolve. Now it’s time for the Republican Congress to change tactics.
How can the GOP message be changed to win the battle instantly? By changing our demand. Here’s a way to turn this into a “win-win” for the GOP. Republicans will in fact end the government shutdown, pass the budget, and fund Obamacare if this one single simple demand is met:
It’s that simple. The message is: If Obamacare is so good for the people, then let everyone have it. Right now. This instant. The poor, the rich, the big unions, the big corporations, the politically connected, the lawyers, the lobbyists, and of course Congress too. Everyone means everyone.
“Everyone” must specifically include Senators, Congressmen, their staffs, Obama himself, Michelle, Sasha and Malia. It’s everyone in the rowboat, or no one. That’s the only GOP demand. Forget defunding- it’s not going to happen. Fund it, but only if Obama agrees to end all exemptions, exceptions, and waivers today.
How’s that for a simple, clear and concise, easy to understand message? A message that puts the GOP clearly on the side of equality and fairness for all. This is a message a majority of Americans will support. This is a message that puts Obama on the defensive and paints him into a dangerous “no win” corner.
That’s how you win the war with Obama and kill Obamacare. That’s how you win the public relations battle. That’s how you leave the media speechless. That’s how you outmaneuver Obama.
Think of Obama’s only two options at that point. He can either tell the American people that government will stay shut “Because I refuse to force corporations, unions, and Congress to live by the same rules as the rest of you”….or he can immediately re-open the government and fund Obamacare, but cause a war inside the Democratic Party by abandoning his big corporate donors and unions. He loses big either way.
If this was wrestling or MMA fighting, the GOP just flipped Obama on his back. How can he say ”no” to the GOP demand? Is Obama only for the rich, big corporations, and politically connected? What is he protecting the rich and privileged from? If Obamacare is so great, why did he delay it for big corporations? What about the rest of us? Are we human guinea pigs?
More importantly, how can Obama look into the camera and say that Congress and the President should have the right to different healthcare than the citizens? Talk about an unwinnable position. Make him explain why he will keep the government closed so that Congress can have a different healthcare plan than the rest of us peasants.
Obama has broken the law and violated the Constitution with these special exemptions and waivers. Hold his feet to the fire. The GOP isn’t against poor people getting healthcare. We certainly hate Obamacare. We know it’s a disaster for healthcare, jobs, and the economy. But if it’s the law of the land (for now), then we demand equality for everyone.
If Obama wants the law, let’s ALL have the law. Everyone. Michelle, Sasha and Malia can wait in the same long lines as the rest of us. So can Congress and their staffs. So can big corporations like GE, WalMart and Exxon. So can every union member. So can every government employee. If the rest of us can’t have “Cadillac health insurance plans” without paying big fines or taxes, then unions and government employees can’t either.
It’s one for all, and all for one. Let’s see Obama oppose that argument. Let’s see him defend waivers and exemptions for some, while the rest of us get screwed. Let’s see Obama defend keeping the government closed in order to retain the one-year waiver for big business, while forcing small business and the middle class to suffer immediately.
Obama is between a rock and a hard place. He must agree that everyone gets it today, ready or not, with no exceptions. Or no one gets it.
Suddenly the GOP has turned the tables. We have exposed Obama as the fraud he is. With this one change in tactics, the GOP represents “equality and fairness for all.” Let Obama defend inequality, unfairness, and special favors for the rich and connected. Checkmate.
Obamacare is a disaster. The exchanges aren’t ready. Mass confusion reins. The people have no idea how bad this is going to get. But it’s clear the unions, big corporations, and Congress understand. That’s why they desperately want out. From this day forward we let no one out. We are all in this together.
Make Obama own it. Make him tie his friends and donors into it right now- with no wiggle room. Then watch the fun begin. Watch the unions and big corporations demand the repeal of Obamacare. Watch mass protests in the streets by union members. Watch the Democrat Party devolve into screaming and fighting matches amongst themselves. Watch D.C. implode as Congress, Congressional staffers, and lobbyists refuse to accept Obamacare. Watch the rats desert the sinking ship.
But if Obama keeps the government closed to protect his biggest donors, the public will turn on him with a vengeance. By November of 2014 every single Democrat who ever voted for this disaster will be thrown out on his or her ass.
Oh and one big bonus. I can’t wait to see Michelle Obama’s face when she hears she must live under the same law as the rest of us. I’d pay for tickets to watch that one.

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