Sunday, November 24, 2013

Powerful Nutrients that can Help Us !!

Tom's Journal.

Obama-care will drive us to do something good and well....  force us to self medicate, and study the right kind of 'Preventive Medicine !!'   Study Herbs and Natural Medicine !!  [smile].   I have been doing just that for the past 40 years, on my own. 

Tom Schuckman

Research now shows that turmeric thwarts dozens of types of cancers—in a big way. The list includes cancers of the breast, prostate, uterus, ovaries, lung, colon, mouth, esophagus, liver, kidney, skin, head and neck, nervous system, connective tissue, lymph (lymphomas) and blood (leukemia).
Eastern cultures have reaped these benefits, because there, instead of reaching for an over-the-counter or prescription drug, doctors are more likely to recommend real foods as sources of 'intelligent' healing.
Followers of these traditions believe the right foods provide perfect balance and perfect health. Every food you eat either brings you into greater balance... or throws you out of balance. Your job is to know the difference.
In a class of its own
Turmeric helps prevent and control the spread of cancer cells in so many ways. It:
  • Helps break down toxins in your liver
  • Possesses dramatic anti-inflammatory properties
  • Is a powerful antioxidant, with 300 times the power of vitamin E
  • Stimulates your immune system
  • Helps break down fat and promotes weight loss
If you already have cancer, turmeric enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy while simultaneously protecting your healthy tissues from chemo's damage.
What Indian medicine knows
That Western medicine doesn't
You probably associate green plant foods with healing and cancer prevention. And you'd be right.
But for sure, not everything good is green. When it comes to turmeric, just by adding this bright yellow-orange spice to your food, you also help your body defend against cancer... and a whole lot more.
If you think about turmeric at all you probably associate it with the curry dishes of India or Indian-influenced dishes from the Caribbean. Turmeric is indigenous to Asia, and has been a long-time staple in the Indian diet. It's been a part of India's Ayurvedic healing tradition and traditional Chinese medicine for more than 5,000 years.
Turmeric has large, beautiful, lily-like leaves. But the magic really occurs below the surface. The roots, which look much like ginger root, are the medicinal parts.
When you cut open a turmeric root, it's much more vivid than ginger root. The bright color gives a hint of its incredible medicinal powers. Colorful foods tend to be rich in nutrients.
Turmeric's color comes from curcumin, the phytochemical that's the source of nearly all the root's medicinal benefits.
Helps your liver keep you healthy
What turmeric does to help your liver keep you healthy is nothing short of amazing.
Mutagens (anything causing DNA mutations that can lead to cancer) are in your food, air, and dozens if not hundreds of things you come into contact with every day. Your liver is charged with breaking all those mutagens down and expelling them from your body. The liver is the body's most important filter.
Your liver has two sets of enzymes, called "Phase 1" and "Phase 2". Any time a toxin or carcinogen enters your liver your Phase 1 enzymes activate it. In other words, they turn "on" its carcinogenic effects.
Now why would they create carcinogens? Because it's easier for your Phase 2 enzymes to recognize, attack, break down, and expel activated enzymes.
But here's the glitch: Too many toxins can overwhelm your liver. Your liver's defensive system can fail.
You can slash your risk of cancer by either reducing the amount of toxins that enter your liver in the first place, or by enhancing your Phase 2 enzymes to eliminate more toxins after they've gotten in.
Amazingly, turmeric has the ability to both block Phase 1 and enhance Phase 2 enzymes, for a mighty superstar level of protection for your health.
Helps even smokers eliminate toxins!
Smokers typically have many carcinogenic metabolites (byproducts) in their urine.
In a 1992 published study in the journal Mutagenesis, researchers tested 16 smokers and 16 non-smokers for these metabolites. Then the smokers received 1.5 grams of turmeric for 30 days, while the non-smokers were given none.
In 30 days, the researchers again tested the participants' urine. Shockingly, the level of mutagen metabolites was LOWER in the smokers taking turmeric than it was in the non-smokers.
So if you're a smoker who's struggled to kick the habit, at least do your health the favor of using turmeric.
If you play golf, farm or use lawn treatments,
Read this now!
Many common pesticides and herbicides are known "gender benders". They mimic estrogen and thereby boost your risk of all estrogenic cancers, notably prostate and breast cancer.
Turmeric can block pesticides' estrogenic effects, and thereby impede estrogenic tumors from forming in response to estrogen and environmental toxins.
Turmeric also down-regulates your estrogen receptors—meaning it decreases the sensitivity of your estrogen receptors. That cuts the receptors' normal cancer-enhancing response to estrogen. When estrogen attaches to estrogen receptors in the presence of turmeric, its rate of cell division is slowed way down.
If you golf, live on a golf course or near farms where sprays are a way of life, or use lawn treatments, consider adding a layer of health protection with turmeric.
Block the dangerous COX-2 enzyme
Turmeric inhibits or blocks an enzyme that plays a key role in many cancers. It's called the COX-2 enzyme. Cancer patients typically over-express it. And it's responsible for a long list of dangerous deeds...
  • Causes tumor cells to divide and spread
  • Prevents the death of cancer cells
  • Stimulates the growth of new blood vessels
  • Enables tumor cells to invade surrounding tissues
  • Blocks your immune system's tumor suppression activities
  • Boosts risk of metastasis
  • Speeds up your production of mutagens
That's a long and damaging list of bad deeds. But turmeric can put an end to all of them. It shuts down the COX-2 enzyme and blocks ALL its harmful actions.
Tumeric's other healing benefits
You'll love turmeric for more than just its anti-cancer effects too. As of 2012, this "miracle" spice was linked to over 150 distinct beneficial actions involving more than 500 different health conditions. To name just a few...
  • Lowers heart disease risk by decreasing cholesterol and arterial plaque.
  • Promotes wound healing by lowering inflammation and stimulating growth of new blood vessels. Ironic, because it blocks new blood-vessel growth to stop cancer growth yet stimulates it to promote healing. Turmeric "knows" when to do each one.
  • Encourages your gallbladder to expel gallstones.
  • Aids digestion by boosting stomach secretions and decreasing intestinal gassiness.
  • Shields your organs from chemical attack
  • Minimizes damage to your brain from alcohol.
  • Helps repair liver damage.
  • Strengthens connective tissue and prevents scar tissue.
  • Stimulates muscle regeneration following trauma.
And those are just the effects inside your body...
Topical Uses
Applied to the skin, turmeric offers a whole new set of benefits. But beware, it will stain your clothes, so wear something old that you don't care about!
Turmeric can kill bacteria. And in the presence of sunlight, its anti-bacterial properties improve. You can use it against fungal infections like athlete's foot, and skin conditions like psoriasis.
No other known edible and topical substance can do so much.
Turmeric is a true Superstar in the world of medicinal plants. And it beautifully shows this key Ayurvedic principle: Plants hold intelligence, and they help us to heal by importing their intelligence into us.
What you should know before taking turmeric
Turmeric is prepared by soaking, then drying the root and grinding it into a fine powder. You'll find it in most grocery stores. Choose organic whenever possible. Why introduce more toxins into your body?
When adding it to your foods, use about ¼ to 1 teaspoon at the very end of cooking, to avoid overcooking.
If you prefer not to take it with food every day, you can take it as a supplement. The recommended dose is two 500-mg capsules if you're healthy. For therapeutic use, studies show that four to ten grams of curcumin a day can be taken without negative side effects. As noted before, curcumin is the medicinally active ingredient of turmeric. Four to ten grams would be a VERY high dose. One or at most two grams probably suffice for most healthy people.
There's currently no standardized dose for cancer treatment and prevention, but most researchers suggest 2 or more grams per day.
And if you want to enhance turmeric's impact, take it in the same meal as green tea. Turmeric makes green tea eight times more effective. And in turn, green tea makes turmeric three times more effective. You can't beat the synergy!
Any way you slice it, turmeric can give you a tremendous health boost. You can hardly go wrong using it as a potent health ally. So why not get started today?
Our last issue mentioned another powerful natural food supplement—a very exciting cancer discovery. If you missed it, you can catch it now just below.

This May be the Most Important Cancer News You’ll See This Year

I’m very excited about this article. Scientists may have discovered an important key – perhaps the key – to preventing and curing colon cancer. A natural plant extract available in any supplement store looks to be a potent “weapon of mass destruction” against colon cancer cells. And at first blush, I see no reason why it might not work against other cancers, too.
Let’s take a look at this exciting news...
Continued below…

The Golden Age of Antibiotics is Over!
The Golden Age of Antibiotics is over. For 60 years we have lived protected by these AMAZING drugs. Lives have been saved… Billions of lives.
True, there have been complications, but that's because of abuse, not because of the wonderful life-saving properties of antibiotics.           
    But it's over: resistant strains are emerging like wildfire. Now there are dozens of deadly bacteria, some resistant to all known drugs.
    You need to learn about alternatives. There are many safe, effective traditional remedies, which were eclipsed byantibiotics, but they worked then and will work now.
    Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby, one of the world's most advanced alternative MDs, has written a comprehensive guidebook detailing every single alternative to antibiotics. He's backed up every word with solid science. You need to get this book and read it, NOW…
    Don't wait… bacteria strike within hours and can be fatal SAME DAY. Click this link and be ready to save your own life and that of your loved ones.

Colorectal cancer is a growing threat to modern populations, thanks to our sedentary habits and our addiction to processed-foods . Also known as colon cancer, rectal cancer, and bowel cancer, it stems from out-of-control malignant cell growth in the rectum or colon.
This cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world and the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. It’s most often seen in modern countries that enjoy a high standard of living.
But even as more and more people fall victim to this disease, there’s good news on the horizon: a new study shows a simple substance known as grape seed extract (GSE) does a bang-up job of halting the growth of colorectal cancer cells.
And according to this study, the more vicious the cancer cell growth rate … the more effective grape seed extract is at thwarting it.
GSE: The “all-purpose” cancer killer
The study came from researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center and was published in the journal Cancer Letters. Molly Derry, lead study author, pointed out that they’ve long since known about the power of grape seed extract to selectively target cancer cells.
But here’s why the new findings are so interesting. When colorectal cancer cells metastasize and traditional therapies can’t beat them, the cancer cells actually become even more sensitive to GSE treatments. This means we now have a way, as Derry says, “… to selectively target advanced colorectal cancer cells.”
Here’s another humdinger: Typically, larger chemotherapy doses are needed to kill later stage cancers. A person suffering from Stage IV colon cancer is going to be treated with much more chemo poison than a person with Stage II colon cancer.
But when it comes to treating late-stage cancers with grape seed extract, less is more. Derry was quoted as saying, “It required less than half the concentration of GSE to suppress cell growth and kill 50 percent of stage IV cells than it did to achieve similar results in the stage II cells.”
The scientists working on this project believe the key mechanism that allows grape seed extract to do this is the oxidative stress it puts on cancer cells. This prompts the cancer cells to self-destruct, a process known as apoptosis or programmed cell death. But along with that, other bioactive compounds within GSE seem to work together to target the different mutations of the cancer cells. In fact, the more mutations the cancer throws at them, the more effective they become at knocking them out.
This is in sharp contrast to conventional treatments, which are constantly “outsmarted” by cancer’s ability to mutate.
Grape seed extract works better than chemotherapy because traditional chemo only targets a specific mutation. This is not an effective strategy considering that colorectal cancer cells can have more than 11,000 genetic mutations. So those cells can become resistant to chemotherapy but still remain completely vulnerable to the bioactive compounds in grape seed extract.
It appears that GSE can be characterized as a broad-spectrum mutation-targeting chemical – in effect, a “weapon of mass destruction” against cancer cells.
Got colon cancer of the worst kind? No problem.
A proven natural cure for beating an enemy like colon cancer is fantastic news, to be sure. But perhaps even better is the fact that these findings may prove critical in prompting more natural therapy use for late-stage colon cancer—especially since the burn and poison methods used in allopathic medicine don’t work all that well for older folks suffering from the disease.
Colorectal cancer usually hits older people thanks to the cumulative, long-term effects of lifestyle choices (bad diet, lack of exercise) plus the general toll of aging. Few cases are linked to genetics, and too few are cured, especially those that reach Stages III or IV.
Early symptoms of colon cancer include constipation, blood in your stool, weight loss, and appetite loss. Older males are the most at risk, as are those who eat a diet heavy with fat, alcohol, and red meat. Smoking and a lack of exercise only make your risk factor higher.
Until now, regular screenings (a colonoscopy) were the most effective way to lower your chance of dying from the disease. Most doctors recommend you get screened about once per decade once you hit age 50, and then all the way up until you’re 75. If cancer is found in your colon wall, surgery usually cures it. But if the cancer has spread, chemo tends to be the recommended option.
In general, folks who die from colon cancer are the late-stage cases who’ve had the disease spread throughout their body. But incredibly, this is where grape seed extract can make the biggest difference.
It works proactively, too…
Grape seed extract, as you’ve probably guessed, comes from whole grape seeds. These seeds carry a high level of vitamin E, flavonoids, and linoleic acid, among other things. You’ll typically find it in capsules or tablets of 50 to 100 mg each. Little is known about the effect of long-term grape seed extract consumption. Known side effects include headache, dry scalp, and the occasional bout of dizziness or nausea.
By the way, you don’t have to be diagnosed with colon cancer to start reaping the anti-cancer benefits of GSE. You can take it proactively to protect yourself against colorectal cancer and other digestive cancers.
Current recommendations from nutrition experts are to supplement with standardized, whole grape seed extract. Aim for between 150 and 250 mg per day. If I had colon cancer I would certainly take at least 250 mg per day, and I’d consult a naturopath about taking higher doses.
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Kindest regards,
Lee Euler, Publisher

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

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