Saturday, July 15, 2017

Many Sad Warnings...

Tom's Journal.

Foreword in Chinese:

Hello 親愛的朋友們 ,
我很高興地告訴你們中有些人在中國 , 如果你能得到這個精緻的人博客帖子 , 我想鼓勵你 , 如果可能的話 , 寫回給我。 這是我的電郵地址 :
其實我就在旁邊你豐富的國家在 1968 年後 , 當我曾在美國陸軍 , 在越南 , 在年輕 19 歲時 , and what do 年輕男子 , 年齡是否真的知道什麼 ? ? 因爲我們都是人 , 通常只會在 " 新聞 " 從我們自己的國家 , 從來沒有聽到這件事的另一側。 這就是“戰爭宣傳。”但現在天我們可以聽到兩側的故事和我們自己的頭腦組成。 我相信 , 人在中、俄、歐、美 , 所有想要繼續生活在繁榮的、安全的、有愛心、環境、敬拜神、我們的選擇—————我們想要的方式。 是否真的有可能 , 如果有一天和平的瘋狂、暴力、國家元首繼續威脅別人的核戰爭 , 測試距離的洲際彈道導彈核缺失 ? ? 這麼多人喪生 , 數以百萬計的無辜者會受到傷害 ! 我們都有愛的人 , 我們關心和希望看到我們的子孫長大後和做得很好。
溫暖的問候 ,
托馬斯 · 克 Schuckman
電子郵件 :
“鐵”───箴言 27 : 鐵銳化 17 。

Hi  Friends,
   Another beautiful day,  this Saturday, and I am looking forward to the day when I am married, so I can leave my earthly possessions to my Fiance !  Or else the Gov't/ Probate Court will steal up to a THIRD of my stuff !   I want to do something good for the lady that cares for me so much.   I took her to the local VAMC to sit in at the good Doctor's office, while he convinced me to begin taking a 'blood thinner' that cost big bucks, and he fought for me with the VA to get me the RIGHT Medicine that would help and protect me !!   He will be leaving for his 2nd retirement in a month or so,  but told me that he would make sure that I am well taken care of,  before he leaves,  at age 83 ~   He was also in the Army Medical Corp., and so he knows what we poor Veterans go through.    His name is:   Arthur L.  Naddell, and a fine, warm, professional, Gentleman..... a rare commodity in today's VA system !    PTL.   
      On the other hand,  unfortunately,   there are MANY foreign young 'doctors' who are hired by the VA, from places like Pakistan, India, and other Muslim lands, who are there just to build a good looking resume, and their paychecks, who couldn't care less about the Disabled combat Veterans !   Sorry,  but I, and all of my fellow Vets can attest to this sorry fact.  

The articles, below, although glum and sad,  give  REAL CHRISTIANS who know the KJV BIBLES well, a bright hope and future,  because ..... as I have posted so many times,  Father God [YHWH] Promises all true Believers and Followers of His only begotten Son,  Jesus Christ, a Happy, Bright, Secure, Peaceful,  future !!   "God cannot lie"  ---  Titus 1:2, and other places in the Bible.

So dear Friends and avid Readers,  please be balanced in your thinking and mind sets,  because our future might be martyrdom... but we will all end up in a beautiful Heaven,  where death and mourning will be no more.    We will all learn so much more, experience so many blessed, happy, things and be with Jesus and the Father !    Some of us will be tested before the Rapture comes, like those in North Korea, S.A., Muslim lands full of hatred and cruelty, and maybe even in the USA !   But "Death" is but a door way or a gate that we will pass through --- and the other side is Heaven.... for all those who are humble enough to bend knee to the Son,  Jesus, and deliver the "Fruitage of the Lips" -- the Gospel of Jesus Christ, when ever we can !  
       Go figure,  if you were a bright doctor/ health scientist who discovered a CURE for some horrible, cancer or disease,  would you not want to share it with the people who need it most ? ?   Well,  hell is a bad, evil, hurtful place of pain and misery, and it lasts forever !   We also would not want t o CHARGE for what we share $$$,  because WE got that message for free.   God would not be happy or pleased if we 'sold' Salvation and Forgiveness.    Just be kind, courteous, and respectful,  and please remember that we too didn't have all the answers in the beginning, either.    Let us be HUMBLE !

At my VAMC meeting, yesterday,  I also saw in person, for the first time, my good Friend,  JJ, also a combat Vietnam Veteran, Helicopter, "Door Gunner."   And we made time for a great Mexican dinner at Carlos Cantina,  in Iron Mtn., MI. !   He worked with a very tough helicopter outfit in-country.... South Vietnam,  etc.,  so it was a happy, great time --- and he said that he reads each and every blog post of mine, and encouraged me to continue the good job that I do !
   And we are both Christians !

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman

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