Friday, September 1, 2017

Hurricane Harvey, and More.

Tom's Journal.

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Foreword in Hungarian: 

valószínűleg hallotta már, hogy mi a vihar Harvey nem egy hatalmas, Texas, Louisiana, USA, és most, miután sok ezer, sok élet és vagyonbiztonságot. Azt hiszem, hogy ezek az erős viharok is nyitánya az Amerikában, hogy világszínvonalú Super Power az "állam" a korrupció démoni együttesen, a masszív, hatalmas, szörnyű bűnök és a vidám vetélés agenda húz le minket egyenlő a kommunisták és a pogány népek ---- Isten és a "tisztítsa ki saját templomot!" Ez nem a mi Urunk és Istenünk, sem pedig az ő fia, Jézus Krisztus.
Itt az ideje, hogy munkához és felkészülés a második az Úr ! Ha nem rendelkezik nagy nyomtatási KJV Bibliát otthon, ez egy jó hely:
Az e-mail címem:
meleg üdvözlettel:
Thomas G Schuckman
észak-közép---- USA.

6 Critical Items That Have Disappeared in the Immediate Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
Before something like Hurricane Harvey, who could’ve imagined the kind of destruction that would literally immobilize a major U.S. metropolitan area for what could potentially be weeks if not months?

Hello Dear Friends !
      We have some very cool, Autumn weather so far U.P. in Northern Michigan, down in the low 40's !   BUT WE DIDN'T YET TURN ON THE HEAT, and I like to wait for the month of October before turning on the heat.   And now,  as you all read the great ideas and Bible prophecy from my guest author/ preacher man,  we can expect to pay higher gas and fuel prices now and later !   Ouch !   What goes up --- must go done,  etc.

As well read, studied, researched, Christians,  we already KNOW what the future will bring,  and so we are 'forewarned' and 'forearmed.'   I don't mean that we carry,  M-60's and hand grenades,  but we should be well stocked in life's emergency --necessities, at the very least,  dear Brothers and Sisters. 
         Friends,  I don't know about you guys and gals,  but I find myself praying more often for the H.S. --Holy Spirit to help me keep my cool, keep me calm -- and not anxious with all the sour grapes, 'News' on-line, on radio and TV.    And it seems that Autumn is the prime time for traffic accidents and broken bones, etc.  Beware ---  Be Safe --- and Be Prepared.   Stock up on eggs, bacon, bread, butter, toilet paper,  and many Prayers !    Shortages will certainly spread to other parts of the U.S. and the world,  soon.   I like to always be prepared,  because I am an older guy, and disabled.   


My Fiancé and I were cordially invited to a combat Veterans' ONLY retreat/ Bar B Q on top of a famous sky jump hill near us, called,  "Pine Mountain,"  where they had all sorts of great food and cold drinks, and I was blessed enough to make 3 new friends !   We all exchanged business cards to meet up again, on another day,  and I suggested, breakfast, sometime,  at "Holiday Kitchen," on Stevenson Ave., in I.M.   My heart was tickled pink to find more combat Vets !   And there is never any,  "One-Up-Man-ship,"  or 'strutting Peacocks,'   when we meet together,  but just polite admiration and respect.   HA!  We are a dying breed, an endangered species.      I even handed out  a few Bible Tracts out of my wallet, and have since email one of the guys, who lives over the border in Wisconsin,  USA.    Most or all of them were Christians, too.

An Old Veterans Joke:

Vietnam  Veterans:
Heaven doesn't want us,
Hell's afraid we'll take over....                    --Smile...

Not by any stretch of the imagination ---- we can add up the numbers to figure out that our once brave, thriving country COULD get whacked, weakened, and scratched out of the worldly picture --- so that we might lose our 'super-power status,'  and these super violent storms could be part of that God-ordered Plan.   Sorry to say,  that our 'Dark State Corruption' and in-Christian mind set is that low, right now ! !   People like Hilleary Clinton has not even been investigated YET !!  Yes,  Sorry to say that we have two set of Laws right now.....  'One for the rich and well connected power brokers -- and another for the Common Man.'   What  a low, dirty rotten SHAME !   And Father God sees and records all of this unlawful stuff,  from the beginning to end.   And just see how one tropical storm can mess up a great State like TEXAS,  with another storm on the way !   
       "Let thy tender mercies come unto me,  that I may live:  for thy law is my delight."  ---Psalm 119: 77.      "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses:  but we will remember the name of the Lord our God."   ----Psalm 20: 7.  
       But the other side of the coin....   "Thou hast rebuked the heathen,  thou hast destroyed the wicked,  thou hast put out their name for ever and ever."   --- Psalm 9: 5.     Just so you all see and agree, that we all have a choice in the matter !    We are all,  "Free Moral  Agents."    But Satan and his demons -- also his earthly servants and henchmen are working hard to mislead all the inhabited  Earth and 1/3 of heaven !!    He loves to hurt, torture, and destroy God's and Jesus' followers and Soldiers !    And his nasty mission started way back in the Garden of Eden, with our first human  parents,  Adam and Eve.   [NOT Adam  and Steve...  LOL !]       Also remember, please,  that,  although entire nations will be turned upside down and neutralized --- individuals may STILL BE SAVED !!   Yes,  we followers of Jesus Christ who are NOT ashamed of His Holy Name, can still be Saved, right now if we are honest and humble enough to bend knee to Jesus, our Lord and Savior  !   But it would be dangerous to continue to procrastinate and put off, getting into a close, loving, relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.     Or do you feel "lucky,"  today ?    I don't like to play with fire.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman
My Email:  


September 1st, 2017
I believe the last few weeks have been dramatic in view of Bible prophecy for these last days.

Hurricane Harvey and, more importantly, its aftermath have wreaked unbelievable devastation on the coastal regions of Southeast Texas and Louisiana. And it continues. As I write these words, rooftop rescues are still happening. Entire communities are being evacuated from flooded areas. Whole cities are without water and power.

And the death toll is rising. Only now are thousands of first-responders and National Guard personnel beginning to sift through the receding floodwaters to find the bodies of people who didn't make it out.

Already, analysts are saying this is the costliest natural disaster in American history. And not just for those tens of thousands who lost their homes and their possessions, but for the businesses which lost entire inventories and plants.

Because of the tremendous concentration of America's oil-refining capacity in that region, all Americans will see their gasoline bills rise over the next few weeks. It's already happening in many places. Gasoline shortages, too.

And Hurricane Irma is brewing in the east Atlantic and appears headed toward North America in the next few days.

I don't intend to suggest that this hurricane or the next is prophesied for these days. I believe they are natural occurrences in the life of our planet. I do believe, however, that the upheaval these and other disasters cause and the danger they present to America's economy and infrastructure may contribute to America's role (or absence) in the last days scenario.

Also, the last few weeks have seen a ratcheting up of the hatred toward anything Christian, moral, or conservative in our nation. As I noted in last week's program, the stunning rise of "Identity Politics" in just the last few years has put the United States on a dangerous course toward a second civil war. And I do not say that flippantly.

When the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) recently designated D. James Kennedy Ministries as a "hate group" (essentially because the late Dr. Kennedy preached in favor of and promoted the sanctity of Biblical, traditional marriage), it became obvious to me that the Leftists are going for the jugular. It makes no difference that the SPLC is one of the most corrupt, politicized Leftist organizations in America, their "hate lists" are revered by groups like Amazon, CNN, MSNBC, Google, PayPal, the mainstream media and many others (including recent Administrations).

So when the influential SPLC attacks longstanding, honorable, and Godly ministries for simply preaching the Bible, you can know that the societal persecution has begun. Just as Jesus warned we would see in the days just before His return.

But you and I have been entrusted by God to be His representatives on this earth at the most critical, and exciting, time in prophetic history. So lest we blow our opportunity to bring glory to God in the closing days of this Age of Grace, I want to help you prepare for what certainly lies ahead.

If you're a regular viewer of this program, you know that I have long warned that persecution and prosecution is coming. Now that it's here, we believers need to be ready to stand strong against the rushing tides of public opinion and public ridicule. We need to be ready to be courageous in naming the name of Jesus despite the consequences.

That's why I want to talk to you this week about "Combat Faith." What is "Combat Faith"? How do we get it? In view of the rapidly increasing dangers of these last days, I want to share with you the most important truth God ever showed me.

But the things you will learn in this week's program will help you even if you are not currently experiencing that persecution in your own life.

Sometimes our worlds get turned upside down without a moment's notice. Just ask anyone who has suffered through natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey or Rita or Katrina. Ask anyone who has lost their home in a fire or tornado, had a loved one killed or die unexpectedly, or were told they had a terminal illness.

In those critical times, it's imperative to know how to let go of our own personal perceptions and the reliance on our own senses and abilities. In those desperate times, we can only trust fully in the ironclad, rock-solid promises of God to pull us through.

I will show you how to do that on this week's program.

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, or Check your local listings.

And, please, intercede daily on behalf of those hundreds of thousands of Americans who have seen their worlds shattered in the last few days. Pray for their safety, their restoration, and their personal peace and sanity during these horrific times. And don't forget to pray for the protection of the thousands of rescuers who are risking their own lives to save others.

If you are able, support the reputable and trusted relief organizations and ministries who are standing in the gap to help those who have lost everything. They need our prayer and financial support.

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey

mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

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