Friday, October 20, 2017

Hal Lindsey Ministries--on Friday.

Tom's Journal.

/inˈtransəjəns, inˈtranzəjəns/
  1. refusal to change one's views or to agree about something:
  • Intransigence | Definition of Intransigence by Merriam-Webster
    Definition of intransigence. : the quality or state of being intransigent.
  • Intransigence - definition of intransigence by The Free ...
    Define intransigence. intransigence synonyms, intransigence pronunciation, intransigence translation, English dictionary definition of intransigence. also in·tran ...
  • Intransigence | Define Intransigence at
    the state or quality of being intransigent, or refusing to compromise or agree; inflexibility: No agreement was reached because of intransigence on both sides.

  • Foreword in Danish:

    Hej Great Danes!
    Jeg er så spændt på at tale med de fine folk i dag! Jeg har så mange fantastiske ting der sker i denne uge og næste, som jeg planlægger at gifte sig med en fin dame i det allernordligste skove Upper Michigan, USA. Jeg er handicappet Vietnam Veteran: 68-70, også pensioneret Chrysler Auto arbejdstager/ svejser --- slået forfatter/Blogger, og elsker også at læse/studere Bibelen Bibelen - som forfrisker min ånd, sind og krop! Der er så meget godt bruge almindeligt, godt skrevet for tusinder af år siden --med hellige mænd båret frem af Helligånden, og vidste du at den første profeti i Første Mosebog 3: 15 har ikke selv set det samlede opfyldelse alligevel ?? Ja, vi kan være tilfredse og glade for, at vi nu lever i de "sidste dage" denne ugudelige system under Satans thumb - fordi bortrykkelsen kommer snart, og alle de sande efterfølgere af Jesus Kristus bliver bortrykket indtil en del af himmelen, mens "stinker rammer ventilatoren" dernede, på jorden.
    Jeg har altid rådgivning venner til først læser evangeliet konti af Matthæus, Johannes, og så Romerbrevet. Det fungerer bedre på denne måde.
    Min Email:
    Venlig hilsen
    Thomas G. Schuckman
    Michigan, USA.

         These past few days, Lori and myself are getting so much done in preparation for the cold Winter months, some legal work, shopping, etc.   I also met with an older pastor from a church that I used to attend, and I think that we 'smoothed past matters away,  and repaired a breech in the dike/ dam.'   I am bone tired of fighting, anyway, and admit now -- that I could have been wrong about a few things in the past  ---- poor communication, perhaps.   I realize now that I am so imperfect, also things are seldom "ALL ONE PERSON'S FAULT..."       "O Lord, rebuke me not in thy wrath:   neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure."  ---Psalm 38: 1.   And so, for what it's worth, I apologize to Pastor Kevin Sullivan,  at the Family Baptist Church,  for any hurtful, gesture or utterance from my person in the past,  please.    I am not using my sinful imperfections as an excuse to sinning all the time --- but rather admitting that I still have a long way to go to any kind of perfection on God's green Earth.   'Sorry,' is the key word, here, today.   Perhaps we can be friends again in the future and benefit each other, sir.   And that goes also for anyone else I may have offended with my words in times past, please.

    A strange, funny thing happened to me yesterday on the way to the Roman Forum.....   That the fine people in Denmark broke out in a flood of new readership into my humble, Blog:   TOM'S  JOURNAL !   I am just curious as to what perked up their ears.  
          People from Russia, Poland, Hungary, France, China [where there is a HUGE underground swell of real, faithful, Christians, there.], Norway, is also a heavy hitter, Australia, etc., and even the USA !   I am  also blessed with many, great, Brothers who are also Veterans of the combat Armed Forces, home in the States!   They are the best !
        My finger tips are splitting again -- the sign of the turning of seasons U.P. here in Northern Michigan, prob from lack of drinking pure cold water, instead of other poor drinks,  but I figured out a great solution,   pink lemonade !   Ha!   So we bought two cans of the frozen stuff, plus a few lemons.

    And Now to the important business at hand, and that is the wonderful writings of Hal Lindsey Ministries.

    Warm Regards,
    Tommy Schuckman

    Fri, Oct 20, 2017 11:26 am

              Hal Lindsey
    To tschuckman

    October 20th, 2017
    For sixty years, I've been teaching about things we now see every day.

    I'm not special. The Bible is my insight and revelation. As I study, I ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate His word. You can do the same thing.

    When I began teaching about Bible prophecy, news stories coinciding with and confirming prophecy came along every few months. Eventually, that became every few weeks. Then every few days.

    In the last few months, it has been relentless. Newscasts have become apocalyptic.

    When I work on this television program, the hard part isn't finding things to talk about. It's deciding what to leave out!

    The last week's news headlines alone read like the Bible prophets. That's why the introduction to my program says, "Yesterday's prophecies, today's headlines!"

    Wars and rumors of war:

    Recently, Secretary of Defense James Mattis issued a warning to the U.S. Army. The Army Times headline reads: "Mattis to Army: 'Stand ready' if North Korea diplomacy fails."

    The University of Hawaii issued an email detailing what actions to take "in event of nuclear attack."

    In Somalia, truck bombs killed more than 270 people and injured more than 300.

    On October 4, four U.S. soldiers were ambushed and killed in Niger.

    Weekly, North Korea issues a new threat of nuclear war. But daily, its army of 6,000 cyber hackers tries to steal secrets and money and wreak havoc among the free nations.

    Russia engages in cyberwar, too. The Department of Homeland Security alleges that in 2016, Russia tried to hack in to the election systems of 21 states. Evidence shows that the Russians have made similar efforts in several western nations.


    Recently, the United Nations News Centre reported that "Twenty million people risk dying of hunger in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and the north-east of Nigeria." The World Food Program called the present food crisis "...unprecedented...."


    Smack in the middle of the deadliest and costliest wildfires in its history, the state of California had to declare a state of emergency because of an outbreak of Hepatitis A!


    Last week, USA Today reported: "Scientists working in and around Yellowstone National Park say that the supervolcano sitting under the tourist attraction may blow sooner than thought, an eruption that could wipe out life on the planet." "...wipe out life on the planet!" That's not some TV evangelist or conspiracy nut saying that. Those are scientists supposedly reputable enough to be quoted in a major international newspaper!

    Now, the Bible does not say a volcanic eruption will wipe out life on earth. But, it speaks of several major earthquakes occurring during the coming Tribulation, including one that will be greater than any in the history of mankind.

    Revelation 16:18 says, "There was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth...."

    Could it be Yellowstone?

    A great "falling away":

    Today, it seems like whole denominations are falling away from the true Gospel. Almost regularly, we read about major church organizations who officially adopt spiritual positions that are diametrically opposed to the teachings of God's Word. And many churches who still preach the true Gospel are losing members who are offended by the pastor's Bible-based preaching against practices like same-sex marriage and abortion.

    I could go on and on, but you get the picture. We are on the precipice of a new era. The Age of Grace is rapidly nearing its end.

    That means the Rapture of the Church is very, very close.

    Get ready!

    Last week, President Donald Trump infuriated the Left and irritated some of our western allies.

    What did he do that was so terrible? He told the truth.

    He announced to the world that Iran is not adhering to its part of the bargain in the so-called "Iran nuclear deal." So he said that he will no longer "certify" to the U.S. Congress that Iran is complying with the deal.

    He's only saying something the West has known since the day the agreement was signed.

    Now, no matter what you hear from Iran or their friends in the mainstream media, the President is not pulling the U.S. out of the deal just yet. And he's not breaking it by re-imposing economic sanctions against Iran. Instead, he's doing something the Left thinks is much worse. He's putting the issue squarely in the lap of the U.S. Congress. And they don't want it because it means they'll have to make a decision and shoulder part of the blame if it doesn't work.

    But to hear the Left squawk, you'd think President Trump has declared World War III or thrown the world back into the 19th century!

    Far be it from anyone in the media or left of center to learn a lesson from North Korea. Weak U.S. and U.N. policies allowed North Korea to build nuclear weapons -- along with the missiles to deliver them. Now, North Korea is using that arsenal to blackmail the whole world.

    But even if Iran follows the rules of the nuclear agreement (which President Trump says is maybe the worst deal America has ever made with anyone!), it will soon be able to create its own nuclear arsenal anyway.

    To be accurate, when the P5+1 nations made their "deal" with Iran, they changed the balance of power in the Middle East. They set up Iran as the most powerful Muslim nation in the region. They traded long-term peace and security for short-term political gain. They turned a poor country led by radical Islamic terrorists into a rich country led by radical Islamic terrorists. And Iran's leaders are as radical as ISIS.

    On top of all of that, Iran remains a steadfast trading partner of North Korea. And that's a problem.

    Those two rogue regimes work hand in hand. The North Koreans have nuclear and missile technology, but no money. Iran wants nuclear and missile technology, and because of President Obama's "deal" with Iran, they are now loaded with money.

    That's a marriage made in Hell.

    This is important because Ezekiel 38 tells us that in the last days, Russia and Persia (modern Iran) will lead a confederacy of nations in a battle against Israel. If this deal is allowed to stand, it means that the Iran that attacks Israel will be a nuclear-armed Iran.

    Finally, this week I will discuss a private revelation -- which was also a prophecy -- that Jesus made to His disciples.

    In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said, "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hell shall not overpower it."

    The word translated "church" is "ekklesia." Until this moment, that word had never been used in this special sense. The occasion was Peter's public confession of Jesus as "the Messiah, the Son of the Living God." [Matthew 16:16 NLT]

    Peter was the first of the disciples to make this confession.

    In the original Greek, it is clear that the foundation of the church is not Peter himself. The word "Peter" or "Petros" is masculine. it does not agree with the word "rock" or "petra" which is neutral gender. The foundation Jesus spoke of was Peter's confession of faith in Jesus, "the Messiah, the Son of the Living God." That is what brings a person into the one true Church -- the body of Christ.

    It was also a prophecy. Jesus said, "...I will build My church...." He could not build it at that time because Israel had not made its final rejection of Him as Messiah and the Holy Spirit had not arrived to effect the marvelous union of the believer and Christ. That was all still to come.

    But it happened soon afterward. And now Jesus Christ Himself takes up permanent residence inside each believer when we make our personal confession of Jesus as "the Messiah, the Son of the Living God" and accept the free gift of pardon from our sins that He purchased with His sacrifice on Calvary.

    Here's how Jesus Himself described that union: "In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you." [John 14:20 NASB]

    Christ in you, the hope of glory! [Colossians 1:27]

    Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, or Check your local listings.

    God Bless,

    Hal Lindsey

    mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147


    ALERT: “State of Emergency” Declared – Please Pray

    Horrendous floods, hurricanes, wildfires, and a mass shooting — our country has seen a great deal of disaster in recent months.
    According to Breitbart, a new tragedy has struck, forcing California to declare a state of emergency. At least 18 people have died, and 500 have been hospitalized due to a massive outbreak of hepatitis A in California.

    The declaration came from Governor Jerry Brown (D-CA) in an effort to mobilize to spread awareness to the threatened populace and to expedite access to the resources needed to combat the outbreak. Declaring a state of emergency enables healthcare officials across the state to buy larger quantities of the hepatitis A vaccine to immunize the public and prevent it from spreading.
    According to the LA Times, most individuals are vaccinated during childhood, and already have an immunity to the disease. Unfortunately, many in the homeless community, as well as drug users, often do not have such immunities. It is among these individuals that the outbreak started last year.
    Usually, hepatitis A is passed through contaminated food. An example of this occurred in 2003 in Pennsylvania, which was the worst outbreak the US has ever seen. 900 people were infected after eating onions that were contaminated in a restaurant.
    But this outbreak is spreading from person-to-person within the homeless community. The unsanitary state many homeless live in day to day puts them at greater risk for Hepatitis A, because it thrives in such conditions.
    What’s even more troubling with hepatitis A is that symptoms often don’t present themselves for some time, but it can be transmitted before they appear. This means people are often unaware that they have the virus and spread it to others unknowingly.

    Hepatitis A is a particularly strong virus that can survive for some time, which, coupled with its highly contagious nature, makes halting the spread of hepatitis A very difficult.
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    The best way to keep hepatitis A from spreading is through sanitation. People keeping up with basic hygiene, the city sanitizing its streets, and businesses such as restaurants strictly adhering to the health code are effective deterrents. Unfortunately, these measures have little impact on the homeless population, who often struggle to uphold their hygiene and live in unsanitary conditions.
    According to California’s Department of Public Health Director, Dr. Karen Smith, the best tool to fight hepatitis A’s spread among the homeless is through vaccination, “Vaccinating people at risk of exposure is the most effective tool we have to prevent the spread of hepatitis A.”
    Mercury News reports that Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) requested that the federal government provide funding to help prevent the outbreak, “We cannot wait until more communities are infected and impacted before taking action.”
    The wildfires in California are wreaking havoc across the state. Will you pray for those losing their homes?

    POLL: Will You Pray For The Victims Of California Wildfires?

    Epidemiologist for the California Department of Public Health, Dr. Gil Chavez, assures that the virus is passed on through contact alone and that basic hygiene will prevent most cases of infection, stating, “You have to touch a surface that is contaminated. We always advise people that they should always practice good hand hygiene.”
    Though hepatitis A is only lethal in extreme cases or for those with pre-existing liver problems, the outbreak is nevertheless a growing concern for the state of California. Hopefully, with the greater access to needed vaccinations, health officials can mobilize to prevent the outbreak from spreading further and begin alleviating the homeless community of this terrible disease.

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