Sunday, March 22, 2009

Carolyn's newest Post about the Bible.

Tom's Journal.

<<< 'Deuce' -- our noble Rottweiler service animal. Good Dog! I finally hit the big 50 -- Blog/ Journal followers/ regular visitors on my 'hit counter", friends! Thank you for all your readership and support! Although 'numbers' don't mean everything-- it's still nice to know that some people like what you write, and the subject matter. Woo Woo!

Let me draw your kind attention to a close friend, Carolyn, who tirelessly posts sacred things that are closest to my own heart-- and I tap her as a reference resource as she is a walking concordance and a bible dictionary, IMHO. Thank you, Carolyn!

Hi everyone. I posted a new one (finally!) on my Bible -It's the Truth blog~

Thank you for your note. Please be assured of our prayers at VCY. We are also
adding your
wife to our prayerline as well.

We trust the Lord will grant you His peace as you go through this time of

In Christ,
Jim Schneider
Program Director
VCY America

1 comment:

Chris Geiser said...

That is a cool dog, I bet he could get to the fence faster than me if I were to run away from him, haha.
God Bless.