Friday, August 19, 2011

See: Perry Stone's Videos, soon.

Tom's Journal.

I think this is the first time I've ever read or posted anything by Perry Stone Ministries, but I am very impressed how this man of God is so correct and right on target-- that it's almost uncanny/ scary !  Since I don't think the Link came though effectively,  I hope you readers will somehow hunt and latch onto these quality videos/ tools  that I borrowed from a friend at FB, for teaching and sharing!

Having gotten in a deep discussion with a close friend of mine, yesterday,  who have been there for me while I was hurt and laid up in surgery just 3 months ago, I found out that I was RUSTY, and determined to hit the books again so that I could teach and share this important subject of the Rapture more effectively!  Actually, I have never felt comfortable about any subject unless I knew it so well that I COULD teach it to others!  And of course, the Rapture is so timely and peculiar to all living on earth RIGHT NOW!!  If we miss that  "plane" to heaven, chances are there will NOT be a second chance, and we DON'T want to be "Left Behind !"  Author and preacher, Perry Stone has the skill to bring this all to life.. PTL.
    And just as Matthew 24 predicts, right now we have so many false Christ's out there misleading so many.  As I told a friend on the phone today, [S.B.], some [actually many] misled people out in the world just think that they can straddle the fence until the last minute and jump off onto God's side at the very end...Ha! Wrong!  You need to have that all important Bible knowledge NOW-- TODAY, to make the correct choice where to be, and cultivate the absolute love for Christ now.  The devil is having a field day in misleading the entire inhabited world right now, and although we believe MILLIONS will be raptured up-- that number is dwarfed  by the Billions who will be left behind and most of them going to hell....  sorry, friends.
    You won't be sorry you visited Perry's web site, friends.  PTL.

Warm Regards,

Perry Stone Ministries

Quick Links:


Heli gunner Tom said...

Jim Hood, from SC, said:

Tom, I believe that the answer is located in Genesis chapters 18 @ 19. Please read Genesis 18:20 through chapter 19. Page 28. In the story of Abraham the friend of God, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, we see Abraham interceding for the back sliddon Lot. This is a type or example of Christ interceding for us. Notice that God can not do His work while the righteous are still there. After the rapture comes and the Saints of God both dead and alive are gone can God exact his revenge on the earth. Let me know your opinion on this. the article is correct though, not everyone believes in a pre trib rapture. Some believe in a mid tribulation rapture, and others believe in a post tribulation rapture. Do we deserve to go through the tribulation? sure we do but as you see in these scriptures God spares the righteous. Lot is called a righteous man in the new testament too. ... jim

Anonymous said...

Perry Stone is the best bible prophecy I have ever heard. I am going to see him in person this coming week end in Pulaski Va. I would highly recommend that everyone read Perry's book, Nightmare Along Pennsylvania Avenue. It is the best book I ever read and it covers America from day one until now all From a biblical standpoint.

A 35 year Christian