Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Beast-Type Money Grab --Warning.

Tom's Journal.

Check out the video 'Red Alert: "POLICE Disarming Citizens BY FORCE in Connecticut NOW!'
Is the VA working with the Federal Government to disarm Vets? Listen to this and you tell us!

*Please share this alert with other concerned friends*

Red Alert:
Red Alert: "POLICE Disarming Citizens BY FORCE in Connecticut NOW!
Alert: "POLICE Disarming Citizens BY FORCE in Connecticut NOW!
Video link:
Red Alert: "POLICE Disarming Citizens BY FORCE in Connecticut NOW!
About Tea Party Command Center

Welcome to my humble Christian based Blog:  TOM'S JOURNAL.
My interest and goal is to reach as many people as I can before I die or get Raptured up to the Lord and His heaven as I possibly can.  My humble, sincere ministry of sorts is also aimed at other Disabled Combat Veterans, like myself, who hunger for the real TRUTH OF THE BIBLE -- the KJV which is considered the most pure rendition of God's Word, the Bible.  But, not to argue about the small fish, you can use what ever version you like...  I just want to hit the nail on the head, dead center, and get the true, simple meaning, as I have been a very serious student of the Scriptures for the past 40 some years and STILL continue to learn tons of good info all the time.  I welcome all your serious comments below, or just email:
     For knowledgeable, born-again Christians, the "writing on the wall" is so simple and easy to understand with all the current world events that they almost jump out at you and bite you on the nose !!  People are running around, in this 2013 pressure cooker, like chickens with their head cut off, as my parents on the farm used to say.  There is only ONE true Hope, and that is JESUS CHRIST.  You can and need to get to know Him personally simply by praying for the Holy Spirit to open your eyes as you READ and STUDY THE WORD-- THE BIBLE!!  Scripture says that most people on Earth are not humble enough to do that, and so they run around, wringing their hands and trusting in they pagan/ heathen leaders who will only lead them down that wide and spacious road to ever lasting destruction.  Come... let us reason.  The Bible has never been wrong, and God cannot lie !   What side will you choose?  Don't go to heaven alone...  Take someone with you!
     Thank you all for your prayers, and as of today, things are going better for me, praise the Lord!  I am now dealing with a new health concern, recently diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure.  But the local VA wants to help me fight or control it with medicine, etc., and my diet has changed over night, and now a whole new regimen to lose weight BIG TIME!!  Ha!  Again, I repeat my old mantra:  "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."  Christians hurt, bleed, mourn, cry and suffer -- but we are armed with the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us, and with our Bible gained wisdom from God, things are not so bad... because we KNOW FOR A FACT that God's promise is good, that all who draw near to Him and His Son, Jesus, will be Saved and go to heaven!!  Pagans/ Heathens can die for what they believe  -- and so can a Soldier in Christ's Army !!  That has been the story for the last 2000 years since Jesus walked the Earth!

Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman

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A book by Dr. David Reagan
Where will the Antichrist come from? Will he be a Jew or a Gentile? Could he be a Muslim? Is he alive today? Will he be killed and resurrected? Will Christians have to face him? Dr. David Reagan and a forum of Bible prophecy experts answer all these questions and more concerning the identity and role of the Antichrist, surveying his career from the beginning to the end of the Tribulation.
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Jan Markell

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Note from Jan: I have been watching the Cypress ordeal with great interest and wrote about it in my April-May print newsletter (sign up here). Bill Wilson has gone into much greater explanation below. This is a set up! Someone is waiting in the wings and he has already taken notes on how to implement the takeover of the people's funds. Wilson refers to the Antichrist below who is also called "The Beast" in the Bible. (Revelation 20:10)
How many warnings do we need that things are lining up for the end of the age, and the events taking place are all outlined in the Bible? And yet churches will not touch the topic of eschatology (end-time events). I get daily emails speaking of this sad state of the church and their rejection of a topic that is 1/3 of the Bible.
Dr. Dave Reagan and I discussed both the Antichrist and the False Prophet on my March 16 radio program. You can access that here or here.
Bill Wilson is an independent journalist who also writes for Koenig's International News.
Beast-Type Money Grab Serves as Prophetic Warning
By Bill Wilson
March 27, 2013
Revelation 13:17 speaks of the mark of the beast -- commonly known these days as the Antichrist: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Often prophecy is revealed a layer at a time, seemingly to give God's people more understanding of what is about to come.
The tiny island of Cyprus may well serve as a modern petri dish for what could happen under a "beast" empire. The European Union has required Cyprus to shut down its state-owned bank and raid 40% of accounts above $130,000 to raise about $5.5 billion in exchange for a $13 billion bailout. Leading up to the deal, Cypriots were only allowed $130 per day in bank withdrawals.
Cyprus is divided into two parts -- one is recognized by the United Nations as a "democratic republic" and the other part is recognized by only Turkey. UN peacekeepers provide a buffer between the Muslim and Christian sides. The Communist party controls the politics in Cyprus.
Cyprus is a popular destination for "Arab" visitors. Sex trafficking and slavery are a problem in Cyprus, according to the U.S. State Department Trafficking in Persons report. It is also considered a "Casino" economy. In other words, Cyprus, like the United States, is in a fallen moral condition as well as a debt-ridden economic state.
The Cyprus national debt is $21 billion, or about $18,000 per person living in Cyprus.
In comparison, the U.S. National Debt is $16.7 TRILLION. With interest, it is $59.2 TRILLION, which is $187,645 per taxpayer. This, according to U.S. Debt Clock, which obtains its figures via the US Department of Treasury.
If the European Union is willing to confiscate bank accounts over $18,000 of debt for every person living in Cyprus, what would the occupant of the Oval Office be willing to do over $187,645 in debt from each taxpayer -- 10 times the amount in Cyprus? The US is a large reflection of Cyprus--a tax and spend socialist government and moral decay combining for a "beast"-type government takeover.
The EU action in Cyprus should serve as a stiff warning to all of what a powerful government can do when the people are unable and/or unwilling to defend themselves against it. For example, Cyprus has the same gun policy that the federal government is proposing in America -- gun owners must be licensed and prove a genuine reason to possess a gun. The Cyprus population is essentially disarmed. It had no will nor ability to prevent the EU action.
While we cannot stop the march of prophecy, we can determine our place in it. As the people of Cyprus have determined their place in the EU, the citizens of America can look at this example and decide -- beast submission or self-determination.
Best decide before it's too late.
Note from Jan: This disaster is already spreading. Read about it here. We have hardly seen the end and knowing our present administration, America is vulnerable. My thanks to Bill Wilson for his thoughts above.
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Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

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Heli gunner Tom said...

Heli gunner Tom said...