Foreword in Hungarian:
Helló, barátom,
én olyan boldog volt, hogy Magyarország az EU-s- kötekedők, akik Magyarország igyekezett elfogadni, korrupt, lusta rapists, gyilkolás, közel-keleti és afrikai, Szíria, !! Éljen a magyar és az embereket! Az USA-ban az emberek nagyon örülök, hogy legalább néhány országban még az európai "anyaországban", és a kemény, büszke kultúra él, és jó.
Gyanítom, hogy sokan a magyarok is szeretnek olvasni és tanulni a KJV, és így tudják a jövőt, hogy hamarosan eljön. Hogy a mi Urunk, Jézus Krisztus hamar eljön, és követelést/ a szolgák és a hívők egy nagy... biztonságos, szép hely, minden nép rettenetes "maradt" a föld nevű bolygót.
Az e-mail címem:
meleg üdvözlettel,
Thomas G. Schuckman
Michigan, USA.
On the way home from another VA visit this afternoon, having another "compression bandage" applied to my left lower leg wound from a motorcycle accident 2 years ago that split open recently. I was listening to the Christian Radio station in my truck, WVCY - Radio, to a great speaker, who claimed that the Milwaukee County [WI] Sheriff Clarke, said that the general, hard working, honest people of the area need to own and know how to shoot a gun..... because the police just won't get there to their home on time, if there is a invader, Perp... trying to break into your house !
Now, I am not going into the many kinds of guns-ammo, etc., that people love to argue over, and we all should have proper safety training, IMHO. We always NEED to make sure that our children don't mess around with any fire arms! But for all those who procrastinate... put off, wait too long, they might be dead or injured and looted. Hey ! It's like everything else under the sun; Most people who never read the KJV BIBLE always go along in life with their pants down at their ankles with their heads in the clouds --- and then wonder why they have so much, "bad luck !"
I even clean out old wine jugs and then fill them up with pure drinking water, and try to stock up on other items that I think I could eat often --- IF I had too. I read a lot and talk to many other combat Veterans and Preppers to get their ideas and thoughts on a number of diverse subjects. I am far from perfect, but I do have a set of plans.... A-plan, B-plan, and a C-plan. Because once upon a time, after I was laid off for 6 long, terrible years from Chrysler in Kenosha, WI., along with 6000 other hard working factory people, many of my close friends, too, I just fell thru the cracks, after my first wife left me [because I didn't make enough money for her, even after I went back to college to become a good welder, etc !], and I just had a very hard time of it, deserted by many, s0-called, "Friends," Ha ! When I finally got back on my feet again, making/ earning more money than ever, my mind and heart changed --- as I knew better, whom my real friends were, besides the fact that I finally found the Lord, Jesus Christ ! !
So, I am much better off now, and have a new friend that cares for me, so we shall see what happens.
But AFTER the SHTF, it will most likely be too late to arm yourselves with good quality fire arms, etc., or you will have to spend a lot of money to find something that you can depend on, IMHO. Well, I was a bit surprised that the Christian Radio station, which I trust, even said all these things, but they said that America is already so infiltrated with Islamic terrorists, ready to kill and blow up places and things ! Obama really messed up our nation ! But I doubt that we have enough Justice left in America to put oinks like him, the Dims, Hillary and hubby, slick Willy, in prison, because our legal system and Justice system are so messed up, corrupt, and in service to their lord, Satan the devil. Sorry to break this news to you, friends. Even the Pope is Communist ! But that's also 'old news.'
It will be a major miracle if Mr. Trump survives all the attempts on his life, in the future. He is doing all the right things, but the majority of people in America and else where want a Global World Gov't, serving Satan. Yes, I am afraid it's the same old story, the same old struggle that has lasted for 6ooo years.
I even store some of my stuff at other, trusted peoples' homes, just in case.
Even though the VA hospital, doctors and staff, U.P. here in Iron Mountain, MI., have recently lied, cheated, and tried their level best to hurt me [today was a huge battle, and I fired a nasty, arrogant, RN -Practitioner, named Julie, who loves to disrespect me and many other combat, disabled Veterans, when she is most likely about age 24 ! And if her I.Q. was just 2--points higher, she could be a potato ! Too bad we combat, disabled Veterans can't get our normal, level, simple, care..... as we already did our duty and fulfilled out commitment. Guess I will be mailing, and emailing some letters to D.C., etc. Because it's truly IMPOSSIBLE to see the VAMC head administrator up here in Iron Mtn., MI., and the Patient Advocate didn't do much for me either. It has taken- a Month, to finally get my heart/ cardio prescription filled --- just today ! "Rat Poison," written by a CIVILIAN -- AMERICAN doctor from Green Bay, Wisconsin !! I could have been dead by now. This is another reason why I write a Blog.... to keep a record of things, in case I croak, too early, from lack of proper care ! Don't worry, the Bible says that things will get much worse, before they get better.
Check out what Obama has done.... breaking every law on the books >>>>>>> and illegally spying on many Americans, including Mr. Trump !! Shame ! And I will bet that "Something" big will happen before true Justice comes down on Obama's head, to distract the 'wheels of Justice,' again ! Stuff like this is all planned by the World Elite, and Soros class of "people." But, keep the Faith.
"Let not your heart be trouble, neither let it be afraid." ---John 14 : 27.
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
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