"Bad Boy !" Democrat ! He makes me sick !
Democrat Congressman Just Got Arrested After Threatening Trump
Foreword in Romanian:
Salut prieteni,
ca ar trebui sa fac mai mult de cercetare si studii Romania. I-a plăcut întotdeauna istoria şi geografia în şcoală. Am citit o mulţime de studiu şi oricum deoarece creierul meu este ca o sete burete de la o virsta până acum, la vârsta de 68. KJV Biblia este Istoria pur şi de asemenea inspirate de Dumnezeu Tatăl: ----- 1 Timotei 3: 16. Ca marea carte "prinde viaţă" pentru mine de fiecare dată am fisura deschisa si iubesc Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. Nu este vorba doar de "orb speranta" dar adevarat, încurajarea şi putere. Desigur, exista un Dumnezeu şi numele său personal este: Iehova sau Yahweh, [YHWH]. Prima sa creaţie a fost Isus Cristos, care a avut un "pre-existenţei umane." tuturor celor care marturisesc convingerea şi credinţa în Isus va avea o viaţă veşnică în cer. Eu personal, recomandăm ca fiecare citeste evanghelia cont de viaţa şi moartea lui Isus, dar si cartea de romani.
Referitor la cald,
Toma G Schuckman
Tschuckman@aol.com e-mail:
Read 'em and weep !
Mr Americana, Overpasses News Desk
November 2nd, 2016
Overpasses For America
When you do an international survey that asks whether you wouldn’t want someone of another race as a neighbor, decades of liberal programming assume that Western countries will summon up their evil white privilege, while Eastern and Middle Eastern countries will cheerfully welcome in the stranger.
The unsurprising reality is the exact opposite.
Asian and Middle Eastern countries are among the most racist.
Of the four most racist countries, two, Bangladesh and Jordan are Muslim, and one, India, has a very large Muslim population. Furthermore, while most Western countries, are blue, meaning that they are not racist, most Muslim countries surveyed fall into the red category, meaning that they are very racist.
These include Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Mali and Malaysia. The only Western country on that list is France.
Overpasses For America is a grassroots organization.Meanwhile the most tolerant countries in the world include United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Britain, Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Australia, New Zealand.
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May God bless you and bless America.
What do they have in common? Not a single one of them is Muslim.