Tom's Journal.
Hi Friends,
I only wanted to home in on the article about the "Federal Court quietly rules, 'Assault Rifles' not protected by our U.S. 2nd Amendment." It's a good, warm, fuzzy, thought that the KJV Bible says a lot about Jesus Christ, our dear Lord and Savior effecting -- bringing on and calling the Rapture at the right time.... and soon ! Because it seems like too many 'higher up' politicians sowing seeds of discontent [of the Global Elite, The 'One World Gov't turkeys'] and tearing down our U.S. Constitution ! Ha! America just might crumble from 'non-Patriots goofs' working against our own nation, after all. OK, I know that History is a dull, stale subject to many young people these days, 'but those who know not their history are condemned to repeat it !' Conceder the ancient Israelites who even had God's Promise/ Contract of Protection, as they routinely broke all the covenants made with the Lord Father Yahweh, so that the Jews ended up being scattered to the 4 winds until right before WW-2 when they got most of their original country back ! 'God is not one to be mocked.'
But the way I see it and figure.... it's so painfully Logical and with Common Sense, that if you read that one article down below here today, a nation disarmed, or having only LESSOR, less powerful, arms, less ammunition in their clips/ magazines for self defense --- are in serious risk to become 'Slaves of the State !' And break ins by heavily armed criminals and robberies, rapes, etc., we would all be at the mercy of those who have the better weapons. Really ! Flash !! The Criminals do NOT obey our Laws ! They never did and never will. Go figure: If a criminal kills someone and gets the death penalty, what's the difference if some goofy punk kills 17 ?? Same penalty ! Ha! I know that you smart readers will understand the obvious. Yep, when we kick God out of our lives --- you can bet that things in general will go South, and then crash.
I am not "Chicken Little." In fact I am so good with "edged-weapons," etc., that I have taught a number of nice gentlemen and younger guys and gals how to throw Cold tomahawks accurately. Knives, etc., too. But us older guys and the infirm don't have those same talents and skills ! And young, stronger men can easily over power a lady or girl to commit nasty crimes against them. Shame ! But do you realty think the politicians and higher courts care about our hard ships and dilemmas ? I just purchased a Vietnam Veteran sew on patch that says: "God help us --- the Gov't won't." It sounds funny, if it were not true. Other good Veterans also get a laugh when I wear my "Vet's Vest" to the VAMC up here, as I like to cheer up the guys and make more great friends.
Well, the furnace went out 2 days and nights ago, so the landlord is trying to fix it himself, and I hope he does.... LOL. I invested in a nice, Kerosene Heater a year ago --- just for emergencies like this, and so glad I did that smart thing. But this is a short term thing and kerosene costs plenty of money per gallon. I also bought a huge cast iron wood stove, but it's setting in the garage, in case I buy a different house this coming Spring time. I pray about these concerns all the time, so I can make the right move, as I ask for the Holy Spirit to give me wisdom and guidance. Yes, it's great to have money/ income, but our first source of real HELP is Father God- Yahweh, and His Son, Jesus ! Our real future rides on THEM.
Stay Warm, and thank God if you are married --- to snuggle warmly. Even the Bible book of Eccl., wise old King Solomon wrote about that good stuff. -----> Ecclesiastes 4: 11, "Again, if two lie down together, than they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?"
After dumping off our Taxes today, I took my pretty wife out for a cheese burger, French fried onions, etc., and it sure tasted good ! I think that most ladies enjoy going out to eat, once in a while.
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Your English Lesson for Today.
Tom's Journal.
this man is very smart and straightforward! listen when u get a chance.
---- Joy
Subject: X22Report Spotlight just uploaded a video.
Thank You, Joy !
A very important Video that you sent me. Just sit down, relax, enjoy, and grab a cold drink now.... and listen.
Tom S.
Your English lesson for today....
For all of you who wonder why folk from other countries have a bit of
trouble with the English language. This is a clever piece put together
by an English teacher, who else??
*Homographs are words of like spelling but with more than one meaning.
A homograph that is also pronounced differently is a heteronym.*
*You think English is easy??* *I think a retired English teacher was
bored...THIS IS GREAT !*
*Read all the way to the end.................This took a lot of work
to put together!*
1) The bandage was *wound* around the *wound*.
2) The farm was used to *produce produce*.
3) The dump was so full that it had to *refuse* more *refuse*.
4) We must *polish* the *Polish* furniture.
5) He could *lead*if he would get the *lead* out.
6) The soldier decided to *desert* his dessert in the *desert*.
7) Since there is no time like the *present*, he thought it was time
to *present* the *present*.
8) A *bass* was painted on the head of the *bass* drum.
9) When shot at, the *dove dove *into the bushes.
10) I did not *object* to the *object*.
11) The insurance was *invalid* for the *invalid*.
12) There was a *row* among the oarsmen about how to *row*.
13) They were too *close* to the door to *close* it.
14) The buck *does* funny things when the *does* are present.
15) A seamstress and a *sewer* fell down into a *sewer* line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his *sow* to *sow*.
17) The *wind* was too strong to *wind* the sail.
18) Upon seeing the *tear* in the painting I shed a *tear*.
19) I had to *subject* the *subject* to a series of tests.
20) How can I *intimate* this to my most *intimate* friend?
Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in
eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in a pineapple.
English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France.
Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are
meat. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we
find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a
guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't
groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why
isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2
meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make
amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get
rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats
vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the
English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally
insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a
recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and
feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same,
while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at
the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it
burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in
which, an alarm goes off by going on.
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the
creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all.
That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the
lights are out, they are invisible.
this man is very smart and straightforward! listen when u get a chance.
---- Joy
Subject: X22Report Spotlight just uploaded a video.
Thank You, Joy !
A very important Video that you sent me. Just sit down, relax, enjoy, and grab a cold drink now.... and listen.
Tom S.
X22Report Spotlight has uploaded The Deep State Empire Has Been Challenged & Is In The Process Of Being Destroyed:Harley Schlanger Today's Guest: Harley Schla...
Your English lesson for today....
For all of you who wonder why folk from other countries have a bit of
trouble with the English language. This is a clever piece put together
by an English teacher, who else??
*Homographs are words of like spelling but with more than one meaning.
A homograph that is also pronounced differently is a heteronym.*
*You think English is easy??* *I think a retired English teacher was
bored...THIS IS GREAT !*
*Read all the way to the end.................This took a lot of work
to put together!*
1) The bandage was *wound* around the *wound*.
2) The farm was used to *produce produce*.
3) The dump was so full that it had to *refuse* more *refuse*.
4) We must *polish* the *Polish* furniture.
5) He could *lead*if he would get the *lead* out.
6) The soldier decided to *desert* his dessert in the *desert*.
7) Since there is no time like the *present*, he thought it was time
to *present* the *present*.
8) A *bass* was painted on the head of the *bass* drum.
9) When shot at, the *dove dove *into the bushes.
10) I did not *object* to the *object*.
11) The insurance was *invalid* for the *invalid*.
12) There was a *row* among the oarsmen about how to *row*.
13) They were too *close* to the door to *close* it.
14) The buck *does* funny things when the *does* are present.
15) A seamstress and a *sewer* fell down into a *sewer* line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his *sow* to *sow*.
17) The *wind* was too strong to *wind* the sail.
18) Upon seeing the *tear* in the painting I shed a *tear*.
19) I had to *subject* the *subject* to a series of tests.
20) How can I *intimate* this to my most *intimate* friend?
Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in
eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in a pineapple.
English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France.
Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are
meat. We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we
find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a
guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't
groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why
isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2
meese? One index, 2 indices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make
amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get
rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats
vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the
English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally
insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a
recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and
feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same,
while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at
the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it
burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in
which, an alarm goes off by going on.
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the
creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all.
That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the
lights are out, they are invisible.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Happy Birthday to my Wife !
Tom's Journal.
Pageviews by Countries
Hi Friends and Readers all over the World:
Today is my dear wife's Birthday, and I am so glad to be with her and take care of her, except that she is in much better physical shape than I am.
With Hal Lindsey, we always get 'bumped up' and super encouraged. Actually, Christians like Hal only reinforce all the things I do and say, usually, and that makes me happy. Especially with 'Log Cabin Fever' and the depressing cold weather... and being cooped up inside, deprived of the warm Summer sun --- IMHO, we all need a fine Christian Soldier helping us out ! Remember that death is merely a "door way leading to everlasting life with Christ and His Father." Yet, too often I think to myself that I could have done more in my lifetime of 69 years sharing and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I well know my own failures, especially with some 'relationships' --- but I also have to admit that I picked NON-Christians to be with, that never really respected nor obeyed the laws and precepts of the KJV Bible ! Remember: 'A person can CLAIM to be a Christian and attend some church all their life with a smiling face --- but that no more makes one a Christian than standing in a repair garage makes one a trained Mechanic !!' Not to worry, there is enough blame to go around, and right now I am most concerned with working on my own challenges, and health issues. I need to calm down and learn patience..... like YESTERDAY ! However, I have learned a huge lesson about too many church goers who smile in your face --- but willfully choose not to help you when you really need them the most! In fact, when I left one church a few years ago, only ONE person bothered to call me and reach out to me.....duh.
A man can strut like a big bird when everything is going his way, when he has the backing of a good wife, with plenty of income to pay the bills, etc. I would know. But now I am ever thankful for my wife, Loretta J. Schuckman, who cares for me ever day. I love her to pieces ! The last wife I will ever have, Lori, loves to study the Bible with me almost every day, and I try hard to make things interesting. I just love her personality and kindness she shows me every day, plus all the hard work she does for me.... as I am now disabled.
If Father God --Yahweh gave us more time on this Earth to learn more and share the Gospel with them too, I would like another year or two to pay off many existing bills --- that I am working to do as fast as I can. But we are all sitting on the edge of a steep cliff, friends, and our once great, BLESSED Nation could very well fail financially in a year or less ! Just my opinion, as I read the Financial News daily and invest a bit. I also love to publish Mr. Hal Lindsey, who has the same mindset. We also know that a nuclear war could cripple the USA in a heart beat !! Too many jerky, spineless, political leaders from the past just kicking the 'can down the road.' Hey ! Nobody likes or wants a war, but sometimes you just have to take 'the bull by the horns' and take him down. I love the words of Hosea 8: 7, "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal....."
Friends and Readers, I am just so happy and thankful that the Father in Heaven Saved me from Mr. Death so many times, in war and combat: Vietnam: 68-70, but also many horrible motorcycle and truck crashes, fractured bones, etc., that finally took the 'wind out of my sails,' before I finally retired with my full 30.5 years at Chrysler, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.... but I worked many other jobs, too. Thank You dear Lord for finally bringing a fine lady to me in my old age to keep me good company, and love me for whom I am.
I used to argue with her and get too bossy.... LOL, but something happened and now we seem to get along very well, with bounding love and happiness. I did pray a lot for the Holy Spirit to help us out, but especially ME. But in a way, that also scares me, as if the Father is getting ready to take me home, up, up and away. Ha! I well know my genetics, and breed. We are fast and furious when young, trying to make a good name for ourselves, and make good. But too many of our extended family burn out in their 60's and so..... But who am I to ever argue or ask too many questions of the Lord ? And I kind of WISH that I had all the brains that I have now, at age 69 ---45 years ago. But then, I should be content just to be "Saved" and secure that I have a place to go to after this mortal life ends.
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
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United States
Hi Friends and Readers all over the World:
Today is my dear wife's Birthday, and I am so glad to be with her and take care of her, except that she is in much better physical shape than I am.
With Hal Lindsey, we always get 'bumped up' and super encouraged. Actually, Christians like Hal only reinforce all the things I do and say, usually, and that makes me happy. Especially with 'Log Cabin Fever' and the depressing cold weather... and being cooped up inside, deprived of the warm Summer sun --- IMHO, we all need a fine Christian Soldier helping us out ! Remember that death is merely a "door way leading to everlasting life with Christ and His Father." Yet, too often I think to myself that I could have done more in my lifetime of 69 years sharing and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I well know my own failures, especially with some 'relationships' --- but I also have to admit that I picked NON-Christians to be with, that never really respected nor obeyed the laws and precepts of the KJV Bible ! Remember: 'A person can CLAIM to be a Christian and attend some church all their life with a smiling face --- but that no more makes one a Christian than standing in a repair garage makes one a trained Mechanic !!' Not to worry, there is enough blame to go around, and right now I am most concerned with working on my own challenges, and health issues. I need to calm down and learn patience..... like YESTERDAY ! However, I have learned a huge lesson about too many church goers who smile in your face --- but willfully choose not to help you when you really need them the most! In fact, when I left one church a few years ago, only ONE person bothered to call me and reach out to me.....duh.
A man can strut like a big bird when everything is going his way, when he has the backing of a good wife, with plenty of income to pay the bills, etc. I would know. But now I am ever thankful for my wife, Loretta J. Schuckman, who cares for me ever day. I love her to pieces ! The last wife I will ever have, Lori, loves to study the Bible with me almost every day, and I try hard to make things interesting. I just love her personality and kindness she shows me every day, plus all the hard work she does for me.... as I am now disabled.
If Father God --Yahweh gave us more time on this Earth to learn more and share the Gospel with them too, I would like another year or two to pay off many existing bills --- that I am working to do as fast as I can. But we are all sitting on the edge of a steep cliff, friends, and our once great, BLESSED Nation could very well fail financially in a year or less ! Just my opinion, as I read the Financial News daily and invest a bit. I also love to publish Mr. Hal Lindsey, who has the same mindset. We also know that a nuclear war could cripple the USA in a heart beat !! Too many jerky, spineless, political leaders from the past just kicking the 'can down the road.' Hey ! Nobody likes or wants a war, but sometimes you just have to take 'the bull by the horns' and take him down. I love the words of Hosea 8: 7, "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal....."
Friends and Readers, I am just so happy and thankful that the Father in Heaven Saved me from Mr. Death so many times, in war and combat: Vietnam: 68-70, but also many horrible motorcycle and truck crashes, fractured bones, etc., that finally took the 'wind out of my sails,' before I finally retired with my full 30.5 years at Chrysler, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.... but I worked many other jobs, too. Thank You dear Lord for finally bringing a fine lady to me in my old age to keep me good company, and love me for whom I am.
I used to argue with her and get too bossy.... LOL, but something happened and now we seem to get along very well, with bounding love and happiness. I did pray a lot for the Holy Spirit to help us out, but especially ME. But in a way, that also scares me, as if the Father is getting ready to take me home, up, up and away. Ha! I well know my genetics, and breed. We are fast and furious when young, trying to make a good name for ourselves, and make good. But too many of our extended family burn out in their 60's and so..... But who am I to ever argue or ask too many questions of the Lord ? And I kind of WISH that I had all the brains that I have now, at age 69 ---45 years ago. But then, I should be content just to be "Saved" and secure that I have a place to go to after this mortal life ends.
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
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February 23rd, 2018
Controversy swirls around last week's tragic shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. As is to be expected, the information being revealed about the shootings is sketchy and often contradictory. Arriving at the truth about these events is usually a tortured process. The final story is seldom what it appears at first to be. Two things are clear to me, though. The first is that certain factions appear to have been poised and ready to strike a blow at the Second Amendment at the first opportunity. As Rahm Emmanuel said -- and Hillary Clinton confirmed -- one should never let a good crisis go to waste! The second is that, contrary to what the four students we are seeing across the mainstream media may think, guns alone are not the problem. It is simplistic to think that and will be disastrous to continue to believe it. Our problems run much, much deeper than guns. America is in a moral freefall. We are at a cultural crossroads and if we choose the simplistic path, we will be doomed to collapse. Sooner, perhaps, rather than later. In 1962, there were few laws governing the ownership and use of guns. In 1962, there were no school shootings. In fact, in the entire 20th century, there were 227 school shootings. In the first 18 years of the 21st century, there have been 207! And that alarming number despite the fact that we have an ever-increasing number of ever-increasingly restrictive gun laws. Now, I'm no rocket scientist, but it seems to me that if school shootings have gone through the roof AFTER we started tightening our gun laws and even creating "gun-free zones" (schools and entire cities), then there is either no relation between the two or the restrictive laws are contributing to the increase in violence. Why is it that in the "old days," young men carried rifles to school in the gun racks of their pickups, and some schools even taught shooting classes and competed against each other in shooting competitions, yet we would go entire years with no school shooting incidents? Simply because guns don't cause violence. Humans do. And until we realize that we humans are the culprits, we are going to see more incidents as tragic as Parkland, or more so. The Apostle Paul warned that in the last days, people would be "without self-control, brutal, haters of good...." (2 Timothy 3:3 NASB) Is that not a perfect description of what we saw last week in Parkland? Or Las Vegas? Or Sutherland Springs? Or San Bernardino? Or Orlando? Or South Carolina? Or Aurora? Or Newtown? Or Columbine? Or... and the list goes on. Unimaginable brutality. Experts who are much smarter and better informed than I have warned for years that we are raising a generation of "avid videogame players who turned their sick fantasy into our tragic reality." And, "From a military and law enforcement perspective, violent videogames are 'murder simulators' that train kids to kill." (Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, US Army, Ret.) Obviously, videogames alone have not bred this climate of violent brutality. Movies, television, the music industry, academia, social media, the breakdown of the family, and more have all contributed to the moral depravity that has engendered such self-centeredness, lack of self-control, and brutality. But I believe the most critical contributor to this onslaught of violence, brutalness, and terror that now grips our schools and our lives is the fact that America has turned its back on God. When our nation made the decision to begin systematically erasing God and His influence from our national psyche, beginning with our schools, we started down a road that has grown ever darker and more treacherous with each passing day. It's like a man who stops eating nutritious foods and taking vitamins, then wonders why he is getting weaker and experiencing greater health problems. What did we think would happen when we decided to cut ourselves off from the very lifestream that has brought America so much blessing, so much abundance, and so much freedom and safety? In 1962, the US Supreme Court decided that it was no longer constitutionally acceptable to have institutional prayer in our public schools. Of course, that didn't necessarily stop everyone from praying at school. Ronald Reagan observed at the time that "as long as there are final exams, there will be prayers in school." But when we proclaimed as a matter of national policy that God and our acknowledgment of Him and His positive influence in our lives was no longer important or acceptable, we did something dangerous. We closed the door to God and opened the door to Satan. It's not that America chose Satan over God, we didn't. But we told God that we didn't need Him, that we could handle our lives and our futures by ourselves. We didn't need His influence in our lives, but, most importantly, in the lives of our children. We -- through our teachers and professors -- were quite capable of raising good kids without Him. Now, just two generations later, America is on the brink of becoming a third-world nation filled with violence, tribal conflict, poverty, and exploding danger. And I believe it's largely because we have raised 57 years of children who think God and His principles are not at all important. And why do they think that? Because we taught them exactly that when we kicked God and His influence out of public education -- the very place He is most needed! The prophet Hosea could have easily been describing modern America when he wrote: "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind; it hath no stalk; the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up." (Hosea 8:7 KJV) We have walked away from God and chosen to trust our own intelligence and abilities. The anemic seed we have sown is now yielding crops we never anticipated or desired: anger, despair, selfishness, hatred, lasciviousness, violence, sheer brutality, and so much more. Doesn't that sound eerily like the description Paul gave for these times? " will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God... always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (2 Timothy 3:2-4, 7 NASB) This week, Michael, my son in the Lord, sent me a photograph of a t-shirt. It was emblazoned with a powerful truth. It read: "Dear God, why do you allow so much violence in our schools? Signed, a concerned student." Below that was written the reply: "Dear concerned student, I'm not allowed in schools. Signed, God." Folks, I'm not saying that one disastrous Supreme Court decision in 1962 caused all of the mayhem that has followed, but it is indicative of the path America chose. It shows that, as a nation, we determined that God was unimportant to us. And when you walk away from God, you must walk toward something, or someone, else. As Bob Dylan once sang, "You gotta serve somebody...." Also on this week's program, I will discuss the recent Department of Justice indictment of several Russian nationals and organizations for alleged interference in the 2016 general elections. I will also give you an update on the crisis Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing in Israel. Finally, I will share with you my thoughts on God's "chosen people," the Jews. Many people don't realize that God chose the Hebrews for some very specific "missions" in this world. Some they fulfilled brilliantly -- and all of us who followed have been blessed immeasurably. In others, they failed miserably -- and bore the consequences. But God's promise remains true to this day: those who bless them will be blessed and those who curse them will be cursed. Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, or Check your local listings. On a personal note, I am, at once, saddened and joyful at the passing of our brother, Billy Graham. I believe he was the greatest influence for the Kingdom of God of our time. Truly, only eternity will reveal the impact he had on our world. His influence will always be felt, but his presence will be missed. I smile when I read what Billy once said. Echoing D.L Moody, one of his heroes, Billy said, "Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don't you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God." What encouragement for those of us who remain here. We, too, will soon change addresses. What a great day that will be. So long, Billy. See you soon. Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147
email: |
Thursday, February 22, 2018
School Protection.
Tom's Journal.
Hello Good Friends:
I had a good trip to the local VAMC, today, in Iron Mountain, MI., in the U.P., and saw some of my buddies, plus I feel that I made a few more friends, too. I usually make friends with fellow combat Veterans very easily, as we have so much in common, and they seem to be so trustworthy and honorable.
But I feel on the ice last week and my poor back has really been hurting a lot ever since, so I made an appointment to see the VA Chiropractor, soon. She is a fine, younger lady who does a nice job, and I hope that she can help me. Winter ice and I are not friends.... LOL. Summer treats me much better.
I know that there have been so many dire world wide 'warnings' that I can remember, for the past 40 some years, but lately a lot of people/ experts are 'singing the Blues' about the USA going bankrupt in the near future. The Dems want to take all of our firearms away, and the Global Elite, too, so it will be easier to "control" us, just as History has proved correct for the past century.... and when they say the 2nd Amendment is outdated and we should all ban all guns from civilians to save the children in school --- it's ALL B.S. !! [BERRY SAP]. However Pres. Trump does have some good ideas, to hire Army and Marine combat Veterans and pay them to guard our schools, IMHO. I know and understand that there is much animosity out their on all sides, but banning guns is NOT the answer !
Go figure: Let's just say that the U.S. bans the AR-15, etc., or Ammo., or larger Ammo Magazines... what would we civilians do if there is a terrible riot, and the bad guys still have those same AR-15 with high capacity clips, etc. ?? The innocents people in their houses will be "out gunned !" Mark my word, if we ever lose our 2nd Amendment Rights --- we will soon see all our other Rights vanish ! Please tell me how we will stop an aggressive, Gov't from stripping us of all the rest of our Rights and Freedoms ? Not to worry, the truth is coming out, if you know where to look, like Fox News, and the InterNet.
But... on the other hand, we also cannot deny what Revelation, Chapter 13, etc., say about the last days of this wicked, Satanic, System/ World. The USA will someday fall.... sorry to say. You are just starting to see the tip of the iceberg [Big Time Corruption] from both the Left and the Right Establishment, as many things unravel. God's prophecy MUST come true. Some experts say that the USA might go broke in 60 days... but I really hope not. I am many other good, hard working people will certainly suffer when that happens. There are so many 'bad guys' trying to pull the USA down.
I am making a special effort to re-read the book of Revelation, etc. But the book of James says: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." So.... just how can a person draw near to God without reading His own Book ? Duh..... I proved to my dear wife, that regular practice produces good fruits, and her memorization skills have finally kicked in with the help of the Holy Spirit.... and my gentle coaching.
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
Hello Good Friends:
I had a good trip to the local VAMC, today, in Iron Mountain, MI., in the U.P., and saw some of my buddies, plus I feel that I made a few more friends, too. I usually make friends with fellow combat Veterans very easily, as we have so much in common, and they seem to be so trustworthy and honorable.
But I feel on the ice last week and my poor back has really been hurting a lot ever since, so I made an appointment to see the VA Chiropractor, soon. She is a fine, younger lady who does a nice job, and I hope that she can help me. Winter ice and I are not friends.... LOL. Summer treats me much better.
I know that there have been so many dire world wide 'warnings' that I can remember, for the past 40 some years, but lately a lot of people/ experts are 'singing the Blues' about the USA going bankrupt in the near future. The Dems want to take all of our firearms away, and the Global Elite, too, so it will be easier to "control" us, just as History has proved correct for the past century.... and when they say the 2nd Amendment is outdated and we should all ban all guns from civilians to save the children in school --- it's ALL B.S. !! [BERRY SAP]. However Pres. Trump does have some good ideas, to hire Army and Marine combat Veterans and pay them to guard our schools, IMHO. I know and understand that there is much animosity out their on all sides, but banning guns is NOT the answer !
Go figure: Let's just say that the U.S. bans the AR-15, etc., or Ammo., or larger Ammo Magazines... what would we civilians do if there is a terrible riot, and the bad guys still have those same AR-15 with high capacity clips, etc. ?? The innocents people in their houses will be "out gunned !" Mark my word, if we ever lose our 2nd Amendment Rights --- we will soon see all our other Rights vanish ! Please tell me how we will stop an aggressive, Gov't from stripping us of all the rest of our Rights and Freedoms ? Not to worry, the truth is coming out, if you know where to look, like Fox News, and the InterNet.
But... on the other hand, we also cannot deny what Revelation, Chapter 13, etc., say about the last days of this wicked, Satanic, System/ World. The USA will someday fall.... sorry to say. You are just starting to see the tip of the iceberg [Big Time Corruption] from both the Left and the Right Establishment, as many things unravel. God's prophecy MUST come true. Some experts say that the USA might go broke in 60 days... but I really hope not. I am many other good, hard working people will certainly suffer when that happens. There are so many 'bad guys' trying to pull the USA down.
I am making a special effort to re-read the book of Revelation, etc. But the book of James says: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." So.... just how can a person draw near to God without reading His own Book ? Duh..... I proved to my dear wife, that regular practice produces good fruits, and her memorization skills have finally kicked in with the help of the Holy Spirit.... and my gentle coaching.
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
What was the life expectancy of a door gunner in Vietnam?
- The life expectancy of a door gunner might be a little less than the pilot and co-pilot, only because he's visible and the pilot and co-pilot are normally not that visible; coupled with the fact that the enemy may want to kill the door gunner because he's shooting the machine gun.
The Man In The Door: A Vietnam Door Gunner Salute! the saying went, the lifespan of a door gunner on a Huey in Vietnam was about 5 minutes. Obviously a bit hyperbolic, but needless to say, the door gunner’s exposed position while shooting enemies on the ground made them wide open targets. Helicopter crews accounted for 10% of all combat deaths in Vietnam.Door gunner - Wikipedia to popular legend, the door gunner on a Vietnam era Huey gunship had a life-span of 5 minutes. This was obviously exaggerated but displays the hazards of this particular military job at the time. Today, helicopters like the UH-60 have two machine guns firing out of two windows located behind the pilots.What was the life expectancy during combat of a helicopter ... was the life expectancy during combat of a helicopter door gunner in vietnam? The KGB Agent answer: If the chopper is staying within ground fire range, and is ...
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Fruitful Ideas ---How to Protect Schools.
Tom's Journal.
Hello Friends:
There is much talk about the high school Florida deaths, and I watched enough TV today to get a snoot full of our President listening to so many students and law makers.
I found this article interesting and common sense, down below. But we have to wonder at the absence of fruitful ideas of the last, past, 'president.' He not only drove us all into deep national debt, but ruined out country, too.
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
Hello Friends:
There is much talk about the high school Florida deaths, and I watched enough TV today to get a snoot full of our President listening to so many students and law makers.
I found this article interesting and common sense, down below. But we have to wonder at the absence of fruitful ideas of the last, past, 'president.' He not only drove us all into deep national debt, but ruined out country, too.
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
Tactical and Preparedness NewsletterBy: Ox and David Morris |
Friday, February 16, 2018
Israel has God's Backing.
Tom's Journal.
Hello Dear Friends and Readers:
The strong Northern Wind kicked up today as I made my way to the Iron Mountain, MI., VAMC, but I thought my meeting with the good doctor was good and fruitful. I met a new guy there while waiting in the collective waiting room, as he was also waiting to see his doctor, and he had his young 4 year old daughter with only a blanket to keep her warm. So I struck up a conversation with him, but discreetly handed him one of my Bible Tracts, Inc., from my large "trucker's wallet," along with my business card, and a crisp $50 bill, so he could immediately invest in warm Winter coat for his daughter. He thanked me several times, got up and hugged me.... [Many Vietnam Veterans usually do that to their fellow brother Veterans], and 'blessed me' several times, as my doctor came to get me at the waiting room, on the 3rd floor. His name is, Will, and I told him that he should call me sometime, and we could go out to eat somewhere, along with my wife.
I am not telling these things to brag, but it did make me feel good in the heart ! I could feel the tug of the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart, and several people in my life did the same thing for me, as they explained the Sacred Purpose of why Father God puts us on Earth from the 'get-go.' Fact is: The Father in Heaven usually contacts we special humans that way --- sending a "messenger" to help and guild us on our Christian development and ministry. And now you also "see" WHY we study the KJV Bible [or the NASB, etc] so diligently, often ! Because we never know when the H.S. [Holy
Spirit" will 'tap us,' to make the move and witness to another human being ! Please look up, John 3: 16..... 'For God so loved the world....... that He gave His only begotten Son,'
And yes, the human, Christian, 'bride of Christ' can tell that we are certainly in the "End Times: where the 'stink can and will hit the fan,' and wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, terrible disease with NO CURE, will roll over the Earth, in the coming months of 2018 ! See: Matthew 24.... for proof of that.
Two big wars will happen soon enough, and the first one, Israel will win and kick butt. But the next war after that will be TERRIBLE for Israel ! I personally feel that we Christians might be Raptured up to the 'New Heavens' sometime before the 2nd great war. I voted for Mr. Trump and think that he is a good man [yet a sinner like everyone else...], but no man can hold back the rage of the Father--Yahweh, forever ! Bible Prophecy MUST be fulfilled, guys.
BTW, I know a nice lady living in Virginia, the wife of a fallen Soldier that I served with in Vietnam, 240th AHC @ Camp Bear Cat, RVN, --[W.E.W] --- and she told me that she had 70 degree weather down by her ! U.P. where I live, we have 10 degrees above zero.... Ha!
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
Hello Dear Friends and Readers:
The strong Northern Wind kicked up today as I made my way to the Iron Mountain, MI., VAMC, but I thought my meeting with the good doctor was good and fruitful. I met a new guy there while waiting in the collective waiting room, as he was also waiting to see his doctor, and he had his young 4 year old daughter with only a blanket to keep her warm. So I struck up a conversation with him, but discreetly handed him one of my Bible Tracts, Inc., from my large "trucker's wallet," along with my business card, and a crisp $50 bill, so he could immediately invest in warm Winter coat for his daughter. He thanked me several times, got up and hugged me.... [Many Vietnam Veterans usually do that to their fellow brother Veterans], and 'blessed me' several times, as my doctor came to get me at the waiting room, on the 3rd floor. His name is, Will, and I told him that he should call me sometime, and we could go out to eat somewhere, along with my wife.
I am not telling these things to brag, but it did make me feel good in the heart ! I could feel the tug of the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart, and several people in my life did the same thing for me, as they explained the Sacred Purpose of why Father God puts us on Earth from the 'get-go.' Fact is: The Father in Heaven usually contacts we special humans that way --- sending a "messenger" to help and guild us on our Christian development and ministry. And now you also "see" WHY we study the KJV Bible [or the NASB, etc] so diligently, often ! Because we never know when the H.S. [Holy
Spirit" will 'tap us,' to make the move and witness to another human being ! Please look up, John 3: 16..... 'For God so loved the world....... that He gave His only begotten Son,'
And yes, the human, Christian, 'bride of Christ' can tell that we are certainly in the "End Times: where the 'stink can and will hit the fan,' and wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, terrible disease with NO CURE, will roll over the Earth, in the coming months of 2018 ! See: Matthew 24.... for proof of that.
Two big wars will happen soon enough, and the first one, Israel will win and kick butt. But the next war after that will be TERRIBLE for Israel ! I personally feel that we Christians might be Raptured up to the 'New Heavens' sometime before the 2nd great war. I voted for Mr. Trump and think that he is a good man [yet a sinner like everyone else...], but no man can hold back the rage of the Father--Yahweh, forever ! Bible Prophecy MUST be fulfilled, guys.
BTW, I know a nice lady living in Virginia, the wife of a fallen Soldier that I served with in Vietnam, 240th AHC @ Camp Bear Cat, RVN, --[W.E.W] --- and she told me that she had 70 degree weather down by her ! U.P. where I live, we have 10 degrees above zero.... Ha!
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
Hal Lindsey | |
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February 16th, 2018
It appears the cold war between Iran and Israel is heating up. Last week, Iranian forces in southern Lebanon flew a drone into northern Israel. The Israelis shot it down. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) then launched air attacks on at least a dozen Iranian and Syrian targets, including the air base from which the drone flew. The Iranians and Syrians were able to shoot down an Israeli F-16. Though the pilots ejected, one was seriously injured. It was the first combat loss of an Israeli warplane since 1982. Last September, Israel destroyed a precision-missile factory the Iranians were building in Syria. They're building another one in Lebanon under the auspices of Hezbollah -- Iran's wholly-owned subsidiary terror organization. The Weekly Standard described Hezbollah's arsenal of 130,000 missiles as "an offensive arsenal bigger than that of all Western Europe." Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Russian President Vladimir Putin a few months ago. He told him that the presence of Iran's missile factory in Lebanon could cause war to break out in the region. Israel is also determined that Iran will not be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons or solidify its military presence in Syria. Netanyahu recently said, "We will not allow that regime (Iran) to entrench itself militarily in Syria, as it seeks to do, for the express purpose of eradicating our state." After the drone incident and Israel's retaliation, Russia, Iran, and Syria released a joint statement saying that from now on there will be a "severe and serious" response to Israel's "terrorism." By calling Israel's defensive actions "terrorism," they can justify almost any response. I doubt we will see any sort of major reversal of the present face-off. You see, Iran arrogantly views Syria as "belonging" to them. In 2013, one of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Kahmenei's closest advisors explained. Mehdi Taeb said, "Syria is our 35th province, and is a strategic province for us. If the enemy attacks us and seeks to take Syria or Khuzestan (which is an actual Iranian province) our priority would be to keep Syria. Because if we keep Syria, we can take back Khuzestan at a later date. But if we lose Syria, we would lose the capital Tehran." Now, why does Taeb think Syria is so important to Iran? Because it shares a border with Israel. Iranian leaders exhibit an irrational fixation on and hatred for Israel. Their speeches show a rage toward the Jews which has no basis in reason. It's a mania and it infects all of their thoughts and plans. That's why the Iranian army keeps moving its operations in Syria closer and closer to the border with Israel. Last week, the Israeli army released a statement which warned that "Iran and Syria are playing with fire." The Bible describes a future war in which Russia, Iran, and several other nations invade Israel. It will not go well for the invaders. God Himself will intervene to destroy them. As it says at the beginning of each Report, "Yesterday's prophecies. Today's headlines." Folks, we are witnessing firsthand the "wars and rumors of wars" (Matthew 24:6) that Jesus Himself predicted for these days. If you are a regular viewer of this program, you know that I have reported about the accelerating destruction of Europe. That destruction is coming at the hands of an overwhelming flood of economic migrants. Mostly Islamic. In the years 2015 and 2016, Germany accepted more than 1.2 million migrants, most of whom came from the Muslim nations of Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The German government's Institute for Employment Research did an extensive study and found that only 34,000 of the 1.2 million had found jobs by the end of 2016. That's a 97% unemployment rate! But the greater problem is that when Muslims immigrate in large numbers, they create their own communities. Isolated in these communities, they are less likely to assimilate into the country at large. A recent study by the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies found that 65% of Muslims living throughout Europe believe that Sharia is more important than the laws of their host country. This presents quite a problem for the host countries. Remember, Sharia is not just a code of personal conduct. It is a set of national laws. Islam is not just a religion. It is also a political system with Sharia as its constitution. And Sharia is a draconian system that is brutal on women, children, gays, apostates, non-believers, and infidels. It turns Jews and Christians into second-class citizens. And with Muslim families reproducing almost three times faster than the indigent Europeans, it won't be long until Europe will be predominantly Muslim. Italian journalist Giulio Meotti writes, "For years, European elites have been preaching multiculturalism and religious and cultural relativism. Now we find ourselves living through not only further assaults on the habitually besieged Jews and their faith, but a massive de-Christianization, as well." He notes a striking and significant new element in the European real estate market: former Christian churches now sitting empty. Meotti continues: "Religious symbols are an integral part of a civilization. When old symbols vanish, new ones -- with their own identities -- take their place. Europe's public imagination today is being flooded with Islamic symbols, from veils in schools, swimming pools and workplaces, to the volume and height of minarets." Folks, culture matters. Culture provides the framework for civilization. It involves everything from the food we eat to how we raise our children. And both our and Europe's cultures are founded on and infused with Judeo-Christian principles and values. Europe is watching that heritage ebb away. Remember that, despite its flaws, the American culture -- permeated with the Christian faith -- has provided more freedom, more fairness, and more opportunities for more people than any other nation or culture in the history of the world. But if we cut ourselves off from that Judeo-Christian heritage -- or allow it to be overwhelmed by other belief systems -- we will lose all of the blessings God has bestowed on us. Finally, Jesus said that in the end times, the world would be darkened by war, plague, and famine. We are eyewitnesses to the fact that the world is experiencing all of these calamities. There are basically two wrong ways to approach such news. The first is to see it all and faint from fear. The second wrong response is to allow yourself to become numb to these dramatic developments. When Jesus laid out the signs that would mark the approach of the end of this age, He pulled no punches. He said bad things will happen. But He also told us not to be discouraged. He said, "When these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21:28 NASB) You can't get any plainer than that! Any reasonable person must admit that all of these things have begun to take place. So it's time to look up! This week, I will share with you the "Blessed Hope" that awaits all true believers. I predict that, for many of us, that Blessed Hope will be the one thing that gets us through the dark days ahead. Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, or Check your local listings. God Bless, Hal Lindsey
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