Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Civil War?

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/


    Nowadays it's hard if not impossible to get the truth -- in print or otherwise, so I urge you all to just consider this simple, humble question on my web site.  This is not my daily staple or nature, but I thought that I would give it one plug.

People who read and know the book of Revelation figure that 'this is the writing on the wall.'

Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman

It's not a question of if, but when.

One could make the case that it is already here.

The left is itching for it.

All the bullets, bombs and bloodshed comes as a result of what happens in the information battle-space.

Civil war ends with guns, it starts here.

We are on the forefront of that war.

Everyone must be informed to be prepared for what's coming.

"There will be arrests and indictments without question…This was a coup. It was a conspiracy. It was criminal activity. These people need to be indicted, charged and need to be put in prison, and if they’re not, then our Constitution is nothing more than a sham.”

For  15 years, the Geller Report has been reporting what the media censors and scrubs. We put our lives on the line every day.

We need your support.

The leftist/Islamic machine are putting on the squeeze in preparation of the 2020 elections. They are promoting the jihad caucus - Rashida ("calming Holocaust feeling" Tlaib, Ilhan "some people did something on 9/11) Omar,  and Sharia Sarsour.

Who exposes them? It's why I have been suspended from Facebook for a month. We have millions of Geller Report followers on Facebook, twitter, Instagram. So we push back. We are still pursuing our case in the courts (here).  And we just filed another free speech suit with the Supreme Court (here).

We count on our many readers (folks like you) to share our articles across social media platforms when we are shut down.

Nowhere will get you this news concerning Notre Dame and Sri Lanka. Nancy Pelosi has declared a "New Era" of internet regulation and the E.U. threatens the same. The goal? To shut us down. Your support is crucial now. The Geller Report is being targeted by the left daily on social media, search engines and leftwing corporate managers. Goodle adsense has blacklisted us. Google search has censored us, Amazon Smile (their charity division) has banned us, Facebook blocked us and Twitter has shadow-banned us. But we keep on publishing the facts that the left denies. 

Cyber security, IT services, bandwidth are a small fortune. But we will not stop. The dirtier they fight, the more invigorated we get. Truth is power and we mean to win. 

But we cannot without your support. Help us. Reader contributions is our number once source of funding. They have cut off all other revenue streams.

Every day, without fail, GR delivers the news the media will not cover. The website spurs freedom lovers of the world to take action and defend our precious, hard fought for freedoms. We make a difference. Look at the difference the website, the lawsuits, the protests, the film has made in the national conversation. 
Stand up. Fight back. Prevail. 

You can mail your contribution to:

Pamela Geller, Geller Report

1040 1st Avenue #121

NY NY 10022

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