Saturday, October 26, 2019

'Multifculturalism in Germany has Failed.'

Tom's Journal.

Hello Friends,
   Well,  I never thought I would see the day when stiff-necked Ms Merkel would admit to the fact that Multiculturalism just doesn't work!  Things must really be bad in Germany when she was forced to bend with the wind.  The big 'secret' in Europe is that people are just not having many children these days so that some ethnic change was needed to power the State and perform the vital work of supporting the older Germans into retirement mode.  it's the same with other countries, but is it worth it to allow a lazy, violent horde of wild people into rape, rob and pillage their own populace?   American would do well to study this scenario and truth, now.  It's just too bad so many innocent Germans, etc., had to suffer and die from Islamic violence in their own country.  France is probably worse off than Germany and Scandinavia, too.  Getting back to true, Biblical Christianity is the best way to survive, in more ways than just here and now.

I am a product of the 1960's when we had a more carefree, beautiful life, although not rich in money, but rich in values and relationships.  We, humans, are a spectacle for all the angels watching us from above.  As mortals, we can end up dead [or worse, damned for not knowing the Lord Jesus Christ] and that is why our early training and rearing is so important.  America is great mostly because we have the FREEDOM to choose right from wrong and to worship Almighty God, our Father, instead of being forced "underground" or under penalty of death, like so many Islamic nations on earth, today.  And those people who live in a harsher political climate actually pray for us in the USA, as we are more prone to be tempted with immorality, drugs, and materialism.  
    China produces the Phentyal, that super dangerous drug that is killing so many of our children in the USA right now, and only a president like Mr. D.J. TRUMP has the where with all to clamp down and take positive action.  What other president has done so much in so little time ?  
      Hey!  We are never going to find or elect a perfect president.  The first king of Israel was King Saul, who was a tall, handsome, humble man, but all that power goes to one's head and then he takes too many liberties which can topple an entire nation!  It ended with him taking his own life.   The next 2 kings of Israel were better, but then they messed up too which eventually tore that kingdom into pieces a few more times just as bible prophecy was fulfilled.  Remember, without knowing our past --- we shall be repeating it.   
    Our framers and founders of the U.S. Constitution did a great job of putting in a good set of 'checks and balances' so that no one branch should get too mighty and off-balance, but we still have to keep our eyes wide open these days are one party tries to 'take over' and pervert justice.  Whoever thought that the Dims [sic] and RINO's would get into so much mischief because they were sore Lefty-losers or just could not CONTROL a billionaire who couldn't be bought... Ha!  That was the best laugh lovers of freedom could ever have,  but we didn't gloat over it like the Obama lovers of darkness did.   Yes!  Anytime a country condones and supports the wholesale abortion practices that Americans do, pus sell the baby body parts just like a butcher shop,  God is watching these sordid things!  

BTW, I found a great scripture that I want to share with you fine people this Saturday morning:  First Peter 3: 12,  paraphrased,  'God hears the prayers of the righteous...'
  1. 1 Peter 3 - Wives, in the same way submit - Bible Gateway
    1 Peter 3 New International Version (NIV). 3 Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or ...
  2. 1 PETER CHAPTER 3 KJV - King James Version
    1 Peter chapter 3 KJV (King James Version) The above Scripture is the like figure for the few souls who are alive AND remain in this present, evil world. 
Remember that Democracy only works with a population that is EDUCATED!  The Socialists, Lefty-Losers, Dims of America have intentionally 'DUMBED DOWN' our school system to make the kids a bunch of underachievers of mediocracy.  The Chinese are into long term goals no matter how many years go by.  If there ever was a "Big Brother" system, the Chinese have been there for many years already.  The dream of planting a "micro chip" into a human hand or forehead [just as the Bible says] is already being done in Wisconsin, USA!   One world Gov't folks aim to get most of the population drugged up so as to alk around in a stupor, always on our hand help phone/ devices, heavily addicted to them, so that human conversation with the mouth is all but obsolete!   My own wife is so addicted... LOL.  She is on her phone from monring to night every single day of her life!  I can only gently remind her that I am still living and in need of her tender care, and then it back to her handheld device.    But I have many faults too.   I am just too impatient, even though I ask for help all the time.  OK,  that's all for now, friends.

Christian Hugs,
Tom Schuckman

Merkel: Multiculturalism in Germany has 'utterly failed'
Partially Politics
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that her attempt to create a multicultural society has 'utterly failed.' ...More

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