Thursday, January 16, 2020

Logic and Common Sense.

Tom's Journal.

Hello Friends,
     I have always admired and championed LOGIC and common sense in my life.  When studying languages at Waterford High School in Wisconsin, we learned various "rules" in grammar, etc., to help us assimilate things and make things easy, if possible.   Otherwise, it was just memorizing everything by repetition and cute little jingles and 'sayings.'  "Repetition is the mother of retention."  And in music:  "Every good boy does fine."  Association is pretty handy and useful and many of us older adults had to memorize so many things to get by -- to pass a class, and it didn't HURT US ONE LITTLE BIT!  Ha!  Somehow we survived and it aided us throughout our working lives and made life fun and full of zest, IMHO.  And then there were poems that we also had to commit to memory, and knowing the KJV Bible, for sure.   Fact: When you memorize the 66 books of the Bible it is so much easier to find a particular 'book, chapter and verse' in a short span of time!!  Whee others struggle and get so frustrated...  but yet they fight, complain about having to do a little work in memorization.  In fact, after you do accomplish that small feat of memory work--- you feel as if you have really accomplished something worthwhile in your life!!  It feels so good!  But there are always 'tricks' and short cuts in memorization, and books to help you in this area.  Just go Goggle it and check it out.   Don't be so stubborn in your life, and a little change will not hurt you at all !     It's like certain words and combinations were/ are keys that unlocked other important things.  And when we invest in special, honourable items like a good KJV STUDY Bible with 'cross-references', colorful maps and 'timelines,' we win!   I bought a new book called:  Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps and Time Lines.  It's for those Christians who want to dig deeper to understand the good things and help us "put everything together" so that we can better understand, also teach and share the knowledge of the Bible as God would like it. 
       OK, we don't really 'need' such things to gain Salvation and Heaven, but go figure,  we also don't NEED smokes, tobacco, liquor, the expensive jewellery and other 'toys' that lure people to spend their money foolishly.   According to most of the TV and magazine lures/ advertisements, "We NEED these things in life to be HAPPY and we deserve them big time because we work so hard..."  Ha!    It's not that we all have to adopt the ultra-simple or monastic way of life such as the Amish folks [and I am not putting those folks down or making fun of them at all!].  God wants us to be happy.  

As I have mentioned last month or so, my family has suffered from the loss of loved ones in death that were too young, and perhaps 'things could have been avoided' in life that claimed our loved one's lives so early.  Personally, I enjoyed having 'beer on tap' from a 'half barrel' inside an old refrigerator in the basement that I tried to fix up in the first house that I bought in Kenosha, Wisconsin.   BTW [by the way], the Bible doesn't condemn drinking in moderation --- but drunkenness.  Sorry to say, certain Christian churches have made strict rules that preclude all drinking of liquor, wine, beer and spirits, as they go around and add on to what the bible really says!   To be sure, too many people cannot handle their beer, wine, etc., and become abusive to their families, spouses and friends, and perhaps they SHOULD NEVER DRINK!  But laying down a 'blanket' rule that is not mentioned in the Bible may be going a bit too far. [First Timothy 4: 3]    it was the custom to "flavour their drinking water with a little wine" -- that would make the water taste better and also kill some of the germs, bacteria in the water supply.  Remember that they didn't have the proper plumbing and pure, treated drinking water supply that we do nowadays.   After all, Revelation 22: 19 holds out a curse for anyone "adding to or taking away from that BOOK" and thus lose out on everlasting life!  Ponder that point, please.  Let's get things right/ straight, OK?  
    At this present part in my own life I have decided to just abstain from all liquor and strong drink because I just think it's the right thing to do for me, personally, and it doesn't mix well with some of my medicines that I take to help me in life at my age.  But that's a personal choice and not something forced upon me by some 'religious system or group of overzealous group, society or church.'   After all, Jesus made wine and drank wine, as was the custom where he lived.  In fact, if a person put a jar or container of grape juice outside their dwelling [with a cloth covering it to keep out the dust and bugs] it would automatically turn into wine in 2--days time, in that kind of hot, humid climate.  I used to make my own wine and beer, but it never tasted that good compared to the 'good stuff' we bought at the store.  
    Nowadays I drink something far worse than alcohol... Coke Cola, and other soda pops that have too much sugar.  I also drink a lot of good, pure water, and hope to cut down or quit drinking the soda pop, soon.   It sure doesn't help my blood sugar level!  I don't drink any coffee, tea or milk.    But that is all a personal decision, just for the record, and I am sure that it will offend some folks.   For those who love to find fault in life -- like the crazy Democrat political party in the USA, anything and everything is fair game...  Ha!  Doesn't it remind you of the ancient Pharisees and scribes in Jesus' day?   Even curing someone who had sickness or injury 'on the Sabbath' was considered an unforgivable sin according to those hypocrites!  

Have a good laugh at the humorous stuff below.

Warm Regards,
Thomas G Schuckman 



I was thinking;
If only 11 million people have Obama-Care, how will 24 million people die if it is repealed?  Will an additional 13 million people be randomly shot?
I was thinking;
If Donald Trump deleted all of his emails, wiped his server with Bleachbit and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer, would the Mainstream Media suddenly lose all interest in the story and declare him innocent?
I was thinking;
If women do the same job for less money, why do companies hire men to do the same job for more money?
I was thinking;
Each ISIS attack now is a reaction to Trump policies, but all ISIS attacks during Obama's term were due to Climate Change and a plea for jobs.
I was thinking;
We should stop calling them all 'Entitlements'. Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, ad nausea are not entitlements. They are taxpayer-funded handouts, and shouldn't be called entitlements at all. Social Security and Veterans Benefits are Entitlements because the people receiving them are entitled to them. They were earned and paid for by the recipients. The others were not.
I was thinking;
If Liberals don't believe in biological gender then why did they march for women's rights?
I was thinking;
How did the Russians get Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders?
I was thinking;
Why is it that Democrats think Super delegates are fine, but they have a problem with the Electoral College?
I was thinking;
If you don't want the FBI involved in elections, don't nominate someone who's being investigated by the FBI.
I was thinking;
If Hillary's speeches cost $250,000 an hour, how come no one shows up to her free ones?
I was thinking; (this was the best)
If Democrats don't want foreigners involved in our elections, why do they think it's all right for illegals to vote?
Now my head hurts, I'm going to quit thinking for a while!

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