Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Media Lies about the true number of Virus Deaths.

Tom's Journal. http://tomschuckmanjournal.blogspot.com/ tschuckman@aol.com Dear Friends and Fellow Christians, My Lord, Jesus said: "You will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."-- John 8: 32. This scripture can be applied to many topics -- but today we need to focus on all the constant lies Lefty Media heaps upon us, daily. Those degenerates don't have a clue what the word TRUTH means! Their 'father' is Satan the devil, who told the first lie to Eve in the garden that was situated somewhere in modern day Iraq. Satan's lies were so powerful that he pulled 1/3 of all the angels in heaven away from the true Creator, Yahweh [or the Latinized version, Jehovah] and those angels were [past tense] perfect from their creation, but are now doomed to be punished with extreme prejudice.... see Revelation. I went to Home Depot this morning with my good, faithful, pretty wife, Loretta, and bought a few more tools to help us fix up our old house that we bought in April. The past 'landlord' just let it go to the dogs, sorry to say. But it all worked out fine in the end. I am disabled in many ways, so I can do only a little bit at a time, and then sit down and catch my breath. And I had a scarey health alert 2- days ago, and just decided to sit on my comfortable EX chair and let things fall where they may, in prayer. If the Lord wants to take me home --- I won't fight it. Prayers requested, please. Thank You all. "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appearesth for a little time and then vanisheth away." --- James 4: 14. KJV Bible. Smile. Warm Regards, Tom Schuckman Email: tschuckman@aol.com The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly buried an explosive statistic in their midweek report. The fake news media is desperately trying to hide this number from you. The CDC statistics now admit that of the 161,392 reported COVID deaths, excluding other causes, only 6% of that number died solely due to COVID. This means out of 328 million total people in America, less than 9,700 people in have died because of COVID-19. So, in America right now, absent other causes, there is a 0.0029% chance of dying from COVID. But, instead of moving on, politicians and bureaucrats are pushing an untested vaccine filled with the cell lines of aborted babies. And they are itching to make the vaccine mandatory. Will you let politicians experiment on your body and your family for COVID? If not, send your fax to the governors and legislators who will be forcing you to vaccinate (or protecting your freedom to choose). Send your fax now. - Mat Share on Facebook Thomas, The CDC released this info within its singularly unexciting “Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics” buried halfway down the document. Ninety-four percent of deaths counted on the official COVID dashboards, had on average, "2.6 additional conditions or causes per death,” the CDC said, “in addition to COVID-19.” That means the vast majority of deaths counted as COVID deaths had closer to three medical conditions that contributed to or caused their deaths. Conditions like in Florida, which listed one of those co-morbidities as “Gunshot to the head.” Or another that died of a motorcycle accident but was added to the list of those who died from COVID-19. I’m very confident that a vaccine will not protect you from vehicle accidents or bullets. Yet these deaths are what politicians and others are using to push and scare people into taking a vaccine. Will you be pushed, or will you push back and demand the freedom for people to decide on their own if they want to inject themselves and their families with it. Send your fax today to the governors and legislators who will be making the decisions to respect your freedoms or demand that you inject a vaccine. In addition, another alarm was raised over the weekend. News broke that COVID tests were too sensitive. “The standard tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus. Most of these people are not likely to be contagious,” said The New York Times. “In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus.” (emphasis added) So not only are we over inflating the number of deaths, we are also over inflating the numbers of those testing positive in America. Yet, these are the numbers that, night after night, fake news outlets are peddling to the American people to show how “terrible” our nation is, how “bad” our president is, and how much you need to cower in your homes and be ready the moment an immorally-sourced, under-tested vaccine is offered. Will you comply? Or will you use this truth to fight against this manipulation of our nation and the sacrifice of our freedoms and liberties. Send your fax to these politicians today.

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